symptoms of onion poisoning in cats

Thrall MA, Weiser G, Allison R, et al. Virtual pet care and telemedicine is here and is amazing! Onions, chives, garlic and leeks Plant. Pet Insurance covers the cost of many common pet health conditions. 36 Human Foods Cats Can Eat and 8 They Cant! An onion can become toxic to a feline if more than 1 gram per 5 pounds of body weight is ingested. If your dog has eaten onions, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. Renal functions can be compromised if hemoglobin is present in the urine.2,9, Clinical signs of onion toxicosis include gastrointestinal signs (vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia) and behavior changes (depression, lethargy, weakness).2,5 Patients may experience dyspnea, exercise intolerance or collapse because of the body's inability to carry oxygen properly.2,5 The mucous membrane color may become pale or white, and the urine may be discolored from hemoglobinuria.2,5, Decontamination (emesis and activated charcoal) should be considered in patients not exhibiting clinical signs with significant (> 5 g/kg), recent exposures (within two hours of ingestion).2,5,10 The decision to decontaminate also depends on the cat's health history (e.g. It can be particularly frustrating, however, if your cat has snatched food without your say-so. Activated charcoal (1 to 3 g/kg orally) can be administered.11. A tiny amount of the veggie may not harm your pet, and also Not all cats will develop the toxic . Cats with concurrent illnesses that suppress red cell production (like chronic kidney disease) or destroy red cells (like feline infectious anemia) are more vulnerable to the effects of onion ingestion. Treatment for onion poisoning typically includes giving the dog IV fluids and blood transfusions. According to information available in the ASPCA APCC toxicology database, the most common signs reported in cats are vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.10, Some of the common toxic agents that can cause clinical signs similar to onion toxicosis and should be considered as potential toxins in cases such as this one are zinc, copper, propylene glycol, benzocaine, phenazopyridine, dl-methionine, acetaminophen and moth balls that contain naphthalene.2 Other conditions such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, blood parasites (Mycoplasma haemofelis, Babesia canis, Mycoplasma suis), diabetes mellitus, hepatic lipidosis, hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, neoplasms and other hereditary diseases that affect RBCs should also be considered as differential diagnoses.2, Onion toxicosis is diagnosed based on a history of exposure, clinical signs and laboratory findings.2 Blood tests that can aid in diagnosis include a CBC with a differential and reticulocyte count, evaluation of a peripheral blood smear to detect Heinz bodies in RBCs, a methemoglobin concentration, and a serum chemistry profile focusing on bilirubin concentration and renal values. What Can Cats Eat? Allium species poisoning in dogs and cats. Take care not to get bitten or scratched. Initial signs of grape toxicity include weakness and loss of appetite. The toxic agent present in onions is the oxidant n-propyl disulfide. The end result is hemolysis, or the breakdown of red blood cells. The toxic component is N-propyl disulfide and other sulfur-containing oxidants (SCO). Your veterinarian will likely ask you to monitor your cat at home for any illness that develops. She has 10 years experience in public speaking and media work, and writes for a large number of online and print It was reported that the cat did well at home and did not develop any further clinical signs. The emergency veterinarian contacted the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC). Many substances can cause poisoning in cats. Any amount of onion will cause red blood cell damage. pale gums vomiting diarrhea abdominal discomfort increased heart rate fatigue jaundice red or brown discolored urine increased respiratory rate lethargy drooling or hypersalivation altered level of consciousness loss of appetite Treatment process if your cat shows symptoms of garlic poisoning Onion toxicity in cats is a hypersensitive reaction of the felines red blood cells to the oxidant present in fresh or dried onions. Glutathione plays an important protective role against oxidative damage.5 A study conducted in 44 healthy cats confirmed antioxidant supplementation with ascorbate, vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine had minimal effect in cats with Heinz body anemia.12 Denamarin (Nutramax) and Denosyl (Nutramax) (20 mg/kg once a day) were recommended as an alternative to N-acetylcysteine because of the ease of administration and availability. Aside from that, sour cream contains a lot of salts and dairy that will cause stomach upset in cats. Onions are part of a group of plants called alliums. Talk to the vet about the symptoms you have observed, when they began, and if possible, when your cat consumed onion. 5. Symptoms of onion poisoning may occur within hours, days, or weeks after your cat has eaten onion. What should you do if your cat eats onions? In extreme cases, the cat may have already lost too many red blood cells by the time you take him in for treatment. Garlic is considered to be about 5-times as potent as onion. This is why swift treatment is critical. Eating even a small amount can cause them to become ill. No, cooked onions are also toxic if eaten by your cat. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing Company, 2003;20. Symptoms of Onion Toxicity in Cats Common clinical signs noted after a feline has ingested onion includes: Panting Elevated heart rate Weakness Hematuria (blood in the urine) Hemolytic anemia / Heinz body anemia (breakdown of red blood cells) Vomiting Diarrhoea Dyspneoa Liver damage Lethargy Contact dermatitis (skin exposure) Collapse Onion poisoning can be lethal, but it can be treated if detected right away. my cat got into some onion grass two days ago and has since puked it up twice , i gave him some water today and he does eat a bit and became playful after i engaged him, he has not gone potty that much mabe twice since then is he ok or do i need to give him more water i was not that much mabe a blade or two of that grass. Urbana, Ill: ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, 2002-2014. 7. Robertson JE, Christopher MM, Rogers QR. Once your cat has been released to you, discuss his diet with your vet. 4. This includes follow-up consultations for the duration of the case. The effect of onions on your cats body can add up over time. The vet will begin by taking basic tests to look at the cats overall health. 3. Of the Allium species, garlic is the most potent, and dried/powder forms are also more concentrated. If your cat has ingested a substantial amount of onion, you shouldnt wait for the symptoms to occur. All dogs who eat onion should be made to vomit as susceptibility varies. Prognosis depends primarily on the amount of toxin ingested. Sniffing onions wont hurt your cat, but it can cause mild eye irritation if they come too close. The entire time red blood cells are being destroyed, the cats bone marrow is producing new red blood cells, the same as it always does. Some of the most common symptoms to look for include: Excessive drooling Vomiting Diarrhea Pale colored gums Physical collapse Pain in the abdomen Weakness Lethargy Elevated heart rate Elevated respiratory rate Causes of Onion Poisoning in Cats Onion poisoning occurs after a cat consumes onion, which can be poisonous in both fresh and dried forms. The damage leads to Heinz bodies being attached to the RBCs, which . Even the stems and flowers are no exceptions. Certified Veterinary Technician II for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC). In severe blood loss cases, the feline may require a blood transfusion to replenish the bodys blood supply. Clinical signs often include depression, hemoglobinuria, hemoglobin and possibly hemosiderin urinary casts, icterus, tachypnea, tachycardia, weakness, exercise intolerance, and cold sensitivity. They may induce vomiting if the timing is appropriate. al., will never get allium toxicosis. Poisoning affects the whole body, but the most common body systems affected include the gastrointestinal system, the skin, the kidneys, the liver, and the neurological system. . Certain breeds and species are more sensitive, including cats and Japanese breeds of dogs (e.g., Akita, Shiba Inu). 6. Symptoms of onion poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and difficulty breathing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Initial signs of onion poisoning would be excessive salivating and irritation to the dog's mouth. Clinical Signs: Vomiting, breakdown of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia, Heinz body anemia), blood in urine, weakness, high heart rate, panting If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. If your cat has severe vomiting or diarrhea, they may go off their food and become dehydrated. If your dog has eaten an onion, even in small quantities, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. Inducing vomiting immediately after ingestion has the best prognosis. In: Veterinary drug handbook. 4th ed. No test will tell your veterinarian if your cat ate onion, so you will need to tell the clinic what your cat ate, how much, and when. The danger comes from how easy onion powder is to disguise in foods that are tempting to your cat. 1. This reduces the absorption of toxins from your cats gut into their blood. Garlic is bad for dogs and can cause toxicity if eaten. Most cats with the generalized signs of illness described above receive the following work-up: Physical examination Detailed blood work Urinalysis. Prepare for the unexpected by getting a quote from top pet insurance providers. Check what your cat has eaten, how much, and at what time. If he is having problems, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get any testing or treatment taken care of that might be needed. Im afraid theres no one appropriate treatment for suspected poisoning. There is even onion powder in some baby food, so you need to be careful if you feed your baby around your dog. Onions are highly toxic not just to cats but also to dogs. Worried about the cost of Onion Poisoning treatment? Some of the most common symptoms to look for include: Onion poisoning occurs after a cat consumes onion, which can be poisonous in both fresh and dried forms. Anemia can lead to more severe symptoms, as well. Erythrocyte morphology. What can I do at home for her? Onion chips and sour cream are often flavored using onion powder. Mild anemia resulting from onion poisoning will often get better with symptomatic treatment alone. Clinical signs of onion toxicosis may be divided into early and late onset symptoms. Garlic is a widely used ingredient and therefore can be found in many food items. Here are some of the most common signs that your cat has been poisoned: AnTox Database. The most common signs of poisoning in cats include: Vomiting Drooling Diarrhea Difficulty breathing Lethargy or weakness, wobbly gait Unresponsive Tremors, seizures, or twitching Appetite loss Drinking more than normal or excessive urination Red or raw skin or paw pads due to a chemical burn Bloody vomit, saliva, and/or stools Pale gums Your dog may become lethargic or show signs that they are feeling weak. But if your kitty ingested onions by accident, you should call the vet immediately. Depression, anorexia, tachypnea, tachycardia, weakness, exercise intolerance, icterus, hemoglobinuria, collapse, and death may occur. However, it does depend on your cats size compared to the amount of onion they have eaten. Anemia. Onions can damage your cats red blood cells and cause anemia. While poisoning in cats is no more common than poisoning in dogs, it can often result in more severe symptoms. Symptoms of Onion Poisoning in Dogs. Evidence suggests that 5 grams of onion per kilogram of body weight or 0.5% of your cats total weight is enough to cause harm. If you believe your dog may be poisoned, stop reading this and contact your vet now! You should never feed you cat anything with onions in it, regardless if its fresh, dried, or powdered. Also, note that some cats will take up to 24 hours upon the onions ingestion before showing symptoms. Search resources and find a vet based on your pet's conditions. The lethal dose depends on each individual case, so we cannot say exactly how much onion kills a cat. Many different types of dog poisoning. You may suddenly find your dog exhibiting signs of lethargy. What You Need to Know. If your cat eats onions, give your cat healthy food to prevent them from eating raw onions, onion powder, or other toxic foods. Symptoms include: Lethargy Weakness Exercise intolerance Decreased appetite Rapid, shallow breathing (tachypnea). Can Cats Eat Chicken Skin? Its a plant, which isnt a big part of a cats diet. After cleaning your home, make sure all excess liquid or residue is wiped up or eliminated, and stow the products out of your cat's reach as soon as possible. If you suspect that your cat has been poisoned do not wait: call your local veterinarian during normal business hours or your local emergency veterinary hospital. Poisoning In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. 2. Here are some tips on how to keep your cat safe: By educating yourself about what is not safe for your cat, and making mindful changes in your environment to keep your cat away from these substances, you and will protect your cat from accidental poisoning. The Key symptoms are including overall feelings of weakness, diarrhea, throwing up, panting, wheezing, coughing, rapid heart rate, anemia, and bloody urine. The fact that this is a type of junk food is enough reason not to give it to your cat. The ASPCAs animal poison control site also says that clinical signs include vomiting, panting and high heart rate. But how much onion will hurt a cat? Secondly, funyuns are packed with onion powder, which is extremely poisonous to cats. The symptoms of onion poisoning are: Vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain Elevated heart rate Weakness Pale gums Excessive drooling Collapsing physically Treatment for onion poisoning in cats If your cat encounters an onion or eats even the smallest quantity, it is recommended that you instantly seek a medical professional's aid. Symptoms of onion poisoning in pets 1. If your cat is not well on arrival at the veterinary clinic, they may need more invasive treatment and investigations. The first symptoms of poisoning usually appear between 12 and 24 hours. If you dont have access to a local veterinarian, call the pet poison helpline or your local poison control. You should also increase the cats hydration. In: Poppenga RH, Gwaltney-Brant SM, eds. Remember that your cat is a carnivore and will not benefit from the supplementation of onions. Onion poisoning of livestock. As you know, kitties seek grass and leaves. If you see any of these symptoms, take your dog immediately to the veterinarian. This happens because the red blood cells of cats are hypersensitive to the oxidants that onions contain. Pet Cosset may receive some form of compensation from the links on this page, at no extra charge to you. A 2002 graduate of UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sarah Wooten is a well known international speaker in the veterinary and animal health care spaces. If your cat ever comes into contact with a poison, seeking prompt veterinary attention is your best bet and helping your cat recover quickly without long-term problems. You must call your veterinarian for advice if you see or think your cat has eaten anything that contains onions, garlic, or other alliums. Onion toxicosis in cats is caused by the consumption of any plant belonging to the allium genus: Onion Garlic Scallion Shallot Chive Leek. Anemia 3. your cat has eaten anything that contains onions, Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? Unfortunately, the more severe your cats anemia, the worse the prognosis. dog foot. Make sure to include the ingredient label if applicable. Required fields are marked *. In the kitchen, onions that are raw, cooked, powdered, or in granules are all toxic to your cat, even when mixed in food. This condition, known as Heinz body anemia, can be incredibly dangerous. Everything You Need to Know! Blood work was rechecked about 48 hours after ingestion and revealed a low normal blood urea nitrogen concentration (16 mg/dl; reference range = 16 to 36 mg/dl), decreased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity (< 10 U/L; reference range = 14 to 111 U/L) and elevated ALT activity (150 U/L; reference range = 12 to 130 U/L). If you cannot reach your vet, contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-764-7661 or use our "Ask A Vet" feature to chat with a professional and get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How do you treat onion poisoning in cats? Red blood cells. Veterinary reviewed by: Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS. Also Read:Plants Poisonous to Cats: Toxic Plants to Avoid. The treatment for onion poisoning in cats is usually symptomatic, as there is no antidote. Her appetite is fine and shes drinking and weeing normally. Bring any relevant information to the clinic, like food labels, for example. Even though cats are more sensitive to the toxins in onions than dogs, they are less commonly poisoned because they are typically discriminating eaters and usually do not consume enough onion for it to be dangerous. Clinical signs of onion toxicosis include gastrointestinal signs (vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia) and behavior changes (depression, lethargy, weakness).2,5 Patients may experience dyspnea, exercise intolerance or collapse because of the body's inability to carry oxygen properly.2,5 The mucous membrane color may become pale or white, and the urine Supplemental oxygen: Red blood cells carry oxygen and when they are in short supply, low oxygen levels (hypoxia) result. This is important because it will give your vet the information she needs to possibly save your cats life. Even if not related to your cat eating onion, any vomiting or diarrhea that persists for more than 24 hours should be discussed with your veterinarian. This is equally or even more poisonous to/than fresh bulbs. Improvement following treatment of onion toxicity will be seen within hours to a day, depending on the cats toxic state. Treatment will begin immediately following the diagnosis of onion poisoning. Burrows GE, Tyrl RJ. Cats encounter poisonous substances by swallowing them, chewing on them, inhaling them, or coming into physical contact by brushing against or walking through them. What causes toxicity in cats? Comparative aspects of glutathione metabolism affecting individual susceptibility to oxidant injury. It can even be found in some baby food. Plasma-Lyte (Baxter) intravenous fluids were started at twice the maintenance rate to maintain perfusion and to protect the kidneys. Can Cats Eat Figs? Hemolytic anemia is also a clinical sign of several other common feline diseases, so your veterinarian will likely request a biochemistry profile orimaging to complete the differential diagnosis. Always keep fresh onions, onion powders, onion salts and other products containing onion out of your cats reach. In: Natural toxicants in feeds, forages, and poisonous plants, 2nd ed. Increased respiratory rate (panting, etc. Vet Tech J 2001;22:424-427. 4. The more onion your cat eats, the bigger the risk of toxicity and severe illness. These compounds cause oxidative injury to feline red blood cells. Aside from that, its reeking with salts and artificial ingredients that will wreak havoc on any pets digestive system. This information will be vital history to tell your veterinarian. If clinical signs develop, administration of the antioxidants should continue until clinical signs resolve. If youre growing spring onions in your kitchen or garden, make sure that its out of your cats rich. Drinking more than normal or excessive urination, Red or raw skin or paw pads due to a chemical burn, Yellowish tint to skin and whites of eyes (jaundice), Racing heartrate or excessively slow heartrate (resting normal heartrate in cats is 130-150 beats per minute). Onion powder may even be a greater risk since it can be added in large quantities to food as a seasoning. Its under the same Allium species, so its a no-brainer that spring onions are not safe for cats. Once at the clinic, your veterinarian will examine your cat. Simmons DM. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 1991;13(7):1079-1087. If your veterinary clinic is not open, you need to call the emergency line or your clinics emergency provider. This condition breaks down a dog's red blood cells, leaving them without enough red blood cells to function properly. Ames: Iowa State Press, 2011;120,260,846. This can sometimes make onion poisoning more challenging for your veterinarian to diagnose since the event may have happened weeks before the symptoms appear. An onion can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells, known as Heinz body anemia, making it impossible for the cats bloodstream to transport oxygen to different parts of the body. 10. So, if you are growing onions or other alliums in your garden, make the area catproof. The reason for this is your vet may be able to safely remove the toxic substance from your cats body, thus avoiding the signs of poisoning altogether. N-acetylcysteine administration is recommended because it is a glutathione precursor. Prevention depends on diligent storage of produce and trash as well as avoiding feeding any foods containing onion, garlic, chives, or leeks. All rights reserved. If you know what your cat has been exposed to, bring a sample of it or a picture of it with you to the vet. To learn more, visit on Poisoning In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment, I am completely satisfied, I found useful information and tips in this article, Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. Plants Poisonous to Cats: Toxic Plants to Avoid, View all posts by Dr. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ, Xylitol Poisoning In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, Stomatitis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, Ataxia In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment, Eyelid Agenesis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, 10 Proven Ways To Show Your Cat You Love Her, How To Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture,, Why Do Cats Hate Cucumbers? It is unlikely that that small amount of onion would have been toxic, but it may have caused some GI upset. While your cat can show different symptoms depending on the type of toxin he ate or was exposed to, here are some general signs of poisoning you can watch out for: Vomiting Diarrhea Lethargy Weakness Drooling Increased heart rate Hyperactivity Tremors Difficulty breathing Depression Increased thirst Pale gums Loss of appetite Lack of coordination The most common signs of poisoning in cats include: If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian, a veterinary emergency clinic, or if neither are available, the ASPCA 24 hour poison hotline. The diagnostic tool to reveal this clinical sign is called a blood smear, requiring only a small sample of blood from the feline. Pet Insurance covers the cost of many common pet health conditions. The vet may keep your cat following treatment to ensure he has been stabilized and no longer needs IV fluids or respiratory support. Onions, garlic, shallots, and scallions can cause damage to your cat's red blood cells and lead to anemia. If your cat has already suffered severe red blood cell loss by the time he receives treatment, his chances of recovering are much lower. Follow-up appointments are not necessarily required, but the veterinarian may choose to have your cat reevaluated if a blood transfusion was required in the treatment process. It sounds like youre doing the best you can, but its just an overwhelming situation, and there may not be any entirely positive solution. Save the toxic substance or make a note of what you think your cat was exposed to so that you can relay that information to your veterinarian. Just like humans, cats can come into contact with toxic substances that are hazardous to their health. At first, your cat may have a stomachache, with vomiting and diarrhea. Besides, your cat will not benefit from the nutrients in onion. Diarrhea. Dr. Wooten is also a certified veterinary journalist, a member of the AVMA, and has 16 years experience in His eye was closed for a bit, but its open now and looks normal. We don't have an antidote for onion toxicity in dogs. Book a virtual appointment to see a licensed vet online, 24/7. Whether or not a cat can recover from poisoning without veterinary treatment depends on the overall health of the cat, the amount of toxic substance the the cat was exposed to, and the type of poison. Veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry. She is a board moderator for the Veterinary Personnel Support Network and a current member of ISVMA and NAVTA. Toxicity. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212(8):1260-1266. Your cat may be more vulnerable to the effects of onion poisoning if they are suffering from another illness, such as kidney disease. The ASPCA APCC veterinarian discussed the potential risk of oxidative damage to the red blood cells (RBCs) from the onion ingestion and a treatment plan. 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