the fireside chat transcript bernardo

I have learned so much from the information you have provided and I havent even touched probably 10-15% of it. He didn't know why she was being so difficult. And he had one particularly Twisted Fantasy in mind. If we know anything about Karla, it's that she's highly competitive. She said she "forgot" what happened to Jane Doe or something even though there was a videotape that was found where Paul AND Karla were raping the girl. Karla was shaken by the assault. By 1980's standards Karla didn't really have all that hairy a pussy. Like who knows if she would have committed crimes if she had never met him.You said it -- who knows. Engage the audience with poll questions. So in January of 1991, just weeks after Tammy's death, Paul recorded two videos of Karla dressed in her sister's clothing, sprawled on Tammy's bed. Source National Archives. In the clinic where she worked, they used sophisticated medical equipment to ensure that just the right amount of the drug could be administered (too much could be dangerous), but for their purposes on that fateful night, the rag would simply have to do. Investigators finally identified Leslie's remains and determined the cause of her death. Karla has suggested she favours home-schooling for her kids, which means that this woman who has admitted to being deeply involved in the murders of 3 teens will be pretty much the *only* one influencing their development A sobering thought. Vielen Dank an Dr. Padman. It wasn't enough, and Paul's violent urges wouldn't be denied much longer. So apparently Karla Homolka is living in Quebec again!! The couple stopped at a hardware store to pick up some concrete mix. The term "fireside chat" came into being on May 7, 1933, just prior to FDR's second chat outlining the New Deal. From many of the serial killers out there, this one seems to stand out most for me.. Years earlier, he'd been interviewed by police about the rapes, but easily charmed his way through the questions. In this indispensable book, Lawrence W. Levine and Cornelia R. Levine illuminate the period from 1933 to 1938 by setting each of the Fireside Chats in context and reprinting a moving selection of the letters that poured into Washington from an extraordinary variety of ordinary Americans. She kept to herself, waiting patiently upstairs while he spent the rest of the day torturing Leslie. Nous vous garantissons une rponse et un dpt en 48h. Reportedly, Karla's response to him was: "That would be cool." Since puberty, Paul had developed a rather strong taste for voyeurism, and was caught a number of times for peeping in his neighbourhood. Around this time, Karla spent several months at a psychiatric hospital to undergo evaluation. The sense of connection with the president was immediate. Apparently Karla said "We should go get girls and bring them back home to keep as sex slaves." Where was she when Leslie Mahaffy, Tammy Homolka & Kristen French were being tortured? Now with two dead girls, and a growing list of sexual assaults under his belt, Paul is still unsatisfied. Karla noticed that even before she had any alcohol, Leslie seemed out of touch with reality. It is very hard to get inside the head of someone so unlike anyone I have ever encountered before. Which leads me to believe that her motive in all of the horrible crimes was pure jealousy. Creates closer connections between your guest and audience. Just open the app and type serial killers in the search bar. Karla has never been the rebellious sort; she'll always do exactly what is expected of her. It was around one two a.m. when a police cruiser and an ambulance arrived at the Homolka residence. Still, he didn't leave everything in the hands of fate. Homolka claimed that, instead, Bernardo strangled her. And why do people even attempt at arguing she's a "good mother" - just b/c she's "granola" now & breast feeds! Eventually, she took this sleeping in the guest bedroom, but it still wasn't enough space for Karla. Not soon enough for our taste, but it will. Karla didn't argue with him, but she did suggest they at least sedate Leslie with sleeping pills so she wouldn't know what was happening during their trial. That night, he case Leslie's body parts in eight blocks of cement and then dumped them into a nearby lake. When the couple looked closer and saw that there were body parts in the cement, they raised the alarm. Sunday, March 12, 1933 [13 mins:42 secs.] He forced Kristen toward the car and ordered her to get in. Well, except for the video they made. Meanwhile, jurors viewed a. Perhaps she viewed herself as "less than" until she had as many kids as her sister? And it was all Karlas fault. It's certainly in my opinion one of the most fascinating ones out there. Dont be afraid of this scumbag people, continue to hound her and expose her, and whatever else you feel is appropriate karma. Karla told friends she wanted to give her parents more space to grieve the loss of their youngest daughter. Thanks, Greg. He was frustrated and suddenly didn't want to record what was happening. You've hit the nail squarely on its head: competing for Mother of the Year is simply what teen queen's do after their breasts flop and their faces break out in creases and lines. The couple moved Tammy into Karla's bedroom, then phoned nine one one. By September 1995, he had come to be known as the Scarborough Rapist. April 28, 1935: Fireside Chat 7: On the Works Relief Program and Social Security Act audio icon transcript icon. When Paul found out he flew into a rage, he screamed, telling her that he would bolt the doors so she could never come back. She headed home, embarrassed with no one knocking on his door. Because of Tammys age, and the fact that she probably wasnt accustomed to drinking alcohol (only on special occasions), nobody seemed concerned when she began slurring her speech and claimed that she was seeing double. Her children are human shields. And Alan Caren's extremely helpful to our research. You wrote: ,,she told him that her parents had locked her out of the house for breaking curfew" - I mean it must be horrible for the parents to know that she got taken cause they locked her outCheers ;). On February 13th, she agreed to a plea bargain in exchange for her testimony against Paul, she would accept a 10 year prison sentence for manslaughter. Following one of the most sensational trials in Canadian history, Paul Bernardo was convicted of a number of offences, including two counts of first-degree murder, and two counts of aggravated sexual assault. Just curious. I truly believe that Tammy Homolka, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French will all be resurrected someday in the future on a cleansed, happy, healthy and paradise earth. She asked him to come and pick her up. Apparently, Paul didn't care if Karla knew he stepped out on her. However, I could be wrong. Thats her only power, she uses people who are stupid and fucked up in the head like her. When one of these ships is under Outlining the New Deal Program Sunday, May 7, 1933 [22:42] WH 3. At one stage, he invited Karla into the room, eager for a threesome. I hope she fears everyday that what she was involved in could possibly happen to her child. She had time to consider what they had done and made a decision. 3) I do not believe that Karla was frightened of Paul -- not enough to leave him, anyhow. The first Fireside Chat, updating the electorate on what the federal government was doing to address the banking crisis of 1933, came just eight days into Roosevelt's first administration, direct from the White House to half a million listeners. Later, he told Karla that he would never get caught. It is widely known that Van Smirnis introduced Bernardo to the easy money lifestyle of smuggling alcohol and cigarettes across the U.S./Canadian border. Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. Thank you very much for letting me know about books written about this case, I wondered just yesterday if that existed. And the truth is they can fake anything. They may outwardly express sadness of some kind, but it's just acting. Wenn Sie einen Zauberwirker bentigen, der in der Lage ist, einen Zauber zu wirken, der wirklich funktioniert, sollten Sie ihn kontaktieren. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. The transcripts offer a chilling journey through the mind of a woman who initially portrayed herself as a cowering victim of spousal abuse. She took a lover in prison, but that isn't particularly unique in her situation. I imagine you were able to accumulate much of it because you lived in the area and it directly affected your perception of society. Initially, Karla refused, but Paul was persistent. Unsurprisingly, he immediately foisted the blame onto his wife. Taken from Nick Pron's, Lethal Marriage (pgs. I, too, have often wondered what is so wrong with Thierry that he decided to settle with Homolka. In the end, I don't think it matters much who technically stopped the girls' breath; Karla could have put an end to all of it, and she chose not to. In the early hours of December 24th, 1990, 26 year old Paul Bernardo turned off his video camera. ", "I cried more hearing her tell what happened". Having lived in an abusive relationship since she was 17, she finally stepped out of the shadows of the shame and guilt she felt. The only thing that Karla brought to the attention of police was Paul's assault on HER; the one that left her black and blue. On the Bank Crisis. I am also confident that she killed Kristen, but am unsure about Leslie -- it could have been either of them. Karlas younger sister Tammy lay between them unconscious. June 11995 BernardoHomolka Discussion Forum. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. Using the weapon, Paul maneuvered the teen into the car. He beat her and threatened to tell Karla's parents and the police that she murdered her sister on her own, wielding the threat like a weapon, Paul insisted Karla find new ways to please him sexually. Reporter Harry Butcher of CBS coined the term "fireside chat" in a press release before one of Roosevelt's speeches on May 7, 1933. It was her carelessness in posting online that led to her being discovered by the admin team @ WatchingKarlaHomolka (now WKH2012), which led to ripoff artist Paula Todd flying to Guadeloupe, proving WKH right and then passing the scoop off as her own.If Karla hadn't put the information out there, she wouldn't have been found, IMO. Their only real regret is getting caught. Hi Kitty, just a few questions for you about Karla:1) Do you think she regrets what she did at all? I just can't fathom the blatant stupidity & cruelty It would take to make the decision to bring 3 lives into her twisted world. Still, when Paul asked her about herself, Leslie spoke with clarity. He was set to plead not guilty to all charges against him, but was foiled when his lawyer turned in the videotapes of. These are the kind of people that just should have never ever been born. fireside chats, series of radio addresses delivered by U.S. Pres. 2021 JP MORGAN NESTL CEO FIRESIDE CHAT TRANSCRIPT 25th May, 2021 Speakers: Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestl S.A. Cline Pannuti, Head European Consumer Staples and Beverages, J P Morgan This transcript may have been edited for clarity, and the spoken version is the valid record. Last time we explored Paul and Karlas childhoods, their dark sexual compatibility and their passionate but abusive relationship that led to the unplanned death of Karlas own sister. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. He had been directed to provide a DNA sample for the investigation into the rapes in Scarborough, but that sample wasnt tested until much later. please i beg, someone help those children police hellooooooooooo 2+2=? Looking closer, it was clear that the 22 year old had wounds all over her body. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. Ich wurde sehr besorgt und brauchte Hilfe. I think you should make the pictures bill broad size and put it at their driveway entrance on one side and other side pictures of the three victims on the other sides. People with integrity, strength and intelligence see her for the puny, weasely piece of shit that she is. She thought it better to make him happy. Karla alternatively testified that Paul strangled Leslie with an electrical cord the next day on their way home from a Father's Day dinner with Karla's parents. Karla was not a virgin when she met Paul, and nothing she said seemed to make him forgive this. !Also make sure to check out both "official" reports: The Campbell Report (relating to the way Bernardo's case was handled), and The Galligan Report (relating to the way Karla was handled, primarily focusing on whether or not her deal was appropriate). Unhappily, this fool has engendered them and he has the french nationality, so we will see. The assaults, the tapes revealed that Paul was every bit as evil as Karla insisted, though they also showed that she enjoyed her part in the acts, too. She seems fully invested in the well-being of all her kids, which is a mother's primary responsibility (IMHO). The sets were on 6-foot-high Paul slowed the car to a stop as Karla rolled down her window. On May 4, 1987, he committed his first known rape. Playing mommy is just another show this woman is putting on. They tossed Kristen in a ditch, not making any effort to hide their handiwork, according to Karla. Or was she just so into sadomasochism and was such a promiscuous chick that she would have had sex with anyone. By the summer of 1991, 26 year old Paul Bernardo was coiled and ready to strike. I think the best society can hope to do in these cases is to identify possible risks like Bernardo early on in order to keep a close watch on their behaviour. Adams ) Proclamations (Washington 1789 - present) Presidential Signing Statements (Hoover 1929 - present) Statements of Administration Policy (Reagan (1985) - Biden (99th - 117th Congress) List of Vice-Presidents Who Served as Acting President Under the 25th Amendment He was sentenced to life in prison (about 20 years in Canada), but was later declared a Dangerous Offender, meaning that it is unlikely that he will ever be released. It looked curiously like a chemical burn, ultimately because Timi died choking on her own bile, the coroner determined that the burn was likely just gastrointestinal acid from her vomit. However, any protective instincts for her sister stopped there earlier. But her ex husband beat the living shit out of her and she could not fight back physically because she is a coward. Backed into a corner, Karla felt forced to stay. Karla served every day of her own prison sentence: 10 years as stipulated in her original deal with the prosecution, plus an additional 2 years for her involvement in the death of Tammy Lyn Homolka (although she was never officially charged or convicted for her involvement in her sister's death). People have the right to know! When they returned, they found Leslie McCarthy's severed torso floating in the middle of the lake, though they wouldn't confirm the body was Leslie until later. We don't know the girl's name, so we'll call her Natasha. His Fun-Loving personality and respectable accounting job put Karla's parents at ease. How the lawyers could botch something so badly is terrifying. Although the chats were initially meant to garner Americans' support for Roosevelt's New Deal policies, they eventually became a source of hope and security for all Americans. That evening, while Homolka's parents and younger sister Lori slept, Homolka and Bernardo drugged the youngest sister, 15-year-old Tammy Lyn, so Bernardo could rape her. Still, the 21 year old was determined to make the marriage work. Ya it is disgusting she's using children once again, to fulfill her own selfish desires. September 6, 1936: Fireside Chat 8: . Peace be with you all, may that nasty fucking c*nt rot in hell. Sex crimes are as disgusting as these killers. They add too much to the story for me to delete them; maybe try to avert your eyes? Register with EverydayFamily TODAY and you will get stage by stage pregnancy and baby newsletters, promotions and coupon alerts as well as free baby samples, coupons, baby magazines & more.All New Members are Enrolled to Win Free Diapers for a Year! Three weeks after Tammy Homolka's death, Karla and Bernardo filmed a video called "The Fireside Chat" within the Homolka residence. I'll do my best1) Although I have always found Karla to be a thoroughly malignant personality, Paul Bernardo was/is a monster. But some of us know she cannot change even if she goes to Church nowadays. So wildly ironic I could barf. Psychologist Edward Thorndyke described this as a cognitive bias under which people gauge a person's character by a single positive quality. I hope someone makes her life a living hell! Take these nude photos of Karla off of here. She said she "forgot" what happened to Jane Doe or something even though there was a videotape that was found where Paul AND Karla were raping the girl. Sixty days into the "First Hundred Days" Roosevelt updates the nation on the progress of the special session of Congress that he called on March 5th. This case was considered "local" news all across the province. This is exactly what major companies are paying for. (for instance, out of jealousy that Paul was so infatuated with her and whatnot, there could have been other reasons as well. And in January of 1991, when he suggested they move in together, she didn't hesitate. Happy to help keep the information moving :)For what it's worth, Stephen Williams found himself in a considerable amount of hot water after publishing INVISIBLE DARKNESS. I think that's part of what makes this such a fascinating case; the psychological/sociological ramifications are HUGE.Thanks for reading!!! Karla had immunity and was untouchable with no deal to protect him. The sets were on 6-foot-high platforms that were discreetly sheathed in a somber black cloth. Karla urged Paul to use a condom, and to finish quickly, but he ignored her. Paul was still angry with Karla. So while it's true they acted together, it's possible Karla felt trapped in her abusive marriage and that she feared Paul would kill her if she didn't follow his orders. They are going to wind up in the second death or what the Bible calls the lake of fire and brimstone and I'm convinced of that fact. (for instance, out of jealousy that Paul was so infatuated with her and whatnot, there could have been other reasons as well. I don't think she was a victim, I've seen many documentarys, her eyes, her way to explain herselfShe speaks like a clearly psychopath, maybe they were 2 psychopaths who get marriedthat's what I think. I pray everyday for the families of these girls and of all the other innocent women that lost their lives because of this evil couple. Kristen was happy to help, but when Karla called her closer to examine a map, Paul snuck up behind the teen brandishing a knife. In fact, the clip they found at first was just Karla performing oral sex on the poor girl or something.Yeah, Karla "remembered" raping Jane Doe after police showed her a photo taken from the video of the attack. 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