pathfinder kingdom building spreadsheet

Here's what I came up with. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Step 7Issue Edicts: Select or adjust your edict levels (see Edicts). Charter: The sponsor expects you to explore, clear, and settle a wilderness area along the sponsors borderan area where the sponsor has some territorial claims. The Spymaster observes the kingdoms criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms. Treat this act as a Diplomatic edict to form an alliance, but the sponsors initial attitude toward your kingdom is 2 steps worse. Each role grants the kingdom different benefits. What I do want to do however is to give an unqualified THANKYOU! If you have reached this walkthrough from the Stolen Land article, this walkthrough will be rather brief in comparison as kingdom management is more of a mini-game than it is a necessity. Step 1: Decide how many kingdoms youll make out of the old one. :). Vacancy Penalty: If you have no Viceroy for your vassal state, treat it as if it had the Ruler vacancy penalty. Edit: The General is the highest-ranking member of the kingdoms military. Standard Version (.xlsx) Modifiers: None. While it is possible to convert gp into BP and back again, for the most part youll just be spending BP to run your kingdom. My hero! For example, you cant really equate the productivity of a blacksmith with that of a stable, as their goods are used for different things and arent produced at the same rate, but both of them contribute to a kingdoms overall economy. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Based on leadership role bonuses, kingdom alignment bonuses, and buildings in her settlements, the kingdoms Economy is 52, its Loyalty is 45, and its Stability is 56. I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Settlement Roster. edit: Also, the sheet in Ultimate Campaign is the same as the one in the Kingmaker books, just with the additional optional rules from Ultimate Campaign included on it. If this is your first time reading these rules, start with the section on Founding a Settlement and read the rest of the kingdom-building rules in order. Vacancy Penalty: Economy decreases by 4. d20PFSRD on Kingdom Building:. Add the base Consumption for the army (1) and the adjusted Consumption cost for the Ranged Weapons (2) for a total of 3 Consumption per week for the army. Kingdom Building. This sheet is still very much work in progress (I still need to finish adding all activities for instance), but it might still be useful and/or inspiring: Royal Kingdom Sheet for Pathfinder 2E - ALPHA. | Into The Unknown Others lead soldiers into battle, waging great and terrible wars. Please take note that most of the army resources/tactics/abilities won't actually apply any of their modifiers to an army unless the effects are unconditionally active on the armies at all times. Step 1Assign Leadership: Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by particular PCs or closely allied NPCs (see Leadership Roles). Splitting a country because of invasion, revolution, or a similar conflict usually involves unique circumstances and is beyond the scope of these rules; the GM should use the above steps as guidelines for when the kingdom leaders reach an agreement with others about how to split the kingdom. Thanks for the clarification. As we've just started Rivers Run Red and I'm not as familiar with it as I became with Stolen Land, it will take a chunk of my time but hopefully I'll have some left for this project :). Step-by-step instructions on how to found your first settlement. Phase 2Edict: Declare official proclamations about taxes, diplomacy, and other kingdom-wide decisions. If you have the Leadership feat, the bonus from the feat applies to all kingdom attributes you affect (one, two, or three attributes, depending on the kingdoms Size). I haven't had a chance to look over Ultimate Rulership, yet, but I'm definitely going to have to "finish" the Ultimate Campaign material before I can see myself getting started on incorporating the Ultimate Rulership material. Again, thanks for all the excellent work! Those with magical abilities often enjoy favored status in the kingdom. Your kingdoms initial Loyalty is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and any modifiers from your kingdoms leadership role. For example, if the kingdom doesnt have a ruler for a turn, Unrest increases by 4 and doesnt automatically return to its previous level when you eventually fill the vacant Ruler role. If your kingdom is reduced to 0 hexeswhether through Unrest, a natural disaster, an attack by another kingdom, or other circumstancesyou are at risk of losing the kingdom. Failure to complete your duties during a turn means treating the role as thought its vacant. The list of available building types begins. Back to Character Sheets Local Hosting of the File:PZO1125-KingdomSheets.pdf PDF File Currently your browser does not use a PDF plugin. Divide the ACR 3 by 2 to get the base Consumption before adjustments (3 divided by 2 is 1 when rounded down). If the leaders in each kingdom agree to the union, the process is relatively smooth. Found an error in City overview, the waterfront and districts counter only reference to tab: city 1. During the Event Phase, follow these steps. Providing a seed amount of BP at the start of kingdom building means your kingdom isnt starving for resources in the initial months. Also, running Kingmaker has been pretty taxing on me as far as prep time so I haven't been able to work on the spreadsheet as much as I would like to but I should have the next update ready soon! A character can only fill one leadership role at a time. Town Roster. My goal is to make a fully fledge spreadsheet that will take ALL of the work of calculating modifiers out of the player's hands. I also haven't taken the time, yet, to update the instructions sheet so let me know if you have any questions or something seems unclear. I'm also working on a few other things before the game, including actually prepping for the game itself. (While youll start with land and settlements, youll still need around 50 BP to handle your kingdoms Consumption and development needs.). Damn Red - I wish I'd have thought of that 1st! Many PCs are content to live as mercenaries or treasure hunters, no interest in being responsible for the health and well-being of subjects; for these characters, a kingdom is simply a place they pass through on the way to the next adventure. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) It is very flattering and I appreciate the kind thoughts very much, although I'm going to have to decline the offer :) I didn't own a copy of Ultimate Rulership when you posted, however, I just purchased the PDF from the Legendary Games website just in case any of you kind, generous people were tempted to "do it anyway" :) Also: I have to say that I agree with Chemlak. With building a kingdom, you begin by founding a small settlementsuch as a village or townand expand your territory outward, claiming nearby hexes, founding additional settlements, and. Redid the way the "Major Buildings" list works on the City Summary worksheet. Firstly, wow, these are looking amazing! When it's finished you should be able to walk through a kingdom turn with this sheet in a couple of minutes and automatically keep track of the results of that turn. The Councilor acts as a liaison between the citizenry and the other kingdom leaders, parsing requests from the commonwealth and presenting the leaders proclamations to the people in understandable ways. All other roles are optional, though leaving certain roles vacant gives your kingdom penalties. The Marshal ensures that the kingdoms laws are being enforced in the remote parts of the kingdom as well as in the vicinity of the capital. | Open Fantasy SRD Frankly I might even just save myself the worry and not do an updated version myself, because these are just awesome. The names of these roles are game terms and need not correspond to the titles of those roles in the kingdomthe Ruler of your kingdom may be called king, queen, chosen one, padishah, overlord, sultan, and so on. Any chance you might consider supporting the new material in Ultimate Rulership in a future sheet? Vacancy Penalty: Economy decreases by 4. If your kingdoms Size is 101 or more, choose a third kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it too. The game statistics for terrain improvements. Code Ninjas is the world's largest and fastest-growing kids coding franchise, with hundreds of locations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Mine group will definetly use it form the next session. Consumption can never go below 0. I think "Paizo community" is a perfect description. Looks like I was right! For now I'm using the 4.0 version to great effect :), Hey guys! like so many of the "pre-Pathfinder" edition books. | GumshoeSRD You may only take advantage of this if you dont have a sponsor; it represents your people seeing the hard work youre directly putting in and being inspired to do the same to get the kingdom off the ground. Your first settlement is your capital. Anyone else, please feel free to let me know of your suggestions or problems that you see! Removed the conditional formatting on the Edicts dropdowns on the Overall page so they weren't "hidden" when there was a relevant vacancy. Pathfinder - Kingmaker - Kingdom Excel Sheet Sie befinden sich zur Zeit auf der englischen Website zum Kingdom Excel Sheet. I've asked Berhagen if I could update his sheet and this is posted with his permission. I'll probably post those here at some point if I can make them a little less ugly. Let me know if you find any weirdness there and I'll try to look into it. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 55, Loyalty 42, Stability 55, Unrest 4, Consumption 4, and Treasury 5 BP. A kingdoms growth occurs during four phases, which together make up 1 kingdom turn (1 month of game time). Kingmaker is very flexible and you can streamline the kingdom building rules if players feel it is boring things down or (like we did) lean right into it and expand it out like crazy (whole vassal kobold kingdoms, peaceful takeover of another large nearby kingdom through diplomacy and careful use of bagpipes, kingdom region hex map that ended up Anyways, from what I have screwed with, I noticed your control DC seems to be off. In a campaign where the leaders are nobles or royals, marrying someone of lesser station means the spouse becomes a Consort rather than a Ruler. If the kingdom has no official religion, the High Priest may be a representative of the most popular religion in the kingdom or a neutral party representing the interests of all religions allowed by the kingdom. Phase 4Event: Check whether any unusual events occur that require attention. Older versions Excel (.xls). You can do this by going to the menu at the top of the page and selecting "File", then "Make Copy". I hope you guys enjoy the new version. With F9 i'm only currently updating calculations, how do i exactly generate random Events? Unrest +1. If not, I will gift you a copy if you are willing to add the rules to the spreadsheet. r/Pathfinder_RPG 9 Fantasy themed Spotify playlists with a twist: only Dungeon Synth, no orchestral or big production - only dusty old-school synth from the 70s/80s or 90s! The moment you start dealing with . It might be worth noting on the "How to Use" sheet that the "Bonus" column requires inputting the total ability score bonus, and will halve it appropriately for the leadership positions (Consort and Heir, I think) where it gets halved. Our group has made it through 16 months in total and I think they might finally head back out into the wilderness for some more adventure soon. This amount is enough to keep a new kingdom active for a few turns while it establishes its own economy, but it is still at risk of collapse from mismanagement or bad luck. I'd just like to know so I could figure out where to place it in my priorities list. As for adding a check rule on the name of cities, this sounds like it could be a good idea, but it will likely take a decent chunk of time to implement thoroughly and make sure every reference to city data gets covered. Before you can claim it, the hex must first be explored, then cleared of monsters and dangerous hazards (see Steps 2 and 3 of Founding a Settlement for more details). In the Event phase, a random event may affect your kingdom as a whole or a single settlement or hex. file. I Really would like to see the final version. Sorry about that! ;). While I wholeheartedly agree that Ultimate Rulership needs to be included, I would like to suggest to Brad that he finish the core Ultimate Campaign rules, and maintain that spreadsheet (in case there are further errors found), and once that's done do the Ultimate Rulership spreadsheet. These are tracked on a kingdom sheet, like a characters statistics are on a character sheet. None of the kingdoms magic item slots are empty, so they skip Step 3. The Marshal is also responsible for securing the kingdoms borders. Simply adorable quilts! I'm not exactly in love with the way I've layed it out, mostly because it makes the city sheet so wide meaning it may get cut off on lower resolution displays. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD I'm sorry to anyone who'd prefer a different set of priorities. If at least one kingdom leader is in the secondary territory when the split occurs, you retain control of the secondary territory, but kingdom checks regarding its hexes treat Unrest as 1 higher, increasing by 1 each turn after the split. Some events can be negated, ended, or compensated for with some kind of kingdom check. I haven't purchased it, yet, and I'd like to incorporate it in the spreadsheet eventually if it's Open Content. I'm sorry :( Once I get the optional rules for the kingdom building side added in, this will probably be the next thing I tackle. You may have to recruit NPCs to fill out the remaining necessary roles for your kingdom. Modifiers: Corruption 1, Law +1, Lore +1, Society 1. | 5th Edition SRD Unrest: Your kingdoms Unrest indicates how rebellious your citizens are. Also Moral is set by default on "0", is there a way to modify it? Republic: The kingdom is ruled by a parliament of elected or appointed officials who represent the various geographic areas and cultural constituents of the kingdom, making decisions for the whole through voting, bureaucratic procedures, and coalition-building. Stability: Stability refers to the physical and social well-being of the kingdom, from the health and security of its citizenry to the vitality of its natural resources and its ability to maximize their use. Changed the "Armies" for consumption box to "Other" and made the field editable. If you are the Ruler, abdicating increases Unrest by 2 instead of 1, and you take a 4 penalty on the Loyalty check to avoid the vacancy penalty. by mindeblown Form Fillable Kingdom Building Sheet Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. Even building a new town with just a House and an Inn costs 13 BPworth over 50,000 gp in terms of stone, timber, labor, food, and so on. To edit this sheet (or the better, more recently updated sheet), you must first make a copy of it and add it to your own Google Drive. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission." Initiative Card. The game statistics for terrain improvements. Ruler: Loyalty checks, any checks or edicts not covered by other rulers, Consort: As Ruler when Ruler is unavailable, General: Kingdom checks for events requiring combat, Grand Diplomat: Diplomatic edicts (optional rule), High Priest: Holiday edicts, rolls to generate magic items from Cathedrals, Shrines, and Temples, Magister: Rolls to generate magic items not rolled by the High Priest, Marshal: Exploration edicts (optional rule), Royal Enforcer: Loyalty checks to reduce Unrest or prevent Unrest increases, Spymaster: Kingdom checks involving crime and foreigners, Treasurer: Economy checks, Taxation edicts, Trade edicts (optional rule), Viceroy: Vassalage edicts (optional rule). If you'd like, you can use the pre-Ultimate Campaign sheet to generate events. The Warden is responsible for enforcing laws in larger settlements, as well as ensuring the safety of the kingdom leaders. Thanks again to everyone for their input! 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