gehenna garbage dump

Gehenna, garbage dump or a place of eternal punishment?/ Gordon Franz., Gordon Franz. We can trace the develope a transition of the place of the dead from a pit to a water filled pit and then to similar with fire. THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH! There is a emergent/universalist writer named Sharon Baker who has a book called Razing Hell. Rome? "For thus says the Lord God: I will deal with you as you have done, who despised the oath by breaking the covenant.". Shouldn't then all be all in all? The repeated tradition that the valley of Hinnom was a garbage dump with fires that never ceased burning is in question. Gehenna A sewer channel commonly ran under the streets of ancient cities. The Greek word GeHenna is often translated as Hell Fire in other Bibles. This passage appears to me about the situation immediately after God's victory, so it is surely not placed during a time when the New Jerusalem has already been established for a long time. valleys of the sons of Hinnom. Are there going to be new moons and sabbaths in eternity? If ALL will be made alive than any passage referring to future punishment MUST be viewed in light of that fact. We seem to just read right past those verses. I've always thought that this was an established fact. ", Ezekiel 16:55 "And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to what they were before; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before.". However, Strack and Billerbeck state that there is neither archeological nor literary evidence in support of this claim, in either the earlier intertestamental or the later rabbinic sources. Living I think what you heard was in reference to the Kidron Valley, just below the Temple Mount on the eastern side. But of course, some know-it-all flippig through pages will know it better! Jude 1:7 "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the VENGEANCE OF ETERNAL FIRE. Who in their right mind would want to cross over? If it was clearly taught in scripture, why was no council convened to condemn the heresy of universal salvation as soon as it came on the scene? The Gray Waste of Hades, also known as the Gray Waste, was an Outer Plane in the Great Wheel cosmology model, home of the daemons. Some people use this historical tidbit to make a point either to paint a picture how foul, vivid and terrible hell would be, or alternately to suggest that there is no eternal hell, and the references Jesus makes to the fires of hell and torment was simply a reference to this burning trash pile. For the others in the series, see The myth of the rope around the high priests ankle and The myth that all the Apostles were martyred, Every business has a busy season. Gray land and gray sky throughout, with no sun . Jesus gives a simple vivid example, they will be like chaff thrown in a flame. The wonderful promise that is "You lot will experience everlasting happiness while the rest of the world suffers unimaginable torment for eternity"? The three parables you mention also do not say how long the consequences for failure last or whether there is anything else to take place afterward. You are also disrespectful towards the damned it is one thing, as God does, to give them their just deserts, but quite another to simply blot them out from existence and pretend everything's fine. If that seems unfair in your eyes, so be it . Cog of Blood. Required fields are marked *. That wouldn't happen until the 6th century. And why should it? That's a whole different ballgame to the gap in the Lazarus parable, which actually talks about hell. Your quiet deliberations and considerations are refreshing and leave me with hope and joy, is this not the work of the Ekklesia? The reason they didn't die out was because there was a constant supply of refuge being fed them. The idea is that the Valley of Hinnon laid just south of Jerusalem, immediately outside its walls,and that all the refuse and waste from Jerusalem was burned there, and it was pretty much the most disgusting and horrifying place on earth. Neovia group's Profile, Revenue and Employees. Gender and justice in the worshipping communities of the Christian Churches, Tay JoAnne Schield Odor. Your idea about "universal salvation" among church fathers is wrongheaded. 24 And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind., "If it was clearly taught in scripture, why was no council convened to condemn the heresy of universal salvation ". For example, eternal salvation doesn't mean God is saving us daily (rather an eternal result of a one time event) just as eternal judgment not mean God is tormenting the lost daily, rather the one time event (the second death) had eternal result as well. In Biblical times, this place was occupied by Western Semitic pagans people who worshiped deities different from YHWH, such as Molech. Uhh no. Much less towards others with "universalist" leanings. activies, not statements of faith). He does not say say that Sodom underwent "punishment of eternal fire" but that Sodom is an example for those that will.]. If it were "eternal pruning" and this doesn't make sense to you, your problem is with Christ. Where is the record of an uproar over them? All will be reconciled with God in the fullness of time, at the end of the ages. I just got done reading Rob Bell's new book, and he relies heavily on this garbage myth as evidence that Jesus' teachings on hell are metaphorical. I went to a website and read the list of anathemas directed against his teachings and found out that he goes farther than the final restoration of all of mankind and goes as far as saying the devil would one day be repentant and saved. It is possible to use a word, like aionian, to make a statement of fact, without being forced to use it as a statement of limitation. The case may have been overstated, but may not be completely wrong. Jesus used this term. The Pharisees commonly used the phrase 'endless timoria', which has nothing to do with bettering the victim, but the punishment only has the satisfaction and honor of the offended party in mind. We are not all doomed as so many believe. Is that decree retroactive? "Worms" in Isaiah 66:24 is towlah, and Gesenius notes that this word is especially used to denote worms that feed on FLESH, although it is also used to talk about worms in bread and the worm that killed Jonah's shade plant. He does not say say that Sodom underwent "punishment of eternal fire" but that Sodom is an example for those that will. Though only for a while, but of course his being rejected is not related to any universalist teaching (if he held such, which is not undisputed), which were not the issue in 381. You brought up a very good point. OR look at a verse like this and at least rethink the idea that worms die and fires are quenched . It is a deep and narrow ravine on the South West side of Jerusalem - first mentioned in Joshua 15:8 and in 18:16 where it says that the boundary line between the tribes of Judah . When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, his hearers would think of the valley of rotting, worm-infested garbage, where the fire always burned, smoke always lingered, and if the wind blew just right, a smell that sickened the sense wafted in the air. (pp. And he talks about those going this way because that is what the rich man asks for, for someone in heaven to come and alleviate his suffering. (Actually it says "from one new moon to IT'S next", meaning the same new moon one year later)Time is clearly still in view in this context. As Dale Allison puts it, "without ancient support." But, I agree, that Universalists play the "eternal is not always time" hand way too much! [Are you serious? And of course, the worm did not die there, meaning that there were always new maggots going through their life-cycles, feeding on the trash. PDF I don't see why a citizen of God's city should go out, but if they did, they might well see that. The Gehenna Valley was thus a place of burning sewage, burning flesh, and garbage. Hell fire, Gehenna the garbage dump with its constantly burning fire. "if there is part of your body that causes you to stumble, cut it off. Arius was, Nestorius was, Eutyches was. The Myth of the Burning Garbage Dump of Gehenna. During Jesus' time, it was the city's garbage burner. As for giving the 'damned' (an English word that has changed in meaning since being put in English bibles) their 'just desserts', in Jesus' day there were two common words for what we think of as "punishment". Revelation 9:6 says, And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. His judgments result in righteousness, and the end of the Lord is mercy. The three offenses are being angry without a cause, calling someone 'raca', and calling someone 'fool'. Hades, the Gray Waste of NE Gehenna, the Bleak Eternity of NE, LE The Nine Hells (of Baator) LE Acheron, the Infinite Battlefield of LN, LE Mechanus, the Clockwork Nirvana of LN Arcadia, the. The three layers of Hades were called glooms for good reason; they were realms devoid of emotion, hope, and peace. It was a fire that burned forever, where the worm did not die and where people went to throw their trash, grimacing from the stench, gritting their teeth in revulsion, never venturing too close for fear of falling into the abhorrent abyss. Then he quotes Peter Head, G. R. Beasley-Murray, and Lloyd Bailey in tracing the origin of this notion to Rabbi David Kimchi in AD 1200. Of hhe three valleys below Jerusalem, Hinnom lies dead center below the Old City and temple. In the other dozen or so, to get the idea of "eternal" you have to read it into the words "aion" and "aionian". The Gray Waste (more fully, the Gray Wastes of Hades; also, Hades, The Three Glooms, Hope's Loss or The Nadir) is a strongly neutral evil aligned plane of existence. Same with "aionian life". Brimstone used to be added to fuel the incineration. The place served as an incinerator where fires were kept burning to dispose of rubbish. 1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. eitchen midden, kitchen midden, midden - (archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement. Consider this myth to be thoroughly debunked. The punishment is given with the goal of improving the one punished. The parables all imply that the judgement is final, because "the door was locked" it is an unfounded assumption on your part that it would be opened again. I also don't think we will be taking field trips out to look at burning and worm eaten bodies in eternity. Gey Ben Hinnom Stream. You however are reading things into the words "aion" and "aionian". You would think this would have been addressed early on if the case was clear cut and universal salvation was heresy. The websites I had read did not mention all of this, it seems that they were trying to say that it wasn't his teaching on the final salvation of all men that got him in trouble, it was all the stuff that Origen tacked on to that. Second, the whole passage is disproportionate that is the point: that Christ rejects a minimal, just-barely-pass morality but rather sets a very high standard to his followers. You are right about the two Gregory's too. . "Gehenna" was a very concrete location in Jesus' time. It might have been just as well to not press it. Can you confirm whether this was traditional practice? From the reign of Josiah onward, it was used as a garbage dump where the fires burned the refuse continuously. These words can be used to describe something that is eternal, but this meaning has to be derived from the object they are used in conjunction with. It was because Gehenna outside the city of Jerusalem was the place where the bodies of criminals were burned and when the . And that's probably what Jerome is after, distinguishing between this end-less but not time-less eternity and the God's eternity without such constraints, wihtout beginning or end. They ignore the nature of both worms and fire to protect their doctrine of an eternal hell. Even if I couldn't convince you, I am glad that you got something out of it. Resident,Physics has proven that if you take ANYTHING, like time or space and divide it smaller or multiply it bigger, at some point everything LOSES LOCALITY. 20The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased,grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is not difficult to see, from these and other texts (e.g., 2 Kgs 23:10; 2 Chr 28:3, 33:6; Jer 32:35), why Jesus and his contemporaries used the word Gehenna (valley of Hinnom) as synonymous with the place of everlasting fiery torment. He does not tell us where he got that information from and that is all we hear of it. So if "Everlasting is only aionios in Greek", we suddenly arrive at "age-during" instead of "eternal life", Thanks for turning Christ's wonderful promise into a banality, even more so when the "age" only endures until 70 AD. So at that point there will be no more "aionian" life, it will be the same life as was lived in the "aion", but now it will continue outside of time. "Gehenna (Gei Hinnom) became the common lay-stall garbage dump of the city, . 9:28 or was that Is., Universalism and The Reality of Eternal Punishment: The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment,,35.2333475,3a,56.6y,328.92h,103.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szm6A_bN1OCNC7ikOFCcVTw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. Are there going to be new moons and sabbaths in eternity? Then he quotes Peter Head, G. R. Beasley-Murray, and Lloyd Bailey in tracing the origin of this notion to Rabbi David Kimchi in AD 1200. "Everlasting is only aionios in Greek, so that everlasting hell becomes only age-during garbage dump". (v.23). Thats the earliest reference we have to it- a Rabbi writing in the middle ages from Europe, not Israel, some 1100 years after Jesus was born. His funeral pyre is deep and wide, with plenty of fire and wood. Hell is the place of the future punishment called "Gehenna" or "Gehenna of fire". Neovia group's primary competitors include Hi-Pro Feeds, NUTRI Feeds, Purina Animal Nutrition LLC and 8 more. Thanks for the article! It says it is "not quenched". Marcellus was important at Nicea (325) and still condemned a heretic later, with even one line in the Creed directed against him. But the old Jerusalem had a "dung gate", where the trash was taken out of the city. 1. garbage dump - a piece of land where waste materials are dumped. And as far as Rabbi Kimhi goes, note that even he stated the alleged dump of Gehenna became an analogy for the judgment of the wicked, which demonstrates that even the first writer to make this connection saw it to be an analogy for the place that the wicked will be judged. In Mark 9 is Jesus taking a literal prophecy in Isaiah and using it as a parable of something "eternal"? James A. Montgomery observes this medieval commentator's logic, but does not accept it. [Jude uses the fate of Sodom as recounted in Genesis as a type of divine punishment. Rome? In the case of life age-during, that life is with God, who is eternal. They will long to die, but death will flee from them. "Saint" doesn't mean infallible, you know! A prophecy in his book that has thus far not come true should not be used to build doctrine on. It differs from the neutral-leaning Sheol as Gehenna was considered a type of waiting room; the longest one can be there is 11 or 12 months with few exceptions. I would look at a phrase like this and wonder how anyone who didn't want to be deceived could think that it was talking about anything less than the rest of eternity: . I don't believe that and I don't believe the last commenter does either. Gehenna In Hebrew Scriptures After the Baylonian exile (6 th cent BCE) A garbage dump in a deep narrow valley outside the wall of Jerusalem where fires were kept burning to consume the refuse. I believe research indicates sometimes during the festivals the priests in the Temple waded in blood up to their ankles, and underground passages carried the blood of all kinds of sacrificed animals down into the Kidron Valley on the east side of the city where farmers there purchased it to use as fertilizer. That part of the verse could be left off and the last part of the verse would be sufficient to finish answering why the rich man's request could not be granted. Now I know why I never found any. When a fire is not quenched it burns UNTIL IT RUNS OUT OF FUEL. If it was not condemned, it was because it wasn't widespread and there were more pressing issues. One question to ask about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus Why the need for a gulf to keep those in Abraham's bosom from going to the other side where there was torment? Originally it referred to a garbage dump in a deep narrow valley right outside the walls of Jerusalem where fires were kept burning to consume the refuse and keep down the stench. Almost every major commentary on Matthew that mentions Gehenna also spoke of the garbage dump. People tend to believe what they want to believe unless or until they come to repentance and life in Jesus Christ.. 24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. Add to that the teaching of the church since the earliest days. Put simply, there is no evidence that the valley was, in fact, a perpetually burning garbage dump. This practice was carried out . One is that the age-during is modified by what it refers to. Which brings us back to our starting point: it is eternal for good and bad or age-enduring for both, not this for one and that for another.]. The picture of the valley itself proves that it gas been filled in with a huge amount of fill. Romans 11:32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all. This article is more additional proof against the doctrine of eternal torment. ", Ezekiel 16:55 "When thy sisters, SODOM AND HER DAUGHTERS SHALL RETURN TO THEIR FORMER ESTATE, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.". The breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, kindles it. Another portion of the ravine became a cesspool receiving the . Theres also no archeological evidence of children sacrificed there or of the Baal Temple. What church are you talking about? Though I vehemently disagree with you, I do not think your view stems from bad motives. goes as far as saying the devil would one day be repentant and saved.". Outline of Biblical Usage [?] In order to be successful, corporate marketing departments prepare for these busy-seasons long in, From Black Friday to Good Friday: Easter Ad Campaigns, Russell Moore, Tyler Zach, and the Gospel For Enneagram, Rick Warren: His Stainglass Window and His Female Pastors, To Jackie Hill Perry: God Wants Christians Straight, The myth of the rope around the high priests ankle, The myth that all the Apostles were martyred, These Preachers Aint Loyal: Why Jamal Harrison Bryant is Symptomatic of a Deeper Problem. After the ages, there will be no need to describe Him to anyone because all will know Him fully, just as they also are known by Him now. It doesn't say whether anyone would do that. Punishment of this type is eternal. What is supposed to come after salvation? Sodom and Gommorah were famous cities, and distinct in their time. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. I thought the Passover lambs were all sacrificed on the Temple Mount. But no matter what they eat, do not die, THEY LEAVE WHAT THEY ARE EATING TO BECOME A FLY OR MOTH. I have long wanted to do a little work to debunk the endlessly repeated myth that the Hinnom Valley (Gehenna) was a perpetually burning trash dump. Not only that, if there were any doubt, Jesus is further clarifying what was already mentioned in Daniel 12:2 eternal is an appropriate word for the English translation. I have no clue what v.15 you are talking about so you can spare us that. 66:24) and later with a place of judgment by fire without any special connection to Jerusalem (see, for example, 1 Enoch 27:1ff., 54:1ff., 63:3-4, and 90:26ff) (Jesus and the Kingdom of God, 376-77). Thats it. You first have to make the text fit your interpretation. After the Jews returned from the Babylonian exile, the valley became a garbage dump where anything considered unclean was placed. Gehenna was not a perpetually burning trash dump." . See Joachim Jeremias Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, p. 44. In times of war, decaying human flesh mingled with the rotting garbageimagine the vile vision. It is amazing how putting on the legalistic "glasses" that came into the church from the Latin converts can blind people to verses that out to stop them in their tracks and make them wonder "What is going on here?". 2:8 for additional contextual support. But this doesn't give you the right to twist his words. Gehenna is a real place. ", No one. True enough. The Myth of the Burning Garbage Dump of Gehenna - Dr. Michael Heiser The Myth of the Burning Garbage Dump of Gehenna Posted by DrHeiser | Apr 7, 2011 | AAG, Afterlife / Sheol / Hades, Ancient Sites & Archaeology, NakedBible, New Testament | That's the title of this worthwhile post from Todd Bolen. Are there going to be new moons and sabbaths in eternity? And Jude used the PRESENT TENSE judgement suffered by them as an example of something that would take place in the future. Of course, since it was a garbage dump, it was necessary to keep the garbage burning in order to reduce the stench and to limit the number of flies and rats. I like how you responded to the (?I guess they are unbelievers) in the comments. That the valley was just outside the city of Jerusalem made it an appropriate symbol for those excluded from divine blessing. Residents sometimes called it the "valley of the sewer" or "the valley of the pagans." By Jesus' time, the Greek translation of Hinnom Valley, gehenna, became a synonym for hell. One of the strange things about all of the talk about whether punishment is eternal or not is the fact that if the Lord had wanted to communicate the idea that punishment would be eternal, there are several ways to do this in Greek and make it crystal clear. 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