kenny vs spenny worst humiliation

Though KvS ended in 2010, it continues to garner a significant cult following. Kenny vs. Spenny worst dare/humlilation ever. The new reality series There is the gay man, the virgin, the military redneck, the big jerk and so on. In the end, they each choose a lap dancer for the other person, with Kenny choosing a male stripper for Spenny. This article was published more than 19 years ago. ". Kenny tried to get Spenny to drink the semen he collected, but Spenny refused. Thanks for responding if you did so! They hang around the kitchen. After letting out a small toot in Spenny's face, Kenny walked halfway up the stairs, turned back to Spenny and blew an epic 18-second-long fart that sputtered for what seemed to be an eternity. Eventually, Kenny tricked Spenny into removing the handcuffs by "agreeing" to a draw, but winking into the camera. As the two constantly tease each other by calling each other gay, which is one of the manyjokes that have aged poorly, they constantly try to arouse one another using themselves. However, Kenny arranged to have the girl date an unattractive actor who pretended to be Spenny and she chose Kenny. At the last minute, Spenny gets together a team of children, hoping the wheelchair players won't play against children; however, Kenny is aware of Spenny's plan and at the competition, brings in a team of non-handicapped adults, who easily defeat Spenny's team of children. Aside from a shared love of comedy and music, Kenny and Spenny are polar opposites, both on the show and in real life. Kenny drank a coffee brewed with Spenny's underwear. Kenny dressed up as a French tourist, thinking that French people kiss more. "Being honest and sincere and open is somehow seen as being weak or lame. These are customized choppers with extremely ornate craftmanship. Both players agreed to give their attention to each other's attempts at making one another laugh. Its a testament to the type of humor of Kenny vs. Spenny when the best episode of all 88 of them is Who Can Blow The Biggest Fart.. Kenny vs. Spenny is the funniest reality show on TV today! Kenny vs. Spenny can't even manage the dubious distinction of being offensive. As with the wheelchair gag, there's no shock value or wit to any of it. Check your horoscope to learn how the stars align for you today. The Turkish version, Cenk Vs. Erdem, had forgone the attempt to even be a spinoff, opting instead to be a shot-for-shot remake of KvS. "He's not even measuring it!". However, since they have just defined mean as malicious, Spenny lost the competition, although no one caught on to that. Kenny refused to fight Spenny because he did not want to hurt his friend or make him bleed. Like Kenny said at the time, a lot of people would have found that fun. Where competitions in the first season were "Who Can Stay Awake the Longest?" Kenny tricked Spenny by letting Spenny think Kenny killed his own goat by buying a skinned lamb at the butcher and he tied it to his other foot pretending he had killed his goat, making Spenny quit in disgust. This fish-out-of-water competition has the boys pathetically attempting . Kenny left Spenny in the closet for a day whilst he left to go sightseeing at. In a final stand-off in which both Kenny and Spenny had to stand in one spot for as long as possible, Kenny put itching powder on Spenny's standing spot, causing Spenny to leave his position. Kenny tried various methods to get Spenny upset in time for the visits with the psychologists, including switching Spenny's decaf coffee with regular coffee, and random acts of violence. Spenny used pliers to rip out some of Kenny's body hair. Kenny faked a drug overdose causing Spenny to lose his cool during judgement, although Spenny's attempts at being cool would have lost him the competition anyway. The man in Kenny's room was actually a make-up artist wearing a mould of Kenny's face. It's all too hilarious. Spenny: Spiking my drink with acid would have to be the worst thing, but also in season one where I was whipped by a transvestite dominatrix for a humiliation. Kenny made Spenny paranoid by placing a fake 'bug' on Spenny's phone, making him think that Kenny had been listening to his calls. None of this can be any good for the youngsters. Kenny finds instant coffee and eats it. In Who Can Handle More Torture, Kenny, given his disgusting humor, attached a fake penis to a dummy, which Spenny then had to perform a sex act on. Spenny took them to a financial seminar and fitness class. Viewers think that the worst thing Kenny had to do was brush his teeth with a used toilet brush, which comes in at tied #9 worst. In truth, he is the only real contestant. Three disabled judges spent a day with each of the guys; one with, The crew made Kenny and Spenny take a nude, Kenny and Spenny purchased a large amount of. Spenny unknowingly ate popcorn that Kenny made from unpopped kernels he had swallowed and recovered from his feces. Lap of Luxury, a Big Brother type of reality series with a household of competitors. They also think that the weakest humiliation was walking up the steps of the CN Tower. While CanCon cable shows like Trailer Park Boys, The Tom Green Show, and KvS were aired all over the world during the late 90s/early 2000s and grew massive followings, they often received little critical respect domestically. Spenny laid in a kiddie pool and the crew all vomited on him. Spenny agreed that he would win, but would not make Kenny do a humiliation. Competition judged by. Spenny managed to drive back to the track and still beat Kenny. But where most series decline because the creators hate each other, KvS got more twisted; as Spenny got more paranoid and angry, Kenny got meaner and crazier. He then donned makeup and a fat suit and left the house. CBC viewers who wished to catch an early glimpse of the news were shocked when they flipped the channel to witness the end of a KvS episodethe humiliation segment of the show. I met Spencer Rice at a cafe on the outskirts of Kingston, Ontario. As Spenny opts to eat mostly cooked chicken and turkey in what can only be seen as some kind of strange power move, Kenny eats only raw meat, going so far as to blend a bunch of different meats together into a thick paste, which he drinks straight from the blender. After 86 episodes and a Christmas special of competing against each other, they remain friends. The second worst thing Kenny had to do was play with his penis in front of his mother, that comes in at #13. The revival was sparked after Kenny uploaded the entire series onto YouTube (which has since been deleted), where it accrued tens of million of views. It's a city boy's worst nightmare, as Kenny and Spenny have to fend for themselves in the unforgiving wilderness. Let's assume Spenny has to put a skunk in his cage, and it sprayed him in the face. INFERNO REMAKE in source 2 79 rate my aim 1-10 12 Sprout vs Falcons 5 Device and blamef to vitality ? The series is filmed in the house that both Hotz and Rice share in Toronto, Ontario. At the 24-hour mark, the two are woozy. Both Kenny and Spenny ate foods that were very "gassy." Spenny was forced to lie down while James McAndrew, the "National Farting Champion of Canada" repeatedly farted in his face. No humiliation (draw); however, Kenny dressed Spenny up as a clown and urinated on him while he was unconscious. Spenny endured Kenny's bad breath for 60 seconds. In the following episode, Who Can Stay In A Van The Longest, Spenny is giving away Kennys possessions outside, and one of the things that Spenny gives away is the mask that was used to torment him. Kenny stated at the start he was going to let Spenny win out of pity and would purposely strip badly, in an attempt to cause Spenny to pull out of the competition to preserve his dignity. Kenny drank much coffee during the competition, while Spenny decided to try and win without using any artificial stimulants. Viewers might not have noticed the change of house as very little of the first property was shown in the first season, and its only upon rewatching the show that audiences might see the differences. Gould is Joe Schmo, and doesn't know it. Whoever loses gets humiliated. Kenny and Spenny wrestle and poke each other, like little boys on a sleepover. "I think the big difference between us is introspection versus extroversion," says Spencer. He thinks this a smart way to conserve energy. Spenny smelled Kenny's sweaty armpit for five seconds. ", "Who Can Earn the Most Money in Three Days? Spenny's tactic was to eat turkey, while Kenny tried to gross out Spenny by eating cow tongue and other unappetising meats. . right out the gate. RELATED: Modern Family: 10 Hidden Details Behind The Costumes You Didnt Know. Kenny and Spenny hate each other so much, and if they were in a movie, they would make the list of couples with absolutely no chemistry. Its pretty apt forKenny as he sees himself as something of a leader of a revolution, but a much more messed up one. "We were so filthy and disgusting. While the format was easy to replicate, the long-standing, complicated relationship between Kenny and Spenny was the perfect storm for a show of the likes we will probably never see again. Kenny forfeited to stop Spenny from jumping off a cliff into water to prove that he has the biggest balls. Though it may not seem like a show that focuses on minor details for viewers to discover, Kenny vs Spenny has a flurry of secrets. Spenny attaches steak knives to his, while Kenny creates a device to wear that includes a flamethrower, Roman candles, mace, and a smoke screen. Aside from a few jokes at the expense of Spenny's mom, Kenny was pretty candid. The guys dressed up in drag and attempted to act as convincing women. Kenny manually pumped air into his colon, producing louder and longer farts to psych out Spenny; however, these farts were not measured, as they expelled air, not, Each roommate shot several video options. You know it's bad, right from the animated opening credits, with Hotz and Rice depicted as duelling ninjas and gladiators. ", "Kenny vs. Spenny Episode List Season 1", "Who Can Gain the Most Weight in One Week? Kenny tried to create fake news stories by hiring actors that look like famous people, including fake, Spenny had "Kenny is a Loser" displayed on a large outdoor TV screen along with some very unflattering pictures. Kenny equipped the back of the van with a television, stove and other equipment, while Spenny drove and stayed in the front seat. . having food debris from the other competitor's tongue kept on [Spenny's] tongue for 10 seconds! Being one of Kennys cleverer cheats, the prankster switches his crates of beer for non-alcoholic beer thats made by the same brand. Spenny ate Kenny's vomit (believing it was his own). Kenny, through an earpiece, made Spenny say rude things to unsuspecting people on the street. A Humilation is a punishment that one is required to suffer for losing a competition in Kenny vs Spenny. Browse more videos. Kenny used an electric wheelchair at a museum to expend as little energy as possible. Spenny then began to suspect she might be working for Kenny, and as a result Spenny got rid of her. Kenny ate one of Spenny's freshly picked ". The crew members became secondary characters, as henchmen to their schemes, or as horrified witnesses to the debauchery that was unfolding before them, giving the show a fresh breath of authenticity. who can stand the longest, who can drink the most beer, who makes the more convincing woman) and then compete against each other to see who wins. Spenny dressed up as a baby and sat in a crib on a busy downtown sidewalk. In a series of torture mini-comps, Kenny avoided doing any torture either by cheating or forfeiting, allowing Spenny to humiliate himself many times, while accepting only the one humiliation for losing the competition. He has received numerous awards for his television work from the Academy of Canadian Cinema \u0026 Television, the Gemini Awards and the Canadian Comedy Awardsand is a multiple-time film festival award-winner. This involves one dressing up as a washroom attendant, while the other sits on the toilet, drawers dropped. Kenny invited his mother over to the household to make her "famous Hotz chilli . What followed was a loud bang which caused Kenny and the crew to run out of the house. [1] Season one officially began on August 26, 2003, with the competition Who Is the Best Fashion Designer?. They goad and bait Joe Schmo at every opportunity and there are many of those in the first show alone. Spenny arrived at the house on a non-shooting day to find Kenny having spent much of the production budget on props, costumes and actors to decorate the house and act as emperor. Spenny took his own off to confront Kenny, but Kenny was wearing his blindfold. An incredibly underrated comedy series in my opinion. But after KvS ended in 2010, the two friends didn't speak to each other for years. All of Kenny's tactics did not work out. He uses the mask to torment Kenny instead of wearing his blindfold. Kenny heard the fart from the living room and suddenly gets very . Spenny received a beating from a transvestite dominatrix. Spenny's jaw just about hit the floor in disbelief. The duo visited a sleep clinic to see if they would fall asleep. This was was something the spinoff shows lacked. Spenny retaliated by stealing his valuable. Kenny enlisted the help of a friend, whom Spenny hates, to annoy him and force him to quit the competition. competition. ", "Who Can Survive in the Woods the Longest? Kenny scraped a large amount of food debris from his tongue which Spenny had to keep on his tongue for 10 seconds. Kenny tried to use costumes to keep his singing interesting and rested his voice by lip syncing with a choir. Just stupid elementary-school antics from camera-hungry dopes in arrested development. They make Beavis and Butt-head look like Ibsen characters. "Holy shit!" In the episode, the pair are given devices that monitor how much gas is in each fart. But for all of its entertainment value, the back-and-forth animosity of the show took a severe toll on their relationship. Kenny argued that this should have resulted in forfeiture. Kenny bought various items at the dollar store and put them together to make a series of outfits for women. To make Spenny scared of him, Kenny ran into Spenny's room and trashed his belongings. Kenny faked a broken leg while practising and got Spenny to tend to him for the entire episode. Kenny vs. Spenny is aimed at kids, since it airs in CBC's pre-dinner block, right after Spenny will usually be true to the name and make Kenny be actually humiliated, while Kenny will make Spenny do suffering and physically painful, though there have been exceptions to both. Kenny's friendlier and Spenny's a bit more self-aware, but what you see is what you get with these guys. He enlisted the help of a friend to torture Spenny whilst he was blindfolded, but this was actually Kenny as Spenny could not tell who it was. Kenny then planted a third blindfold for Spenny to find, which tricked Spenny into thinking Kenny had taken his off. The premise was simple: pit two childhood friends against each other in a series of silly competitions such as "Who Can Wear an Octopus on Their Head the Longest?" Ever since the shows inception, it has been the subject of speculation as to whether or not the episodes are staged, and though Kenny has been quick to shoot down any rumors of such things, there have been many clues that state otherwise. Among Kenny's most ruthless and devious strategies was when he slipped Spenny LSD in the octopus-wearing competition, which he won after convincing Spenny that the octopus needed to be set free in Lake Ontario. Being a Canadian productionthough that's not exactly common knowledgethe two best friends travel around Toronto in one of the production vans together. The guy that's playing by the rules is the idiot," says Kenny. Spenny was going to have Kenny masturbate on camera. Spenny, thinking that his script offer was real, bought seven Bibles from Kenny to prove he was serious about quitting the show to become a Hollywood screenwriter. In the basement, Kenny opened the back flap of his onesie, slid a plastic tube up his rectum and proceeded to blow air into himself. Spenny's arousal theory is put to the test while the ever confident Kenny is more focused on what he hopes would be Spenny's worst humiliation to date. The show started miraculously enough on CBC. Lanky, long faced, and wearing a Charlie Chaplin T-shirt, he asks "Do you smoke?" Their competitions are ridiculous, immature and totally intense. Being a show that viewersdidnt know was Canadian, as its based in Toronto,each episode follows the two housemates battleeach other in strange challenges. The loud bang turned out to be a crane from the next building. After stalling for a long time, Kenny said the competition would start after he changed his shoes. Kenny makes Spenny put his own mother's underwear in his mouth. Kenny went to a dog's grooming salon to cut off the hair from his gorilla suit, in an attempt to make the suit less hot, however this did not work. Kenny tricked Spenny into believing that Kenny's mother was dead, so that Spenny would go to a fake funeral miles away from the race track. Spenny brushed his toilet bowl with a toilet brush, and Kenny was forced to brush his teeth with it. The judges unanimously picked Kenny's collection. Spenny also planned to pour ants into Kenny's suit, but Kenny poured them into Spenny's instead. Feeling guilty for tricking them, he did give them gift cards in the end. The entire meat eating episode is gross, as Kenny and Spenny both eat over a dozen pounds of meat, but it reaches a crescendo when Kenny gets sick and . Examples are: in Who is the Best Figure Skater?, when Kenny was feigning a leg injury, he made an agreement with Spenny that no one would suffer a humiliation (although Spenny urinated on his bed when he found out he was lying). Kenny later revealed that he did not have anything to do with the girl. Spenny gives Kenny $1,000 to go to "Amsterdam" and Kenny takes the offer, but goes to the "Amsterdam" beer company, and showers himself in beer, meanwhile, Spenny is trying to have a dinner party but Kenny comes back and crashes it. "Who Can Get Further With The Other Guy's Mom?". However, given Kennys history with editing images and making up grand lies about himself, who knows if its true. Needless to say, Spennys efforts fail in comparison, as he gets drunk and starts acting like an imbecile in the middle of the street, assuming that hes passively committing crimes. At the end of each episode, the loser gets humiliated. He also had to do 26 of the top 30, with Kenny only having to do 6 of the top 30 (2 of the top 30 were double humiliations.). The show was such a hit around the world that it spawned a series of international spinoffs, such as Ed Vs. Spencer in the UK, Elton Vs. Simon in Germany and Sid Vs. Varun in India. Our tepid public broadcaster picked the show up after MTV and the USA network both pulled the plug on it before even airing it and since then, it has become a legend in Canadian television. But Kenny sees it a little differently. Kenny vs. Spenny is a low-rent vanity piece by two no-names who slipped through the cracks. Kenny ordered a high-tech, padded weight vest on the show's budget while Spenny used a regular vest with barbells and other weights tied to it. The crew admits Kenny tried, but Spenny is unanimously the bigger idiot. From that point on, Kenny and his new partner antagonize and annoy Spenny, trying to get him to use his arms. The humiliation is selected by the winner of each competition unless the competition ends in draw, whereby the film crew decides what act of humiliation both Hotz and Rice must perform. Prior to the competition, Kenny visited the owner of the boat and paid him off to go to an area with no fish, and to go through with his plan. The entire list of ranked humiliations is available to view here:, Statistically, viewers think that Spenny had to do 9 of the 10 worst humiliations in the show, including all of the top 8. But if viewers look a little closer, theyll see its not Che at all, but Kenny Hotz superimposed on to the tee. The makers of South Park once called it the most accurate examination of male friendships that we've ever seen. Follow us on Twitter: @globeartsOpens in a new window. To him, the audience cheering at his defeats and humiliations reflects a societal decline of values. There are dozens of jokes from Kenny vs. Spenny that have aged poorly, but some are inexplicably gross. By Cam Lindsay. A subreddit dedicated to the cult classic show Kenny vs Spenny, as well as other projects by Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice. Viewers think that the worst thing Kenny had to do was brush his teeth with a used toilet brush, which comes in at tied #9 worst. Just prior to his runway show, two of Spenny's models quit, forcing him to seek help from people passing on the street. Episodes. After repeatedly having to clarify the rules and start over, the contest was changed to "Whoever Has the Most Stains Loses". Spenny, realizing during Kenny's routine that it had not been a ploy, walked out on the competition, but changed his mind a few minutes later. Currently splitting his time between Madrid and Chicago, Stephen Barker has been a staff writer at Screen Rant since 2020. Spenny cleaned the windows of their production company building, wearing nothing but a safety harness. Kenny besmirched Spenny's character while imitating him thus provoking Spenny to break out of character too many times. NEXT: Breaking Bad: 10 Hidden Details You Missed About A1A Car Wash. In a role reversal, Kenny vowed not to cheat, knowing Spenny was not a comfortable cook. Spenny will usually be true to the name and make Kenny be actually humiliated, while Kenny will make Spenny do suffering and physically painful, though there have been exceptions to both. While Spenny was gone, Kenny hired a black maid to clean the house and be interviewed. While in the house, Kenny played many tricks on Spenny in hopes of scaring him out of the house. Some of them have themes, such as one designed as a U.S. fighter jet. Apparently, Will Ferrell is to blame for giving young people an insatiable taste for "stupid comedy," which has them drool over the likes of Jackass and KvS. Visit Stephen's personal blog, Quaranste, where he writes about guilty pleasure movies, his latest musical discoveries, and how he stays creative during global pandemics. Who Can Wear a Dead Octopus On Their Head The Longest? Kenny also pretended to be gay as girls are more willing to kiss gay guys, and also had a cute puppy with him to make women think he was caring. Kenny made himself as repulsive as possible to Spenny prior to the start of the competition by drinking a cocktail of smelly foods. Spenny had to serve as Kenny's bathroom attendant. Kenny then snuck out of the house. Kenny vs. Spenny: Created by Kenny Hotz, Spencer Rice, Abby Finer. At the 48-hour mark, they visit a sleep disorder clinic, where they waste the staff's time. The peak of the episode came when Kenny, in character as Spenny, started eating fecesfrom the toilet while singing about his grandfather. Likewise, Spenny's easiest humiliation was taking a ride in an airplane whilst aerobatic maneuvers were . The guys have an ultimate fighting-style match, but all attacks must "emanate" from the penis. In part two, Spenny wrapped up his retreat by dressing in Ku Klux Klan outfit to make a point about the ignorance of racists. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In a last-ditch effort to prevent his fears from taking over, Spenny handcuffed himself to a chain link in a room. A Humilation is a punishment that one is required to suffer for losing a competition in Kenny vs Spenny. That is actually an act of . The loser performed a "humiliation," a degrading act chosen by the victor, such as streaking down Yonge Street, french kissing an old lady, or eating sushi off the other's naked bottom. Spenny eventually goes on a boat ride with three prostitutes and booze but gets too drunk and passes out before he could have more fun with the prostitutes. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. But, when Spenny was passed out, Kenny threw up over him, and then acted as ifit was Spennys vomit. Paldemic is a 2020 television special created as a follow-up of the show Kenny vs. Spenny which ended in 2010. It gets worse. As on Spenny accepted the crew's decision that Kenny had not actually agreed to the draw. In Who Can Drink The Most Beer, the first episode of the second season, Kenny and Spenny are living in a different house, which has now become iconic in Toronto. Though the pair are so used to throwing jabsat each other that outdo even Dr. Coxs best insults, they set that aside for the episode First Guy To Laugh Loses, which was a resounding win for Spenny. Kenny finally lit Spenny's mask on fire, forcing him to take it off. Kenny generally takes his losses much worse than Spenny does. Season 1, Episode 25 Aged the best One of my personal favs, full of good plans on either side, Kenny's overboard creature comforts paired with a spare key, and Spenny's garage sale were both great calls. Kenny Vs. Spenny revealed the shittiness of masculinity.". Spenny supposedly quit the show and moved out having had enough of Kenny's games. One sound man turned away in disgust. "Who Can Win a Series of Mini-Competitions?". Also, Kenny spat in the bottle of mouthwash he knew Spenny would use after biting Kenny's yellow nails. Since graduating from Manchester Metropolitan University with a bachelor's degree in Film, Television, and Cultural Studies in 2014, he has written for numerous movie and music websites. Agreeing that Spenny would never win against Kenny in a weight-lifting competition, Kenny suggested Spenny compete against Kenny's sister, Miriam. There are dozens of jokes from Kenny vs. Spenny that have aged poorly, but some are inexplicably gross. Kenny also arranged a surprise party for Spenny (as Spenny hates being the centre of attention), pretending that it was his birthday. Spenny believed he was thinking outside the box by including men's breasts (the rules only specify "breasts"); However, Kenny noticed the loophole as well, and included cow's udders, mannequins, and even chicken breasts. While the concepts themselves are worth a laugh,the heart of Kenny vs Spenny lay in their absurd, larger-than-life friendship. Page across from the living room and trashed his belongings Spenny and she chose Kenny kiddie and... And recovered from his feces he uses the mask to torment Kenny of. His fears from taking over, Spenny & # x27 ; s time learn how stars. Sprayed him in the bottle of mouthwash he knew Spenny would never win against Kenny in a new window is! The fart from the animated opening credits, with Hotz and Rice in! It was his own mother 's underwear his friend or make him bleed, and then as. 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