hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon

You see, then, whether you grow rich, or whether you become poor, you will have these opportunities to return. We tarry here a night; we are away in the morning. Only break the ice, and begin; and you shall find my text to be true in your case also, and out of weakness you, too, shall be made strong. Ahab did, and yet his sins were never forgiven. Failure itself would be success as long as we did not fail to obey. Five or six families came out of that place, and became substantial in wealth, and generous in liberality. It seems, therefore, but right, that faith, which is the mightiest of the mighty, should have a pillar raised to its honor, upon which its valiant deeds should be recorded. it is a noble thing to be the lonely follower of despised truth. To believe in God, and to do his bidding, is a great escape from the hazards of personal weakness and folly. "O men and brethren, trust not your faith, unless it has self-denial with it. The infinite rolls, like Noah's flood, over the tops of the hills of the present and the finite. We have to close with two or three words about what was THE RESULT OF ABRAHAM'S ACTION. One goes to the right, and other goes to the left. Look at the miser. saith one. Faith is to look through that cloud, not with the eye of sight, which seeth naught, but with the eye of faith, which seeth every thing, and to say, "I trust him when I can not trace him; I tread the sea as firmly as I would the rock; I walk as securely in the tempest as in the sunshine, and lay myself to rest upon the surging billows of the ocean as contentedly as upon my bed." As a dog, which is chased away from the house, returns again and again to its former master, so does an evil lust turn again even to the soul that loathes it. I don't know how else it is you make your religion square with itself, and be at all consistent. If you have faith in God, you can lead others out of the bondage of sin, and through the wilderness world, as Moses led the children of Israel; for faith is a great guide. That faith which saves the soul is a real faith, and a real faith sanctifies men. Our will brings envy, malice, war; but the Lord's will would bring us love, joy, rest, bliss. Many are called to suffer much in daily life. But by the preaching of God's word, foolishness though it seem to some, harlots are reformed, thieves are made honest, and the worst of men brought to the Saviour. You sometimes see in a factory the wheels running some this way, and some the other, and some crossways, and they seem to be playing all sorts of anticks, but somehow or other the deviser brings them all to work for some settled object. Rahab was a sanctified woman. I knew a patient once--I know her still--who, when the lancets had been used upon her, caused the doctor's case of instruments to be filled up with roses! Is there anything galling to you in all this? You can not have faith, and yet live in sin. God forbid; we will not do so. If you would know the way to hell, you may shut your eyes and find it: a little matter of neglect will surely ruin you "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" If thou wilt trust thy soul with Jesus, thou art saved. Remember that "without faith it is impossible to please God," so that you are displeasing to the Lord. Promptness is one of the brightest excellencies in faith's actings. We know there is a black and stormy river called "Death." They called his warning "an old wives' fable," and he himself was "an old fossil." Hold the truth, if you stand alone. You can never know how great it is unless you have stood in the capacity of a saviour to other men. if thou dost not love Christ thou dost not believe in him; for to believe in Christ begets love. May I pass the question round these galleries, and put it to you also in this vast area? He lived in God, and on God, and with God. He might well be ashamed to be called their God, if he looked upon them as they are, and estimated them upon their merits. I do think this triumph of faith over sin is not the least here recorded, but that if there be any superiority ascribable to any one of faith's exploits, this is, in some sense, the greatest of all. If Baal be God, serve him; but if God be God, I charge you by Jesus Christ, fly to him as he is revealed, and come forth from the sin of the world and be separate, and walk by faith in God. then we shall come into our wealth, to the mansions and to the glory and to the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord. O! III. Oh! 11 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11:1-13 Hebrews 11:1. This is our inn, not our home. Go and try them. In the presence of the great ones of the earth they may call him their God--anywhere--and he is not ashamed to be so called. Do are not read of those who "stumbled at the word, being disobedient"; surely there must be a command and a duty, or else there could not be disobedience. I hardly think that, for years, he had spoken without ill language; and yet, from the moment he turned unto the Lord, he never used an oath, and he also noted that he never had a temptation so to do. "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the ever-blessed gospel. When people persecute you and slander you, no marvel. art thou loathsome to thyself? "What! They are poor now, but God, to whom things to come are things present, sees them in their fair white linen which is the righteousness of the saints. Believe in Christ, and thou, like Rahab, shalt not perish with the disobedient, but even thou shalt be saved. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible. I hope so long as I live there will always be a straight road from my heart to my mouth, and that I shall be able to preach whatever I believe in my soul, and to keep nothing reserved. I am weary with hearing men saying, "Yea, we know that such a course would be right; but then the consequences might be painful: good men would be grieved, the cause would be weakened, and we ourselves should get into a world of trouble, and put our hands into a hornet's nest." It is nothing short of Godhead's utmost stretch of might that keeps the feet of the saints, and preserves them from going back to their old unregenerate condition. Charles Spurgeon has been called "the Prince of Preachers" and "the last Puritan." His many sermons are among the best in Christian literature. London: Passmore & Alabaster, 18, Paternoster Row, and all Booksellers. Thou hast a sacred right; for here sinners are invited, and thou art such. "Along the cool, sequestered vale of life they hold the even tenor of their way." Hebrews 11:8 . Now faith is the substance: Just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the "sense" that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. It is because you are the descendants, the spiritual descendants, of the patriarchs. It is a long time to wait; but what would you do with a hundred added on to it? There must be determination, thought, care, attention; and faith must work with all these to produce obedience to the will of the Lord. The time of our sojourn on earth is getting more and more brief. I delight to preach a free gospel, and to preach it to every creature under heaven; but we must never forget the speciality--"he hath prepared for them a city." It seems in the text that God looks to what he has prepared for these poor people--"he hath prepared for them a city." Sincere faith in God must treat all God's Word alike; for the faith which accepts one word of God and rejects another is evidently not faith in God, but faith in our own judgment, faith in our own taste. If you trust the living God, you will do the right, and bear the loss or the shame; but if your faith fail you, self-love will create such respect for your own good name, such fear of ridicule, such unwillingness to be singular, that you will slide from your integrity, and choose a smooth and pleasing road. You can suffer no need, for everlasting supplies await the hand of prayer: "Ask, and it shall be given you." If we have a faith which is greedy in hearing, severe in judging, and rapid in self-congratulation, but not inclined to obedience, we have the faith of hypocrites. Note, next, that Noah had faith in the warning and threatening of God. I. I may know a thing, and yet not believe it. He did not know where his way would take him, but he knew that the Lord had bidden him go. Of course they must go up higher toward the fords; and then Jericho will be for a long time secure. It is awful work when through disobedience to the command of the gospel it becomes a savor of death unto death instead of life unto life, and instead of a corner-stone it becomes a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. He that knows the care of a household knows how easily a parent can do serious mischief with his children by his very efforts to do them good. He did not choose another sort of wood, nor alter the shape of the vessel, nor make more stories, nor more windows, nor more doors; but he distrusted his own judgment, and leaned not to his own understanding. We can see that the procrastinator halts, but it were hard to guess how long he will do so. iii. See, whether you can do it; for if you are afraid of men, you are taken in a snare which may prove your grief and is now your sin. The Tempter he is, the Destroyer he would be, if we were not delivered from his snares. Remember that your greatest joy, while you are a pilgrim, is your God. Shall I help you to answer that question? Faith and fear together led Noah to do as God commanded him. We must be going to our heavenly Father's kindly home, where Jesus is: to that royal city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Did Rahab continue a harlot after she had faith? Fourthly, and this is the main point, Abraham committed himself to God by faith. Alas! "Yea," he said; "' he is a fellow that preaches with his feet." Again, it was meet that Noah should follow close upon Enoch, as one of two who are described as having "walked with God." Could he not have kept us from temptation?" He left behind him his native country, and to a patriot that is no small struggle to leave all the associations of one's country, and bear with us one's native songs to be sung in distant valleys. you will care, one day, when the earth is reeling, and the world is tossing to and fro; ye will care when God shall summon you to judgment, and when he shall condemn the faithless and the unbelieving. How splendidly he bore himself; no king ever behaved more royally. Opportunities to return in our own nature. "Out of weakness were made strong": this will be experienced in bearing witness for the truth of God. Noah obeyed the Lord very carefully. Another thing strikes me. Do you think that we meditate enough upon heaven? We need not wish to have any strength of our own, for by faith we can reach to any degree of power in the Lord. "Ah," says she, "I do not care about the Jordan; my faith can believe across the Jordan, or else it were only a dry-land faith." I change the run of my discourse altogether by remarking that there is another thing that falls to the lot of Christian men, a matter of the very first importance: namely, to spread the gospel. And why should not God vouchsafe the same faith to thee, my poor, sinning, but contrite hearer? of both universities. "They desire a better country." Perhaps you have tried to fill your soul with the daintiest provisions the world can offer; to wit--God has prospered you, and you have said, "Oh, this is well." No, he was commanded to go, and he went without hesitation. He that does not run away because his legs are too weak, does not prove himself a hero; but he that could run, but will not run; he that could desert his Lord, but will not desert him, has within him a principle of grace stronger than any fetter could be--the highest, firmest, noblest bond that unites a man to the Savior. And said a minister at the table, "I had an instance of that yesterday. Believe in him, though you see no flashes of delight nor sparkles of joy. Let us think of heaven, of Christ, and of the blessings of the covenant, and let us thus keep our desires wide awake, and stimulate them to active exercise. The writer to the Hebrews began this chapter speaking of faith in the present tense: Now faith is. "Wife?" But, believe me, you cannot have faith in the promise unless you are prepared to have faith in the threatening also. They are often furnished by the example of others. You see his outward attire, not his inner self--you see the earthly tabernacle, but the spirit newborn, immortal and divine--you see not that. Though thou shouldst give me Joseph's lot, the ancient mountains, and the precious things of the lasting hills," "Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey;" yea, though thou shouldst confer on me the precious things of the earth, and the fullness thereof, I would prefer before them all the goodwill of him that dwelt in the bush. Depend upon it, faith that is never tried is not true faith. I do not bargain for comfort, and peace, and joy, if I can be more helpful to thy poor, weary children without them. That is what we should have done; but Jehovah did something better. But is it so with all of you? Without faith thou art out of the kingdom of grace, a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. I cannot see my Lord, I cannot enjoy his presence, and though it may be a little thing to desire, let me say a good desire is more than nature ever grew. But while it continues with me I shall find opportunities to return. It staggers us: we cannot make it out. If there is anything in religion at all, it demands a present surrender to its claims and a present obedience to its laws; but if you judge it to be a lie, say so, and we shall know where you are. We Christians are to be equally distinct, not in meats, and drinks, and garments, and holy days, but as to spirituality of mind and holiness of life. Believe for yourself, because God has said it; and speak as the Lord guides you. "Yes." Whatever we may find in this world, we shall never find a heaven here. Amen. saith one. I will just have a little talk with Rahab this morning, as I suppose old Unbelief did commune with her. Let us fear God because of his greatness; let us fear ourselves because of our sinfulness. Notice, next, that there is this about a Christian, that even when he does not enjoy something better, he desires it. When the Lord commanded Abraham to quit his father's house, he did not say that he would think it over; he did not discuss it pro and con, in an essay; he did not ask his father, Terah, and his neighbour to consider it; but, as he was called to go out, he went out. "He hath prepared for them a city"--that is, for such as are strangers and foreigners--for such as have faith, and, therefore, have left the world, and gone out to follow Christ. We shall go over the ground which I marked out in my introduction. I should not like you to overlook it. "I will be your God," saith he, and he oftentimes seems to speak of it as a very joyful thing to his own heart. The very meaning of a church is, "called out by Christ." We must accept every single word of precept, or prohibition, or instruction, as being what it ought to be, and neither to be diminished nor increased. More than that, if ever the child of God gets entangled for awhile, he is uneasy by reason of it. Hebrews 11:1. And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers. Noah went on obeying under daily scorn. What! I will weigh out the price to you, whatever you may demand." Thus you see the reason why the Christian cannot go back. When you sit expectant on the banks of the last river, waiting, for the summons to cross, it may be that your fiercest temptation will come even then. It cannot be wrong to do the right thing at once; nay, in matters of duty, every moment of delay is a sin. ONE IS STRUCK with the practical character of this verse. Come, good woman, dare you serve the Lord, though husband and children ridicule you? Ah! "He hath prepared for them a city." Dost thou stand at this moment in this assembly, and say, "I am ashamed to be here; I know I have no right to stand among people who are chaste and honest?" Thus have I worked out the idea that the first principle which actuated Noah's heart was faith in the living God. By Vernon J. Charlesworth. First consider THE KIND OF FAITH WHICH PRODUCES OBEDIENCE. Our home is beyond the flood. A. Moses' choice to obey God by faith resulted in short-term suffering. Unless we desire others to taste the benefits we have enjoyed, we are either inhuman monsters or outrageous hypocrites; I think the last is most likely. Nevertheless, he left behind him all the associationof his youth, the house in which he had been trained, the family with which he had been nursed, all those whom he had known and with whom he had taken sweet counsel; and he must go forth into exile from the family of his love. But the speciality of the strangers and pilgrims is that they all died in faith. If you are so constituted that you rise and fall; if you are a creature that can be excited, and that can be depressed; and, worse still, if you happen to have been born on a foggy day, and to have swallowed so much of that fog that you have found it shading your spirit many a time ever since; then you can only be strong by faith. You have confessed as occasion served before the world, you have professed as duty called before the church, you have accepted the consequences as honesty demanded before angels and men. By E. D. Jones, A. M., St. Louis. If we never have done so, may we this morning be led to give God his due by trusting him, to give the blood of Christ its due by relying upon it, to give the Spirit of God his due by yielding ourselves to him. You have let your grandmother's religion come to you with the old arm chair and the antique china, as heirlooms of the family, and you go to a certain place of worship because your family have always attended there. Out of a sort of kindly pity for his neighbour's weak-mindedness, with a mixture of an unacknowledged feeling on his own account, he went to hear the preaching of the Word, and was brought to Jesus. Believers "quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong." If any man will say, "I believe such and such a thing is true, but I do not wish any one else to believe it, I will tell you, it is a lie; he does not believe it, for it is impossible, heartily and really to believe a thing, without desiring to make others believe the same. Do I address a wife who has a godless husband? We are looking for it among the unseen things. We shall have to speak about his fear being "moved by fear"; we shall also remember his obedience, for he "prepared an ark to the saving of his house." I do not care for your parsons a bit; but that neighbor of ours has been in here, and he says he shall break his heart unless I am converted; and that beats me." The chief end of man is "to please God;" for in so doing we need not say it, because it is an undoubted fact in so doing he will please himself. We have sometimes heard of a brother who has become great and rich in the world, and he has had some poor brother or some distant relative, and when he has seen him in the street he has been obliged just to speak to him and own him; but I dare say he wished him a long way off, especially if some rich acquaintance happened to be with him who should say, "Why, Smith, who was that wretched seedy-looking fellow that you spoke to?" it was a mighty deed which faith accomplished when he bore her off in safety. O! Opportunities to return! God honoured his faith, and he condemned the world. Hebrews 11:2. The faith that makes us obey is alone the faith which marks the children of God. Just as the thunder followeth the lightning's flash, instanter, when the storm is near, so when faith is near, the thunder of our obedience follows the mighty flash of God's influence in our hearts. Poor souls! We may as well gather the rosebuds while we may. I have sometimes envied those good people who are never excited with joy, and consequently seldom or never despond. But I must not dwell on this, delightful theme as it is, for I must close by noticing you, who are the children of God. He might well be ashamed to be called their God if you look upon them as they are. He that believeth hath everlasting life, and the joys which come of it. By the time of Christ, many thought God chose Abraham because he was a righteous man in a godless world. Let us rest assured that nothing but repeated and fiery trials could have trained his faith to so great a strength as that which it exhibited in his preparation to slay his son at the command of God. John Piper Jun 2, 1996. Ah me! "By faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went." how often will our imagination paint sin in very glowing colors, and, though we loathe sin and loathe ourselves for thinking of it, yet how many a man might say, "had it not been for divine grace, where should I have been?--for my feet had almost gone, my steps had well nigh slipped." And, after death, what cometh? Perfect obedience to God would mean love among men, justice to all classes, and peace in every land. "But," says one, "I know if I were to try to speak to any of my neighbors, I should break down." you have a father, and he hates the Saviour. Opportunities to return you have now, but ah! Had my voice been strong enough, I could have enlarged, for it is a subject upon which much might be said extremely interesting to the spiritual mind. Let no man say, "I shall never fall." Opportunities to return--let me say just this much more about them--are often furnished by the example of others. Your mother is dying, and one thing which makes her death-bed bitter is, that you scoff God and hate Christ. The Answer from Hebrews 11 What is faith? At times he has to feel that it were better for him to fight with beasts at Ephesus than to bear the taunts, and threats, and slanders of ungodly kinsfolk. does she not come with you?" There is a good tale told of an old man whose minister used to read. I am sure it has been so with me, with you, with all my kinsfolk in Christ, and with all my yokefellows in his service. Faith, then, is an union with Christ. Henceforth, the man has turned aside from the faith, if not altogether in his heart, at least in his life. Hold you to God's Word by faith, and you will be strong. He dreams of it. When does he forget his gold? He hated the very mention of religion. We may bear the annoyances of the eventide and the night, for the morning will break so soon. Whenever you feel a prompting to do a good thing do not ask anybody whether you should do it or not; no one ever repents of doing good. Let us consider, secondly, THE KIND OF OBEDIENCE WHICH FAITH PRODUCES. It is said that when he was commanded, he obeyed. Update: 2023-04-16. Do you long to be of some use? "Yes," says one, "I own that it is an urgent service to make known to others what the Lord has done for me: but, somehow, I cannot discharge my conscience by fully doing as I would. Noah was a stranger to this paralyzing fear: he bestirred himself, and built an ark. The woman's seed, and the Lamb's sacrifice, which Abel had seen, these were almost all the revelation he had known. It never built an ark like Noah; it never offered a sacrifice like Abraham; it never subdued kingdoms like Joshua; it never quenched the violence of fire as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Let us fly away and find our home in the rock of ages." In the first place, this woman's faith was SAVING FAITH. I dare say he wished him a long way off, especially if he had some haughty acquaintance with him at the time, who would perhaps turn round, and say, "Why, who is that wretched, seedy-looking fellow you spoke to?" The Abrahams of to-day will not go out from their kindred; they will put up with anything sooner than risk their livelihoods. the gutta-percha backbone is common among Dissenters, and they take to politics, and the new philosophy, and therefore we are losing the force of our testimony, and are, I fear, decreasing in numbers too. Have you faith? O! In seeking the Lord, let us exercise our best thoughts. The city of Jericho was about to be attacked; within its walls there were hosts of people of all classes and characters, and they knew right well that if their city should be sacked and stormed they would all be put to death; but yet, strange to say, there was not one of them who repented of sin, or who even asked for mercy, except this woman who had been a harlot. Foremost among Abraham's trials was that of being called away to a land which he had never been; as this may be our trial also, I pray that my words may be adapted to our present condition. We can have all imaginable strength for the grandest achievements desirable, if we have faith in God. He shall dwell in God's house and be still praising him. They are coming to a cross road. The more they draw us to heaven, the more they withdraw us from the world. My time is ended, although I had much more to say. But the most of you believe the Bible to be inspired by the Spirit of God, and to be the voice of God. I felt greatly encouraged when I read this, "Now they desire a better"--the word "country" has been inserted by our translators--they desire something better. Any husbandman can get a good crop out of good soil; but God is the husbandman who can grow cedars on rocks, who can not only put the hyssop upon the wall, but put the oak there too, and make the greatest faith spring up in the most unlikely position. That the Lord had bidden him go kept us from temptation? 's will would us... Which come of it the lonely follower of despised truth but he that! No man say, `` I shall never find a heaven here but Jehovah did something better and this the! `` Yea, '' and he hates the saviour, `` I am the of... He bestirred himself, and put it to you also in this area! Alabaster, 18, Paternoster Row, and he hates the saviour war ; but what would you do a. At the table, `` I shall find opportunities to return -- let me say just this much to! 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