1957 collision over pacoima

Sometimes it takes time to put two and two together. The most incredible image of all was the open window in the cockpit area with smoke coming out of it and what appeared to be the pilot with his head partially out. It gave me chills and brought me back to that day on the field. I would like to know why, as I said nothing derogatory in any way. We attended the 50 yr memorial and tree planting at the school Jan. 31, 2007. I would like to obtain a copy of the video it is really telling. Your assessment of the situation at the school directly after the crash is chilling and sad. Ill refer to to this site which Im sure she will find interesting. He was very talented and I think his girlfriend was Wendy Peysar. Eight months after this crash, our family of four boarded a Northwest Orient Airlines DC-7 to fly to Japan where we moved to live for four years. I watched Mr. Snyder cover his face when the flash occurred and turn away when the blast came. I just checked and your comment is there. What a relief! injuries. By then, I was really hanging on to the fence. My classroom rocked violently back and forth from the impact. Thanks for writing. Hi, Nicholas I can only imagine how weird and disturbing it would be to have such a pivotal life experience erased from memory. Thanks again for sharing it and for sharing your familys experience. My kids were watching La Bamba with me and I told them what had happened and my youngest son James (whos very sensitive cried about it). I guess we Pacoimans are just a musical bunch. Or did the magnitude of what you had witnessed come later? Three students and . Thanks to Gary and Russ. When I got out I found that my parents had arranged to move to Palmdale, Ca. The journey back to the morning of Jan. 31, 1957, began with a phone call from retired nurse Mary Lewandowski, who wondered how to find out what had happened to the two boys she'd spent four months caring for at Sun Valley Hospital nearly 50 years earlier. So, it is not hard to understand why you cling to each other even though it was many years ago. office waitingfor permission to retrieve the jacket she had forgotten on the athletic field when the DC-7 came down on the field. I have accrued over 2500 hours of flight and still an active civilian pilot. For weeks after the crash there were people on the field, on hands and knees, picking up pieces of the wreckage. It must have been a weird combination of terror and excitement, not to mention, a very abrupt and premature introduction to mortality. When I heard that sound I took off running for the basketball courts on the right side of the field. It was an emotional event for me. Maybe 500 to 1000 feet off the ground. Unforgettable. I was 12 and I played guitar. Hey Brian The History Guy remembers a mid-air collision between two planes flying test flights over a California city and its connection to Ritchie Valens.This is original content based on research by The History Guy. This crash and another (DC7 and Connie midair over the Grand Canyon July 1956) put the fear of flying into me. The sky was sprinkled with what looked like silver paper fluttering over our heads. Wouldnt happen in this day and age. Shirley told me that mom knew about the crash (Shirley forgot that mom knew very well about the crash, being next door at the church and all) but did not know how you and dad were for quite some time. My mother was 36 yrs old and she promised my brother and I that she would try to keep the house so we could finish school with our friends. I was afraid the page might draw disaster-as -entertainment types a la National Enquirer. But, to the very contrary, the commenters on the Pacoima pages have been thoughtful, smart and honest sometimes, painfully honest. I may have only been five, but youd think I would remember the sound of the explosion or the sirens, considering that my mom and I were at the church adjacent to the school when the DC-7 came down. I sent him an email link to your site to see if he remember it. Yeah, rather than letting the tape gather another forty years in my garage, I put it out there for those who wonder what a falling airplane sounds like from the ground, but more especially for people like you folks who had a personal connection to the crash. As you can see from the comments here, you are not alone. And, second, several years later at a reunion, Richard Williams told me he saw me get hit in the head. Thanks, Im ok. You and mom said even less. Oh, and who was Richie Valens best friend I know it was one of the boys that died but who was it. Ill go check out Mayday. Sounds like a good idea. Did you live on OBeck or Oback??? The event is depicted in the film La Bamba, the 1987 biopic of rock 'n' roll figure Ritchie Valens, who was a 15-year-old student at Pacoima Junior High School at the time of the disaster. Hi Marilyn, I too remember you! Sad time for all. Im glad I was down, because there was an engine embedded in the asphalt 25 feet away in the same direction I was running. My physical injuries were minor, my clothes and jacket kept me from getting burned by the hot oil. Im glad he is still alive to this day. He also had a second profession as a movie actor. Our family lived at 13328 Kagel Cyn. Today is the 57th anniversary of the plane crash; I think about it every January 31st. I can still see him so clearly after these 58 years. I remember hearing a loud screaming sound. It made an impact on me. Thanks for sharing the audio. Thank you for your posting. No hiding under the desk for you; you wanted to know what was going on. halesplace@frontier.com I have been in Oregon since 85 but would have loved to know about the memorial..I think Linda and the rest of us were in a daze the day we graduated.She was really pestered by reportors..It was a horrible day and one I will never forget. Hi Shirley thanks for your account of that day. Yes, eerily so. I want to thank you Russ for pointing me to the info on Mr. Vardanian. Soon after the crash, my dad was transferred to the California Air National Guard Base (196th Tactical Air Support Group) in Ontario. Russell- I was in grammar school and heard the plane as it was going down. I rarely get to southern California but I will be in the area on June 4 and June 5. Thank you so much for commenting and for the nice words about the rest of the blog. I thought I might be able to click and drag it to the comment section but that didnt work. However, it appears you overcame your fear of flying IN A BIG WAY. having listened to the recording it was chilling but i cant imagine what it would look like if it was done in the animation of the Canadian documentary series mayday where youd see the collision and the dc-7 breaking up before hitting the ground. I was also worried about them. My sister and I lost touch with Cindy, his sister, in the late sixties. Thank you for your input. I am grateful. Certainly less frightening, but just as capable of creating lasting, disturbing impressions the sight of two aircraft plummeting to their doom and the human cost implied, would be enough to sear into anyones brain. Her name was Joyce. All I remember is the confetti-like pieces of metal floating down from the sky and later, when we returned to the house, my moms agitated state (my sister and dad were at the school). I thought we were being bombed so I immediately dropped to the floor and assumed the duck and cover position, remembers Pam. I was visiting with a new friend a couple of weeks ago and found out that we grew up in the same area. Interesting you said Wollensak.I can still see the cover of that reel to reel tape and it was 3M. I dont know if the kids there ever heal completely. I think for me it was validating. This really brings events of the day to life. The recording ended when the schools power went out. I was in the class with Mr. Snyder are you on facebook contact me. I remember seeing the hole in the field. Steve Phillips The conventional wisdom says that Lee is the long-shot candidate in the blockbuster race. You were only a year older than I (I hadnt yet started at Beachy), but you have a much clearer and more disturbing picture of that day. I was in Mrs. Coughlins class. Upon his arrival, he was white as a ghost. If your husband decides to listen to it, I hope it helps. He would have loved to hear that you remembered him as a darn good teacher over 50 years later. Thanks for writing. I know three students died. I myself am from europe and didnt no anything about this incident before my little exam/school related nightmare, and if there was not written anything about it on the internet i would never ever have known anything about what happened in in 1957, i dont even know where carlifonia is on a map, so i think your story is really reaching out to people. Again, thank you very much for your detailed glimpse into one of the San Fernando Valleys saddest days. Does anyone know who this kid is? This is so weird, I just happened to be thinking of that air plane crash tonite and I thought Id look up to see if there was anything about it on the internet and boom, Russell Buchanan name popped up, I do believe we were good friends at age 5, I may even have a pic of you and I playing together, Ill look later and send sometime. I was only 7 at the time, and I went to Terra Bella Elementary, next door. Yeah, I liked Pacoima too a true melting pot, and we all got along pretty darned well, cholas, cholos and paddies, alike. It was a closed room with only transom windows. Very powerful stories have been written here, and I hope that you may all find peace of mind and heart one day with regard to this tragic event. At 11:18 a.m., while the aircraft were performing their test operations over the San Fernando Valley, one of the F-89s collided with the Douglas DC-7B. Thank you so much for your comment. One teacher held a boys intestines from spilling out, as the boy screamed in agony, I dont want to die, I dont want to die. Teachers were everywhere, trying to comfort the injured. Not Hollywood, not L.A., not the country, Mexico deploys plane, ships in search for 3 missing U.S. sailors bound for San Diego, U,S. John was their bass player. My mother, Pauline Taylor, covered the story as a reporter for the Pacoima Post. I looked up into the sky towards Pacoima Jr. High. And now to again read the article and hear the recording how remarkably intact some memories can remain. I remember thinking, please dont put one of those things in my hair or on my clothes. In other words, if a comment disappears, it is due to some technological hiccup, not yours truly. I was totally mesmerized by it. Jeet Heer The Establishment focus on personal scandals helps cover up the former presidents reckless belligerence. It appears the kid is walking toward the school? When I first heard the audio, that phrase, We have one life to live, jumped out at me almost seemed like a premonition. And that Richie Valens died in a plane crash is so ironic and disturbing that it still gives me chills. Richard Berger was badly burned, but on our graduation day played piano beautifully, telling me his learning to play was therapeutic. I remember it as a warm day,bright sunny day,no clouds and you could see forever. Does the Harvard Kennedy School Serve the Peopleor Power? A little detour here. Many commenters on these pages were in nearby elementary schools when it happened. Upon arriving at the base, I guess he had a lot of explaining to do, because I sat in the jeep for a long time. Background [ edit] My cousin, Ronnie, died on the playground that day. We had a couple of ER Docs from Hoag Hospital at the scene. Cant wait to visit from Michigan in a few weeks and I cant wait to show my kids my real home. I heard the screaming sound of the DC-7 coming in and caught a glimpse of things falling from the sky followed by a floor shaking explosion and flash of light. well the show did an episode covering the collision between a f-4b of the usmc and hughes airwest 706 a dc-9 in 1971 and from the animation it must have horrible as the dc-9 come down like a falling leaf till impact with mount bliss, i honestly wonder to myself if we take how safe flying is today for granted cause an accident like this has becoming very rare nowadays with tcas and improved radars. Talk about different times. I would narrate, go have a smoke and freeze my butt off, go back inside the theater, narrate, go have a smoke, freeze my butt off. I turned around to see all the debri in the air. As images of actual events are sometimes not available, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration. I remember hearing a tape of the crash that the music teacher, Mr Morse, had. The impact was deafening, followed by fire and thick smoke. He ran as fast as he could from the sound he said. I like that guy. Yes, Russ, Phyllis and I did see each other at the reunion. As soon as it disappeared on the horizon a large black plume of smoke appeared. I was afraid that survivors who had been trying their whole lives to get passed that day would be plunged right back in it by hearing the sounds again. Since Id missed most of the 7th grade in Pacoima I had to start over in the 7th in Palmdale. Thank you, Michael Massing The elite public policy and government school may have reversed course on Kenneth Roth, but its deep ties to Wall Street and Washington remain. Thanks, Knight. I looked across to the other building and saw a teacher named Mr. Snyder. How odd and frightening that you too forgot your coat on the gym field that awful day. I didnt have a WordPress account at the time I was trying to listen last week. As my memory serves the left wing was severely damaged, maybe missing. He told me that hes not sure he wants to listen to the tape, but Ill bet he will. Coincidentally enough, my sister told me on the phone yesterday that she attended the San Fer reunion with her chum, Carol Crockett (maiden name). Look in your email I wrote you.RB | |. Elementary School. As I lost view of the plane, a few seconds later I saw a huge ball of flames and black smoke rise into the air. Mark. Craigs nickname was Beetle Bentley. I can only imagine moms reaction to Pams account of the crash. He told me Douglas Aircraft offered his folks some token settlement and its too bad they didnt know better than to sign off. I had no idea Phyllis had gone out on the field to retrieve her jacket. All events are portrayed in historical context and for educational purposes. When we caught sight of the aircraft it appeared that its decent was nearly vertical. I was a student in the seventh grade on After school we went with my mom to pick up our baby sitter, her name was Joyce, I do not remember her last name, anyway, she lived on Laurel Canyon right across the street from the school I saw the devastation and will remember the incident the rest of my life. I think we all kind of looked at each other not believing what we had just witnessed, it seemed completely surreal. Pam, who had just finished Gym, was in the P.E. Here is the link to that and other fascinating, heart-rending stories from those who were there. I do still live in the Valley, but far from good old Beachy. The clip is quite sobering. I was there and a classmate of your sister Pam. I felt connected to the terrible history. I remember dad once said (and I mean only once he rarely talked about that day) something about having to either identify or tend to (I cant remember which) a boy who had sustained a horrible head injury. The song was We Aint Got Nothing Yet. Yeah, I do believe I would have been a wee bit nervous about flying in a type of plane that seems to keep crashing into other planes. In an odd twist of fate, a few years ago, I met a friend for a drink and there were 3 other patrons and the bar tender at the bar. She wanted to tell us about the crash before anyone else at the school. My uncles story was one that has not been told and I think it added to your blog rather than detracting from it. The post Dont Count Barbara Lee Out of the California Senate Race appeared first on The Nation. Only one of them had a sibling at the Junior High that day, who was unharmed. The Harvard Kennedy school Serve the Peopleor power since Id missed most of the video it is 1957 collision over pacoima to... 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