how he sees me tarot

In reverse, Strength is holding on too tight, refusing to let go, and becoming easily irritated. Whereas her twin, the Magician, works from the waist upward exercising his intelligence, Strength works from the waist to the earth, establishing communication with the instinctive forces that emerge from the depths of consciousness. There is a slight crossover between this card and Justice, where both refer to a particular truth or righteousness being brought about. If that is the case, the seeker has repressed their emotions, views their instincts and urges in a bad light, or has developed a weak, codependent character. Tarot also gives some hints why he thinks about you often or less often. The card indicates that you will feel powerful, secure, and confident. This deviant behavior creates a sense of insecurity and fuels codependency. You should not rest in this affirmation though, because this card suggests action and a careful, yet brave attitude. Upright, the Judgement card is neutral, but leans towards a yes. The most important thing, though is not to ignore your higher calling. (We don't really know each other that well, but conversation flowed and we clicked really well) 9 of pentacles: He sees me as independent and confident. There was too much trouble back where I was and I just wanted to move on. This is a card of realization and clarity, which will subsequently provide you with certainty, accompanying you to the next step. Use the lessons that youve learned to not repeat past mistakes. As an indicator of emotional and mental blocks, the Strength card in reverse calls on you to embrace trauma and build up your self-esteem. To ignore this revelatory calling would only cause trouble and bewilderment. Hopefully, you will see everything that has happened in the past and understand the reasons for why they happened. This friendship will stand the test of time and gives you the resolve to carry on. It can be being sick of your current job, relationship, or living situation, but being afraid to make any changes. Give your partner space, but also take good care of them. Strength aligns with the sign of Leo, with its mighty roar and majestic mane. Our perception of others never remains solid or fixed. The Lovers were a mere glimpse of heavenly grace. A common interpretation of the Judgement card in a relationship reading is where an old relationship is being renewed. (Occasionally, tarot decks will employ other terms, like "coins," for pentacles, but these are direct substitutions for the four original categories.) Here, the lion is either muzzled and therefore silenced, left unattended to wreak havoc, or forced to do something against its will. Forgiving your own mistakes, as well as forgiving others, is recognizing that we are all human. Other than that, the troubles of the past have brought the two of you closer. It doesnt have to be a specific situation; it can range anywhere from a time of self-discovery and clarity to a time of important decision-making and change. A Tarot reading can tell you if he misses you, but it can also tell you how much he misses you. When a situation or relationship has ended, there is always that feeling of what could have been. Throughout the storm of self-doubt, loss, and failures, youve surfaced into a place where nothing can harm you. Even walking close by might drain their energy and cause them to relive the hurtful memory. This card is a definite sign that you are stronger than you thought you were and that you can embrace the trauma instead of pushing it away into forgetfulness. However, the Marseille Strength card shows a plain white background, implying that Strength resides out of space and time. Moon Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Hence, the choice has been made, the work is done, and it is time to venture into the last mystery of the Tarot, past the waves of erratic emotion and the mountains of abstract thought. Releasing repressed emotions can thus open up so much more clarity and freedom in the present. This is a situation where you are afraid of the inevitable transformation that you have to go through. There may be a sense of regret or loss, but it is one that is always present when old situations and energies are let go of. The second is that you are being asked to reconcile with your past. In Jungs enlightening words: I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. If they dont want to listen, at least youve done your part to resolve the matter. Whatever we do in life, we will always face difficulties. There is obviously no pressure whatsoever to donate, but if you have felt moved by a reading, please consider helping everyone through the donation of a deck :) If you do purchase a deck, please send me a message (on YouTube or to my email, so I can send you a private reading with the deck about a topic of your choice! In reverse, the Strength card most likely suggests that anger and pride are at the core of the conflict. Now you must go through with it. Strengths beauty is unique and subtle. Think of any childhood wish that you wanted to follow and think of how to combine it with a practical framework. The Judgement card represents a situation of mystery and excitement. Decisions, in reality, are often not as direct as we think them to be. It can just as well indicate any place where you feel stronger and in touch with your inner self. Whilst the Judgement card reversed does not necessarily assert that you have to cut off this friend entirely, it may be wise to distance yourself from them in the meantime. It can be made by either the querent, such as one that will result in major life changes, or a third party, such as with the querent being chosen for an interview or award as examples. Enjoy! You could be choosing between two groups of friends, or even deciding whether to cut-off a toxic friend; decisions that are more direct. It may even refer to a sexual predator. There is exceptional beauty here, and remarkable grace. This is a feeling of your current situation being not quite right for youwill you ever feel fulfilled? They are restricting you from following your passions. Strength describes a situation of joy and inner calm. The Judgement card, upright, is usually a positive sign. This can come in the form of an internal shift, such as mental clarity or a breakthrough, as well as an external one, such as a new opportunity or career change. This card encourages you to seize the day and trust your instincts. When Judgement is reversed, the querent is still hanging onto a chance of resurrection in the relationship. The important clue in this Arcanum is abstraction. For this reason, this section on career will focus more on general career direction and advice. With Strength by your side, you can be sure that you create the best impression on other peoples minds! Tarot shows you what negative feelings are associated with you in his case. The Strength card encourages you to accept the hurt of the past and learn from it. Star Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! Past karma is making its way back to you. If the conflict does not end favorably, then you can rest knowing that despite doing everything you could, it was out of your control. You have to be patient, gentle, and subtle to establish communication and mutual trust. Strength is a great card when it shows up to describe your love life. Pull three cards off the top of the deck, and position them to be read from left to right. As an action card, Judgement stresses that the time is now. What is the path that I am truly supposed to take? If you remove distractions, limitations, and self-criticism, if you ask yourself what is your true purpose and follow the specific direction you have decided upon, then everything will eventually start falling into place and you will see life with all its possibilities and wonders through new eyes. You are the only one who can face them, and no one else. What parts of yourself must you forgive and let go? A reversed Judgement card signifies intentions that are not the best for your greater good. On the other hand, refrain from making any impulsive or large changes. Eu disse que a pessoa v voc como algum que tem uma personalidade forte. She will often be the center of attention, and she excels at persuasion, not only because of her remarkable beauty but also because of her loving energy. The Judgement card acts on a greater spiritual good. It might be a sudden inner decision, such as resolving to no longer apologize for things that are not your fault, or a moral decision, such as wondering whether or not to turn a co-worker for something they did. Id love to hear about your experience. In any case, it is likely an issue of one-upmanship. Its ultimate purpose is to allow spirit, mind, and body alike to become stronger and better. Will it pass and heal with time, or is it just in your mind? Favour simplicity over complexity. They feel safe when near you, enjoying the warmth of love and compassion. She is kind, reliable, and will always listen to you. However, there are safe havens even within the bustling noise of crowded cities. After all, the answer has already been given; what matters now is to ask the right questions. Position 2: Negative feelings. Saying Dont get angry might not be great advice, but its a start. As an action card, it is about indirect guidance and quiet determination. It is a call to decide what action to take next. Absolutely hold yourself accountable and right any misdeeds, but the Judgement card is more about forgiving yourself and others and healing from past wounds. The Judgement card can best be described as a feeling of glorious clarity. In reverse, Strength indicates anger, rage, and struggling to express your feelings. Strength calls on you to practice forgiveness, compassion, and self-control. You have the persistence and determination, but youre too eager and impatient, like a little child who hurt its leg while running for that ice-cream. Such a disposition can easily turn the tables on you and, though you wont have to start at the beginning, you might end up in the ever-evolving game of causality and karmic interference in the Wheel of Fortune. To do that, one need not search for answers anymore, something that could throw them back in the perpetual ups and downs of the Wheel in Arcanum X. Accept them, but dont let them run the show. They like to decide what is right for you and what is not, what you should and shouldnt do, and who you should be. They are decisive and aim to stay true to their values and beliefs. Instead, the planet Pluto and the element of fire are associated with the card. You probably have already made your choices and have some kind of a plan in mind. It encourages the querent to focus on a shift in perspective, rather than waiting for the universe to shift the situation for you. It means that when we discover the source of inner power that we all have, we can prevail over any challenge! If you have been struggling with trauma and repressed feelings, the Strength card will appear when you are starting to face your fears and your inner self. Strength has realized harmony with the environment and the soul. You may be blocking your way to freedom, feeling insecure and exhausted. #1. Its ok to feel angry sometimes. This card usually does not refer to slight shifts in perspective, such as a revealing of a new talent or secret, but rather a complete shift, as if a whole new identity has been cast upon you. Otherwise, it could be that the Judgement card marks a complete turning point in how this person thinks of you. The lion will bite if you let it be in charge! The time now is extremely significant, whether you are on the brink of a life-changing decision or are completely discovering a new self. You have possibly found a great, elegant partner, and your relationship is one of compassion, trust, and magnetism. The trees and mountains in the background appear so small in comparison with Strength one might say she is a giant! Dont neglect or push yourself. It also refers to unconscious energy, subtle control, and gut feeling. Events have unfolded in their natural course. You likely have to train and become mentally and physically stronger to accomplish what you desire. Whenever you're ready, cut the cards into three and reorder the pile, face . The Strength card is a loud YES! However, your goals may not be so easy to accomplish. As the dead are removed from their graves, death is erased forever and the erasure creates this entirely new reality. The Strength card suggests a subtle control over instincts and impulses, along with offering support to others. This card, in reverse, describes two extreme conditions, which nonetheless have the same result. To start a new chapter, you have to conclude any unfinished business first. What do I need to know about myself? Your company inspires them and brightens their mood. When he is very comfortable talking about the future, it is one of the most telling signs that he chose to marry you in the future. Provided that you dont resort to toxic behaviors, tell those who hurt you that they hold no power over you anymore, that you are a human being just like everyone else. When reversed, Judgement as an advice card tells you to stop for a moment and think this through. She has achieved that through compassion and understanding, not by imposing her will. Listen to your body because you may need to replenish your energy when you get Strength reversed as an action card. It can even refer to a mating call and the acceptance of the sex drive as a natural urge inherent in all beings. What they admire most, however, is perhaps your ability to conquer your fears and achieve what you desire. And when you finally understand where to go, you will be guided by your own integrity and wisdom. How about if youve made a decision, and cant go back on it? Broadly speaking, the crowd of people finally represents humanity as a whole, a shared project, the collective unconscious, and the dissolution of roles, archetypes, and hierarchies. Considering that nobody is a tabula rasa, a blank slate, we must re-evaluate our lives constantly. You choose to criticize yourself instead of being authentic and moving in a direction that speaks to you. He might see me as cold and independent also. The third may refer to a significant decision that is being made. Furthermore, especially if this is a legal or professional long-term conflict, this card urges you to realize that you need not hold yourself back from doing what you know is right. If you are wondering what to make of your friends and Strength appears upright, it denotes a long-lasting friendship of mutual trust. Give them space and time to think. She is not only very pretty and attractive; she also emits an aura of confidence, bliss, and resolution. A friend from your past may present themselves again in your present. A generous soul thats always fun to be around, Leos kindness and beauty are only surpassed by their fiery ambition to conquer the world. The White Noise Maker is something I use every day. Furthermore, the card reversed assures you that it is okay to receive help from others. Whether we are talking about a friend, an acquaintance, or a partner, this person admires and respects you for who you really are. In case you find yourself occasionally arguing with your partner, this card suggests calming down and finding the root of the problem together. Strength reversed could mean that the person of interest is intimidated by you. If you know youre good at what you do, dare to make a difference and dont settle for less than what you desire. When drawn to specify a persons feelings towards you, it can also mean that you hold some kind of power over them. In reverse, Strength as a challenge might indicate the following. This person may grab your attention because of how they seem to be at peace with themselves. This person may be forgoing opportunities that have been offered to them, hesitating in the face of challenges, and not reflecting internally to see what they truly need to do. Throughout this article, we will explore the many different interpretations and meanings of the Judgement card in different contexts. It is now time to forgive past situations and focus on the present, not fearing future change. Then when they do open up. Reversed, the card urges you to take notice of the opportunities around you. While the answer may be positive, this card can imply that an unknown factor will emerge. Listen to what the universe is trying to teach you. In reverse, Strength blocks your energy and creates problems where there are none. She has defeated fear and embraced her trauma. Whilst the upright Judgement card hints at clarity and a positive resolution of some kind, the reversal tells us that in this conflict, your inner judgement is being clouded and your path to action blocked. These tell you whether the place is right for you or not. Claircognizance and intuitive gut feelings are often inherent to many people. Were you the one who caused them deep hurt in the past? In any case, this card in reverse means that someone is overstepping their boundaries by demanding too much of their friends or bossing them around. It could, however, be someplace where the seeker has experienced trauma. She wont play the victims role, and she expects you to respect her boundaries. Expect a resolution in favor of your highest self. Thus, Strength appears after the victory of the Chariot, after conquering the external world, and she gathers her powers for the introspection that will follow with the Hermit. Even when you cannot dispel fear, you have to face it and go for it! It is a miracle, however grand or inconspicuous: a direct spiritual experience. With the queen of pentacles I feel like he feels very comfortable with me. Clarity always comes with reflection and reminiscence, so whilst this conflict does not seem to be offering you clarity in the moment, trust that in the future you will see the reason for it. Sometimes they may seem arrogant, but only because theyre too self-aware and deeply care about their image. With the fool, I think he might see me as someone who wants freedom and that is hard to catch. What seems like a dangerous, risky gamble for some people is simply in a days work for someone who knows what theyre doing. The biggest things you can take away are knowledge and a full rebirth of the self. Strength teaches you to know when to hold back, when to be silent, and when to speak up for yourself. Think of them merely as situations you can learn from, as in knowing when to admit when you are in the wrong, and redeem yourself from, as in not holding yourself back from putting what you learned into action. This is wanting to speak your truth, but being caught in social judgement. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the card of Strength shows a beautiful young woman with a calm expression petting a lion. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Have you been thinking about launching a new business plan? Your current career phase may be nearing completion, and you have made the decision to move onto something that resonates with your purpose and path. The cup is full and overflowing, representing the abundance of good that is present in your life. The Strength card is, among other things, about mutual benefit, finding the best possible solution for both parties in the argument. Dont be too hard on yourself. As advice, this card reversed is certainly an interesting one. Judgement reversed asks you whether you still know yourself well enough to be independent or authentic in your expression. A past relationship can return, with the Judgement card signifying renewal. This can be in rehabilitation centers, where individuals are encouraged toward gaining self-knowledge. You know the path you need to take, yet you are refusing to confront it. They see that you cannot get over past mistakes and havent learned from past lessons. It might also denote repressed emotions, codependency, unresolved trauma, and difficulties in communication. This knowledge may be either positive or negative and can certainly shift a positive outlook into a negative one, or vice versa. Tarot cards as how someone sees you how someone sees you Ace of Wands - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. When the 9 of Cups tarot card appears in the upright position during a tarot reading, it usually indicates that things are going well and you are currently enjoying a period of peace and happiness. Confidence is silent. The meaning of this card can be deep loneliness, illness, poverty or loss. Reversed Judgement fosters the notion that you might have been resisting your destiny. But there still is a window of opportunity, and even a wrong turn can sometimes lead you to the right place. In the Wheel of Fortune, the golden angel represented one of the four elements and cardinal directions, a point of reference in the complex karmic system of cause and effect. In the Judgement card upright, the querent has gone with the flow, embracing what is out of their control, and consequently recognizing that they are being taken down the right path. They can perceive you as someone who suffers from indecision and cannot assert a strong opinion nor commit to a particular path. Uncertainty, indecision, or even fear of judgment can be qualities that they see in you. Card encourages you to respect her boundaries and pride are at the core of the and! Describes a situation where you feel stronger and better a life-changing decision or are discovering! When we discover the source of inner power that we all have, we must our. Right place and even a wrong turn can sometimes lead you to stop for a 5-minute reading FREE gut. A shift in perspective, rather than waiting for the universe is to... Knowledge and a careful, yet you are afraid of the problem together expects you to practice forgiveness,,. 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