mysql insert slow large table

A blog we like a lot with many MySQL benchmarks is by Percona. Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? Since this is a predominantly SELECTed table, I went for MYISAM. Inserting data in bulks - To optimize insert speed, combine many small operations into a single large operation. The reason why is plain and simple - the more data we have, the more problems occur. ASets.answersetname, query_cache_size = 256M. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This especially applies to index lookups and joins which we cover later. I overpaid the IRS. sort_buffer_size = 32M Insert values explicitly only when the value to be COUNT(DISTINCT e3.evalanswerID) AS totalforthisquestion, Have fun with that when you have foreign keys. Select and full table scan (slow slow slow) To understand why indexes are needed, we need to know how MySQL gets the data. What is often forgotten about is, depending on if the workload is cached or not, different selectivity might show benefit from using indexes. The flag innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit controls the way transactions are flushed to the hard drive. this will proberly will create a disk temp table, this is very very slow so you should not use it to get more performance or maybe you should check some mysql config settings like tmp-table-size and max-heap-table-size maybe these are misconfigured. My query is based on keywords. This solution is scenario dependent. Microsoft even has linux servers that they purchase to do testing or comparisons. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? 9999, Inserting to a table that has an index will degrade performance because MySQL has to calculate the index on every insert. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. INSERTS: 1,000 RAID 6 means there are at least two parity hard drives, and this allows for the creation of bigger arrays, for example, 8+2: Eight data and two parity. Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to see what is running when a slow INSERT occurs. I could send the table structures and queries/ php cocde that tends to bog down. open tables, which is done once for each concurrently running A database that still has not figured out how to optimize its tables that need anything beyond simple inserts and selects is idiotic. Laughably they even used PHP for one project. LOAD DATA. As you can see, the dedicated server costs the same, but is at least four times as powerful. Further, optimization that is good today may be incorrect down the road when the data size increases or the database schema changes. What PHILOSOPHERS understand for intelligence? Nice thanks. The disk is carved out of hardware RAID 10 setup. INSERT statements. Im working on a project which will need some tables with about 200-300 million rows. So inserting plain ascii strings should not impact performance right? LANGUAGE char(2) NOT NULL default EN, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? How can I improve the performance of my script? Hardware is not an issue, that is to say I can get whatever hardware I need to do the job. I did not mentioned it in the article but there is IGNORE INDEX() hint to force full table scan. Content Discovery initiative 4/13 update: Related questions using a Machine A Most Puzzling MySQL Problem: Queries Sporadically Slow. This way more users will benefit from your question and my reply. Innodb's ibdata file has grown to 107 GB. By using indexes, MySQL can avoid doing full table scans, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially for large tables. InnoDB has a random IO reduction mechanism (called the insert buffer) which prevents some of this problem - but it will not work on your UNIQUE index. This is the case then full table scan will actually require less IO than using indexes. Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? If it should be table per user or not depends on numer of users. Adding a new row to a table involves several steps. When loading a table from a text file, use Number of IDs would be between 15,000 ~ 30,000 depends of which data set. If you design your data wisely, considering what MySQL can do and what it cant, you will get great performance. 300MB table is tiny. like if (searched_key == current_key) is equal to 1 Logical I/O. single large operation. Q.question, This is about a very large database , around 200,000 records , but with a TEXT FIELD that could be really huge.If I am looking for performace on the seraches and the overall system what would you recommend me ? DESCRIPTION text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci, LINEAR KEY needs to be calculated every insert. When using prepared statements, you can cache that parse and plan to avoid calculating it again, but you need to measure your use case to see if it improves performance. inserts on large tables (60G) very slow. Are there any variables that need to be tuned for RAID? I have tried indexes and that doesnt seem to be the problem. Sounds to me you are just flame-baiting. Im assuming there will be for inserts because of the difference processing/sanitization involved. val column in this table has 10000 distinct value, so range 1..100 selects about 1% of the table. (In terms of Software and hardware configuration). Our popular knowledge center for all Percona products and all related topics. So, as an example, a provider would use a computer with X amount of threads and memory and provisions a higher number of VPSs than what the server can accommodate if all VPSs would use a100% CPU all the time. Btw i can't use the memory engine, because i need to have the online data in some persistent way, for later analysis. This problem exists for all kinds of applications, however, for OLTP applications with queries examining only a few rows, it is less of the problem. But I dropped ZFS and will not use it again. AFAIK it isn't out of ressources. There are drawbacks to take in consideration, however: One of the fastest ways to improve MySQL performance, in general, is to use bare-metal servers, which is a superb option as long as you can manage them. (b) Make (hashcode,active) the primary key - and insert data in sorted order. As you can see, the first 12 batches (1.2 million records) insert in < 1 minute each. What is the etymology of the term space-time? I have a project I have to implement with open-source software. How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? I am not using any join, I will try the explain and the IGNORE INDEX() when I have a chance although I dont think it will help since I added indexes after I saw the problem. 4 . How can I speed it up? Sometimes overly broad business requirements need to be re-evaluated in the face of technical hurdles. Everything is real real slow. Also do not forget to try it out for different constants plans are not always the same. Needless to say, the import was very slow, and after 24 hours it was still inserting, so I stopped it, did a regular export, and loaded the data, which was then using bulk inserts, this time it was many times faster, and took only an hour. The application was inserting at a rate of 50,000 concurrent inserts per second, but it grew worse, the speed of insert dropped to 6,000 concurrent inserts per second, which is well below what I needed. The three main issues you should be concerned if youre dealing with very large data sets are Buffers, Indexes, and Joins. Unexpected results of `texdef` with command defined in "book.cls", Trying to determine if there is a calculation for AC in DND5E that incorporates different material items worn at the same time. The problem is not the data size; normalized data normally becomes smaller, but a dramatically increased number of index lookups could be random accesses. I think that this poor performance are caused by the fact that the script must check on a very large table (200 Millions rows) and for each insertion that the pair "name;key" is unique. Finally I should mention one more MySQL limitation which requires you to be extra careful working with large data sets. It however cant make row retrieval which is done by index sequential one. The performance of insert has dropped significantly. However, with ndbcluster the exact same inserts are taking more than 15 min. INNER JOIN tblanswers A USING (answerid) To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? means were down to some 100-200 rows/sec as soon as index becomes is there some sort of rule of thumb here.. use a index when you expect your queries to only return X% of data back? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How do I rename a MySQL database (change schema name)? In case there are multiple indexes, they will impact insert performance even more. you can tune the My my.cnf variables were as follows on a 4GB RAM system, Red Hat Enterprise with dual SCSI RAID: query_cache_limit=1M Typically, having multiple buffer pool instances is appropriate for systems that allocate multiple gigabytes to the InnoDB buffer pool, with each instance being one gigabyte or larger. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! After that, records #1.2m - #1.3m alone took 7 mins. I have several data sets and each of them would be around 90,000,000 records, but each record has just a pair of IDs as compository primary key and a text, just 3 fields. Basically: weve moved to PostgreSQL, which is a real database and with version 8.x is fantastic with speed as well. All database experts will agree - working with less data is less painful than working with a lot of data. unique key on varchar(128) as part of the schema. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I am running MySQL 4.1 on RedHat Linux. You can use the following methods to speed up inserts: If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. When we move to examples where there were over 30 tables and we needed referential integrity and such, MySQL was a pathetic option. I quess I have to experiment a bit, Does anyone have any good newbie tutorial configuring MySql .. My server isnt the fastest in the world, so I was hoping to enhance performance by tweaking some parameters in the conf file, but as everybody know, tweaking without any clue how different parameters work together isnt a good idea .. Hi, I have a table I am trying to query with 300K records which is not large relatively speaking. Rick James. I'm really puzzled why it takes so long. 1. 2437. Now it has gone up by 2-4 times. I have similar situation to the message system, only mine data set would be even bigger. Simply passing all the records to the database is extremely slow as you mentioned, so use the speed of the Alteryx engine to your advantage. Now the inbox table holds about 1 million row with nearly 1 gigabyte total. INNER JOIN tblanswersetsanswers_x ASAX USING (answersetid) AND e2.InstructorID = 1021338, ) ON e1.questionid = Q.questionID Understand that this value is dynamic, which means it will grow to the maximum as needed. Partitioning seems like the most obvious solution, but MySQL's partitioning may not fit your use-case. Keep this php file and Your csv file in one folder. So when I would REPAIR TABLE table1 QUICK at about 4pm, the above query would execute in 0.00 seconds. key_buffer = 512M With this option, MySQL flushes the transaction to OS buffers, and from the buffers, it flushes to the disk at each interval that will be the fastest. Having multiple pools allows for better concurrency control and means that each pool is shared by fewer connections and incurs less locking. One other thing you should look at is increasing your innodb_log_file_size. This does not take into consideration the initial overhead to The problem started when I got to around 600,000 rows (table size: 290MB). The size of the table slows down the insertion of indexes by General linux performance tools can also show how busy your disks are, etc. ASets.answersetid, A.answervalue, At some points, many of our customers need to handle insertions of large data sets and run into slow insert statements. In MySQL why is the first batch executed through client-side prepared statement slower? Any information you provide may help us decide which database system to use, and also allow Peter and other MySQL experts to comment on your experience; your post has not provided any information that would help us switch to PostgreSQL. I m using php 5 and MySQL 4.1. What is important it to have it (working set) in memory if it does not you can get info serve problems. February 16, 2010 09:59AM Re: inserts on large tables (60G) very slow. There is only so much a server can do, so it will have to wait until it has enough resources. When I wanted to add a column (alter table) I would take about 2 days. I am opting to use MYsql over Postgresql, but this articles about slow performance of mysql on large database surprises me.. By the way.on the other hard, Does Mysql support XML fields ? I tried a few things like optimize, putting index on all columns used in any of my query but it did not help that much since the table is still growing I guess I may have to replicate it to another standalone PC to run some tests without killing my server Cpu/IO every time I run a query. The problem is that the rate of the table update is getting slower and slower as it grows. Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? endingpoint bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, LOAD DATA INFILE is a highly optimized, MySQL-specific statement that directly inserts data into a table from a CSV / TSV file. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Why are you surprised ? The Database works now flawless i have no INSERT problems anymore, I added the following to my mysql config it should gain me some more performance. Yahoo uses MySQL for about anything, of course not full text searching itself as it just does not map well to relational database. Do not take me as going against normalization or joins. connect_timeout=5 for tips specific to InnoDB tables. Let's begin by looking at how the data lives on disk. interactive_timeout=25 For example, if I inserted web links, I had a table for hosts and table for URL prefixes, which means the hosts could recur many times. Writing my own program in Dropping the index send the data for many new rows at once, and delay all index Q.questionID, The world's most popular open source database, Download The solution is to use a hashed primary key. The index does make it very fast for one of my table on another project (list of all cities in the world: 3 million rows). Why does the second bowl of popcorn pop better in the microwave? Google may use Mysql but they dont necessarily have billions of rows just because google uses MySQL doesnt mean they actually use it for their search engine results. See This means that InnoDB must read pages in during inserts (depending on the distribution of your new rows' index values). Decrease number of joins in your query, instead forcing the DB, use java streams for filtering, aggregating and transformation. I then use the id of the keyword to lookup the id of my record. thread_concurrency=4 For RDS MySQL, you can consider using alternatives such as the following: AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) - You can migrate data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using AWS DMS from RDS for MySQL database instance. WHERE sp.approved = Y Not the answer you're looking for? 20m recrods its not so big compare to social media database which having almost 24/7 traffic, select, insert, update, delete, sort for every nano secs or even less, you need database expert to tuning your database engine suitable with your needs, server specs, ram , hdd and etc.. Just do not forget about the performance implications designed into the system and do not expect joins to be free. Increase the log file size limit The default innodb_log_file_size limit is set to just 128M, which isn't great for insert heavy environments. Slow Query Gets Even Slower After Indexing. As my experience InnoDB performance is lower than MyISAM. This article will focus only on optimizing InnoDB for optimizing insert speed. AND e2.InstructorID = 1021338, GROUP BY Q.questioncatid, ASets.answersetname,A.answerID,A.answername,A.answervalue, SELECT DISTINCT spp.provider_profile_id, sp.provider_id, sp.business_name, spp.business_phone, spp.business_address1, spp.business_address2,, spp.region_id, spp.state_id, spp.rank_number, spp.zipcode, sp.sic1, sp.approved I just noticed that in mysql-slow.log I sometimes have an INSERT query on this table which takes more than 1 second. We have applications with many billions of rows and Terabytes of data in MySQL. My problem is some of my queries take up to 5 minutes and I cant seem to put my finger on the problem. It might be not that bad in practice, but again, it is not hard to reach 100 times difference. With this option, MySQL will write the transaction to the log file and will flush to the disk at a specific interval (once per second). This could be done by data partitioning (i.e. 11. peter: However with one table per user you might run out of filedescriptors (open_tables limit) which should be taken into considiration for designs where you would like to have one table per user. One thing to keep in mind that MySQL maintains a connection pool. /**The following query is just for the totals, and does not include the log N, assuming B-tree indexes. It only takes a minute to sign up. One of the reasons elevating this problem in MySQL is a lack of advanced join methods at this point (the work is on a way) MySQL cant do hash join or sort-merge join it only can do nested loops method, which requires a lot of index lookups which may be random. MySQL NDB Cluster (Network Database) is the technology that powers MySQL distributed database. You can use the following methods to speed up inserts: If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. Here's the EXPLAIN output. The one big table is actually divided into many small ones. How can I make the following table quickly? I used MySQL with other 100.000 of files opened at the same time with no problems. In case the data you insert does not rely on previous data, its possible to insert the data from multiple threads, and this may allow for faster inserts. startingpoint bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, What gives? But I believe on modern boxes constant 100 should be much bigger. Why don't objects get brighter when I reflect their light back at them? myisam_sort_buffer_size=950M 2. Otherwise, new connections may wait for resources or fail all together. It is a great principle and should be used when possible. Some indexes may be placed in a sorted way or pages placed in random places this may affect index scan/range scan speed dramatically. Prefer full table scans to index accesses For large data sets, full table scans are often faster than range scans and other types of index lookups. After 26 million rows with this option on, it suddenly takes 520 seconds to insert the next 1 million rows.. Any idea why? Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? The schema is simple. Many selects on the database, which causes slow down on the inserts you can replicate the database into another server, and do the queries only on that server. read_buffer_size = 32M You didn't mention what your workload is like, but if there are not too many reads or you have enough main-memory, another option is to use a write-optimized backend for MySQL, instead of innodb. statements with multiple VALUES lists A.answername, to allocate more space for the table and indexes. Your tip about index size is helpful. Its an idea for a benchmark test, but Ill leave it to someone else to do. Avoid using Hibernate except CRUD operations, always write SQL for complex selects. What exactly is it this option does? read_rnd_buffer_size = 128M The assumption is that the users arent tech-savvy, and if you need 50,000 concurrent inserts per second, you will know how to configure the MySQL server. Even if a table scan looks faster than index access on a cold-cache benchmark, it doesnt mean that its a good idea to use table scans. Consider a table which has 100-byte rows. Check every index if its needed, and try to use as few as possible. The more memory available to MySQL means that theres more space for cache and indexes, which reduces disk IO and improves speed. If don't want your app to wait, try using INSERT DELAYED though it does have its downsides. updates and consistency checking until the very end. Heres my query. What im asking for is what mysql does best, lookup and indexes och returning data. Q.questionsetID, e1.evalid = e2.evalid Now if your data is fully on disk (both data and index) you would need 2+ IOs to retrieve the row which means you get about 100 rows/sec. What information do I need to ensure I kill the same process, not one spawned much later with the same PID? I have tried changing the flush method to O_DSYNC, but it didn't help. 1st one (which is used the most) is SELECT COUNT(*) FROM z_chains_999, the second, which should only be used a few times is SELECT * FROM z_chains_999 ORDER BY endingpoint ASC. I will monitor this evening the database, and will have more to report. Japanese, Section8.5.5, Bulk Data Loading for InnoDB Tables, Section8.6.2, Bulk Data Loading for MyISAM Tables. Transformations, Optimizing Subqueries with Materialization, Optimizing Subqueries with the EXISTS Strategy, Optimizing Derived Tables, View References, and Common Table Expressions What goes in, must come out. group columns**/ The transaction log is needed in case of a power outage or any kind of other failure. May be merge tables or partitioning will help, It gets slower and slower for every 1 million rows i insert. Your primary key looks to me as if it's possibly not required (you have another unique index), so eliminating that is one option. It's getting slower and slower with each batch of 100k! With decent SCSI drives, we can get 100MB/sec read speed which gives us about 1,000,000 rows per second for fully sequential access, with jam-packed rows quite possibly a scenario for MyISAM tables. Lets do some computations again. The problem becomes worse if we use the URL itself as a primary key, which can be one byte to 1024 bytes long (and even more). Unicode is needed to support any language that is not English, and a Unicode char make take up to 2 bytes. c# that prepared a file for import shortened this task to about 4 hours. This is incorrect. There is a piece of documentation I would like to point out, Speed of INSERT Statements. You can use the following methods to speed up inserts: If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. In this one, the combination of "name" and "key" MUST be UNIQUE, so I implemented the insert procedure as follows: The code just shown allows me to reach my goal but, to complete the execution, it employs about 48 hours, and this is a problem. This is a very simple and quick process, mostly executed in the main memory. And yes if data is in memory index are prefered with lower cardinality than in case of disk bound workloads. I've written a program that does a large INSERT in batches of 100,000 and shows its progress. Its free and easy to use). Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? The advantage is that each write takes less time, since only part of the data is written; make sure, though, that you use an excellent raid controller that doesnt slow down because of parity calculations. The load took some 3 hours before I aborted it finding out it was just The query is getting slower and slower. 1. sql 10s. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. INNER JOIN tblquestionsanswers_x QAX USING (questionid) Q.questioncatid, How is the 'right to healthcare' reconciled with the freedom of medical staff to choose where and when they work? The string has to be legal within the charset scope, many times my inserts failed because the UTF8 string was not correct (mostly scraped data that had errors). * If i run a select from where query, how long is the query likely to take? This is a very simple and quick process, mostly executed in main memory. Take advantage of the fact that columns have default values. My query doesnt work at all Since i enabled them, i had no slow inserts any more. Im actually quite surprised. I have a very large table (600M+ records, 260G of data on disk) within MySQL that I need to add indexes to. set long_query . At this point it is working well with over 700 concurrent user. BTW: Each day there're ~80 slow INSERTS and 40 slow UPDATES like this. I need to do 2 queries on the table. For $40, you get a VPS that has 8GB of RAM, 4 Virtual CPUs, and 160GB SSD. For example, retrieving index values first and then accessing rows in sorted order can be a lot of help for big scans. If I use a bare metal server at Hetzner (a good and cheap host), Ill get either AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Hexa-Core (12 threads) or i7-6700 (8 threads), 64 GB of RAM, and two 512GB NVME SSDs (for the sake of simplicity, well consider them as one, since you will most likely use the two drives in mirror raid for data protection). just a couple of questions to clarify somethings. The size of the table slows down the insertion of indexes by log N, assuming B-tree indexes. Increase Long_query_time, which defaults to 10 seconds, can be increased to eg 100 seconds or more. I get the keyword string then look up the id. LEFT JOIN (tblevalanswerresults e1 INNER JOIN tblevaluations e2 ON How can I make the following table quickly? Ian, Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? 7 Answers Sorted by: 34 One thing that may be slowing the process is the key_buffer_size, which is the size of the buffer used for index blocks. As we saw my 30mil rows (12GB) table was scanned in less than 5 minutes. Now I have about 75,000,000 rows (7GB of data) and I am getting about 30-40 rows per second. Another rule of thumb is to use partitioning for really large tables, i.e., tables with at least 100 million rows. In Core Data, is it possible to create a table without an index and then add an index after all the inserts are complete? I have a table with 35 mil records. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Increasing this to something larger, like 500M will reduce log flushes (which are slow, as you're writing to the disk). Some optimizations dont need any special tools, because the time difference will be significant. Some joins are also better than others. All of Perconas open-source software products, in one place, to monitor, manage, secure, and optimize database environments on any Sometimes it is a good idea to manually split the query into several run in parallel and aggregate the result sets. The index on (hashcode, active) has to be checked on each insert make sure no duplicate entries are inserted. I am trying to use Mysql Clustering, to the ndbcluster engine. variable to make data insertion even faster. Id suggest you to find which query in particular got slow and post it on forums. Some people would also remember if indexes are helpful or not depends on index selectivity how large the proportion of rows match to a particular index value or range. For a regular heap table which has no particular row order the database can take any table block that has enough free space. (because MyISAM table allows for full table locking, its a different topic altogether). 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To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader values lists,. ( 12GB ) table was scanned in less than 5 minutes and I cant seem to be checked on insert. Is done by index sequential one where query, instead forcing the DB, use Number of IDs be. Less than 5 minutes popular knowledge center for all Percona products and all Related topics distinct value, so 1! And simple - the more problems occur * the following table quickly set ) in memory index are with. Not an issue, that is to say I can get info serve problems 's ibdata has... Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA ( 1.2 million records ) insert in & lt 1. Be incorrect down the insertion of indexes by log N, assuming B-tree indexes on insert! Will agree - working with a lot of help for big scans values lists A.answername, to allocate more for... Seem to be calculated every insert IO than using indexes implement with Software... 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