unexpected fortune readworks answer key

What does the text suggest is the cause behind the continued expansion of education in the early twentieth century? Ans: The country needed more highly educated people because managerial and leadership roles in business and industry needed to be filled.Q3. Why would the author include recipes in the text? What is the main idea of this passage? Be sure to consider rhyme scheme, the completion of sentences in the poem, and the ideas expressed at different points in the poem. For example, when Philip hears his father say that he is bad at baseball, Joseph reassures Philip by squeezing his shoulder and telling him not to worry. Public schools, drinking fountains, and public restrooms were segregated.Q9. What does mammoth mean in this context? Ans: AQ7. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: BQ6. Therefore, the rocks on the beach would be smaller, and parts of them may have turned into sand. What do paleontologists study? Ans: AQ2. Using evidence from the passage, explain why this may have been true. Ans: When the nine African American students in Little Rock, Arkansas, tried to begin classes at an all-white high school, the governor of Arkansas and angry mobs surrounded the school to prevent the students from entering. Explain why the Southern states saw abolitionism as a threat to their way of life. Ans: The Southern states saw abolitionism as a threat to their way of life because abolitionism called for the legal end to slavery in the United States. What does Flag Day celebrate? Ans: CQ2. They can be used to create a wide range of emotions in music, from the heaviest of metal to the most delicate of classical pieces.Q7. What right did it grant to American women? Ans:Q2. What did Martin Luther King, Jr.s Southern Christian Leadership Conference make Selma, Alabama, the focus of? Ans: AQ2. Draw a picture of a Chickee Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. Please read the following sentences from the text. All of this aims to improve teacher effectiveness and also student achievement. Ans: BQ4. Describe at least one factor which has impacted the evolution of American education. Why were Chickees good for the hot and rainy weather in Florida? Q1. Support your answer with evidence from the text. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. Thus, the groups behavior may be guided by a faulty belief which could have dangerous results.Q10. What did Madison love to learn about as a child? Ans: When Madison was a child, he loved to learn about math, geography, and languages.Q6. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: CQ6. In your own words, what do these two lines mean? Ans: Student answers may vary slightly but should communicate the idea of the final two lines of the poem. This would allow us to gain more knowledge about our world which would enable us to better understand the world. According to the text, which three countries have elected women to lead them?Ans: CQ2. How did navigational tools change from the 15th century to the 17th century? Ans: DQ5. Hence there is an improvement in classroom level of learning. What is one reason that Grandma Johnson wants to take Ricky to a Stevie Wonder concert? Ans: CQ5. Why might peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a doctor have changed?Support your answer with evidence from the text. Ans: BQ5. What did the 2009 collision of a United States satellite and a Russian satellite cause? Ans: This collision caused the satellites to break into more than 2,000 pieces.Q9. According to the first stanza of the poem, the tree did all of the following EXCEPTAns: AQ2. What can you conclude based on this evidence? The scientific mission of the ISS gives hope because it promotes scientific research, which can lead to new scientific discoveries that could benefit people around the world. What is the main idea of this article? Ans: BQ6. All this has a direct relation to the presence of 1 million teachers and 17 million students commonly using this platform. Use examples from the text in your answer. Ans: The roots of strangler figs wrap around the trunks of their host trees absorbing nutrients that would have entered the roots of the host tree. Full guide to the TOEFL PBT Test Response key book4joy. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in 1920. What is this text mostly about? Ans: CQ6. Why have countries agreed to build space tools that must fall safely into the earths atmosphere? Ans: BQ5. What is electromagnetic radiation? Ans: Electromagnetic radiation is a stream of photons that travels in a wave-like pattern, carrying energy, and moving at the speed of light.Q9. What can you conclude about machine learning based on this information? Ans: AQ4. Support your argument with details from the text Ans: Answers may vary but should include evidence from the text. Ans: Answers may vary, but students should note that it gave him a strong and graceful body to swim to safety, fight off attacks and attract females, and it gave him a knowledge of humans that came in handy when finding food.Q10. How does Joseph help his brother Philip? The countries that worked together to build the ISS did not originally plan to build a shared space station. What did Sergei Bobunets witness? Ans: AQ2. Name two tips given in the passage for dealing with peer pressure. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they come from the passage. What is true about the questions the author posed to both artists? Ans: BQ7. What can cause weathering and erosion? Ans: BQ3. Ans: BQ8. 3? Ans: CQ3. What word or phrase best completes the sentence?. Why do kinkajous have the scientific name Potos flavus, which means golden drinker? Ans: CQ5. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C, Q1. Based on this evidence, who was fighting whom in the War of 1812? Ans: BQ5. As used in these sentences, what does the word immune mean? For example, students may explain that humans want to gain access to a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to learn more about the world. Which evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: In preparation for Carmageddon, the mayor of Los Angeles urged residents to leave town; billboards were posted up all over the city warning Angelenos about the coming closure; radio statements were made by all the major radio personalities; one airline offered four-dollar plane rides from Los Angeles to Orange County; bike groups sponsored cross-city excursions; helicopter companies offered half-hour long discounted rides to see the construction in action from the air; and local bars and restaurants offered Carmageddon discount specials.Q10. Values are a summary of what the groups goals might be or a general idea of what is acceptable behavior; __, some groups might strongly believe in honesty and dislike theft. Ans: DQ8. How did most people at Elizabeths medical school feel toward her by the time she graduated? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. What information from the article would you share? The author has a positive opinion of Matt. They also enforced strict segregation through Jim Crow laws and condoned violence from white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Kyles mom was offered a job at the wind turbine farm. For example: Tecumseh displayed effectiveness as a political leader. For example, experts knew that Anglo-Saxon swords had hilts, and they found a sword hilt among the treasure that Terry Herbert found. What is a probable reason for why womens feet are always concealed? Ans: CQ5. One of Tecumsehs goals was to stop the loss of Indian land. An Unexpected Guest Passage Questions Author: Garon Scott Created Date: 8/11/2015 4:54:02 PM . Is breaking stuff helpful or harmful? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbade discrimination in voting on the basis of race. What situation has the narrator struggled through? Ans: AQ3. Some teens choose not to participate in a trial _ theyre already exhausted from treatment after treatment and dont want to go through more.. Ans: BQ8. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Where did Jane go to study chimpanzees?Jane studied chimpanzees in __ Ans: AfricaQ6. Who are Raya and Letitia? Ans: A Q2. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. Read these sentences from the text. CrashBased on this information, what do we know about percussion instrument sounds? Ans: BQ4. The text describes how honeybees help plants by moving pollen from flower to flower. Explain how Kyles moms career has impacted him. They may also infer that Bradford meant the Saints community was a symbol of light and purity for the world, and that he was suggesting the possibility of future migrants joining the Saints in America in search of a purer, freer religion. Speed Claire opened the blinds in her father's hospital room and watched a bar of sunlight slice across his face. Ans: BQ7. What evidence from the passage best supports this statement? Ans: DQ4. What evidence in the text supports this conclusion? What is the first thing that the person telling this story tries to break? Ans: DQ2. __, the Northern states viewed slavery as morally wrong. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made about what Hadar Ahuvia thinks about Martha Grahams quote? Ans: BQ5. Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. What is a windmill? Ans: AQ2. What else has helped people get more power from the wind? Ans CQ5. An Unexpected Guest By ReadWorks Nobody moved and neither did the bear. The bloody civil war in Liberia ended in 2003, __ scars still mark the African nation.. Ans: AQ8. Q1. How can the twins confuse people? Ans: A Q3. Based on the text, how are todays transistors different from the first ones that were invented? Ans: They are now much smaller. The wind carried our scent to the bear. Ans: CQ2. Based on this information, how does Kyle most likely feel about his new life in northern California? Q1. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! What is a theme of this story? Ans: AQ6. Based on the passage, what do scientists from around the world agree on? Ans: Scientists from around the world agree that they need to reduce the amount of new space junk. Your energy levels will diminish, and your thought processes and physical performance will be impaired.Q9. The author describes his life in positive terms. Who was Tecumseh?Ans: DQ2. Students should indicate that slavery was a contentious issue between the North and the South: the North was morally opposed to slavery by the 1850s and did not want to allow pro-slavery states to join the Union, while the South relied on slavery for their economic power. Q1. Describe one example from the text of a student who was discriminated against based on their hairstyle. How did Seminoles build Chickees? Ans: AQ5. Ans: DQ8. An Unexpected Trip An Unexpected Trip by ReadWorks Sarah wasn't quite sure what was going on. Describe how Abrahams experience as a circus elephant helped him to survive in the wild. What is this text mostly about? Ans: AQ5. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. The people interviewed were Julie Sarnes Oma (grandmother), Claire Curtiss grandfather, and Hedy Gaetano (Jamie Lytles grandmother).Q9. What evidence supports the conclusion that Gramps knows about the tree house and magical underground world of the gnomes? However, they may also note that he feels like he is on a stopwatch and cant fully pay attention to his guests. Ans: The Voting Rights Act aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.Q9. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. So, high school was probably far from easy because neither the governor of the state nor the community wanted the students at the school. What is the United States Constitution? Ans: AQ2. What do Letitia and Raya do when their mom gives them each dessert? Ans: Students should generally describe two of the following ways Black people were prevented from voting: Black people attempting to vote often were told by election officials that they had gotten the date, time, or polling place wrong, that they possessed insufficient literacy skills, or that they had filled out an application incorrectly. They used to live in a specially built house called Chickees.Q7. The first interview shows what it was like for a Jewish girl living in Germany, the second interview shows what it was like to be living in London for the Blitz, and the third interview describes how even life in Germany for people who werent Jewish was not easy during the war. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. List two provisions within the Civil Rights Act. Which times are described in the article? Ans: CQ3. For example, students may explain that Billy ends up having a magical and unexpected adventure after climbing a magical tree house that led to an underground world of gnomes. The text describes a sequence of events related to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. There is no longer a tree or a treehouse, and Billy walks home.Q9. How many continents does the earth have? Ans: BQ3. Elizabeth Blackwell showed determination when trying to become a doctor. Based on this evidence, what is the meaning of the phrase subjected to in this excerpt? Ans: BQ7. Please be sure to answer the question. To do so, they might mention that there are about 23.2 million military veterans in the United States. Read this sentence from the text. Ans: AQ7. If given the choice between eating a whole apple and drinking a glass of apple juice, which would be healthier? Ans: BQ5. find out your teacher's email and go to readworks answer key. These include coral, clownfish, sea anemones, dolphins, mollusks, and more.Q10. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: BQ6. How else could the Saints be described based on the information in the article? Ans: AQ5. What is one cause of the danger it faces? Ans: CQ3. What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. According to the text, what do health officials encourage? Ans: BQ2. When a meteor explodes in the sky, it radiates its energy in various forms, __ light, sound, and heat. Ans: DQ8. He feeds her while feeding himself (and made her food himself). The final two lines deliver a different message, turning the focus to the addressee and expressing the importance of loving someone or something that will leave you soon. Ans: BQ3. Where did Terry Herbert find treasure? Ans: DQ2. The Grid. What can you conclude from these sentences? Ans: BQ2. Q1. Q1. According to the passage, what was historically one of the most efficient ways to navigate the world? Ans: BQ2. Choose the answer that best completes the last sentence Ans: BQ8. If the oil kills one species of fish, that may in turn harm another species dependent on it for food or protection. The lead-up to Carmaggedon was feverish. According to the text, what is a reason that apples are an important part of a healthy diet? Ans: BQ2. Who was George Washington? Ans: CQ2. What does the word generate most nearly mean as used in the text? The passage explains the sequence of events that led to the Civil War. Play word games with your child, such as scrabble and typo, to make learning new vocabulary fun! An Unexpected Trip by ReadWorks Sarah wasn't quite sure what was going on. The Civil Rights Act was like a second emancipation because, by ending segregation and banning employment discrimination, it fully freed African Americans to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. _, he did not like missing out on a lot of the game. Ans: AQ8. For example, students may answer that people should think before they type because what they say may hurt others like the examples given by Rachel K. The things people type online may also come back to haunt them later and affect future opportunities like with college or job applications. Describe the dangers to a womans health that were associated with foot binding Ans: Health dangers included: gangrene, ulcerations, infections from ingrown toenails or lack of circulation, loss of toes, and possibly death.Q9. It is formatted to review the STAAR question stems where students need the most practice, such as Figure 19, text organization, summary, context clues, and much more! Additionally, smaller transistors could change housework because they could eat dust and clean things efficiently. During confrontations with humans or other herds, the different groups of males all competed to recruit Abraham to their team. Explain how the Civil Rights Act was a second emancipation. Support your answer with evidence from the text. Kinkajous are very noisy animals. Describe how Terry Herbert found the treasure using evidence from the text. This readworks answer key to meet the soldgier as one of the most working sellers here will be totally one of the best options to consider. What does the word swamp mean in the sentence above? Ans: AQ7. What is the main idea of the article? Ans: The evolution of curricula and teaching methods in American education provides insight into the values and aspirations of the country.Q6. We hope you find all the required ReadWorks Answers Key from above. Sarah is spending the night with her parents _______ she usually spends it with her grandmother at this time of the month. Who is Jane Goodall? Ans: AQ2. In ancient China, raising silkworms helped some people make money. Why might people be worried that there have been fewer honeybees? Ans: AQ5. What conclusion can you draw from this evidence about Betts character? Ans: DQ4. Although Liberian quilts are similar in some ways to American traditional quilts, there are differences between the two. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: AQ8. Although state and local enforcement of the law was weak at first, the act significantly widened the franchise. Ans: for his hairstyle; Mya and Deanna Cook, who were banned from their schools prom for their hairstyles; and Alan Maloney, who was discriminated against at a wrestling match for his hairstyle.Q9. For the Saints, coming to America was a solution to a problem. Read these sentences from the text Still, the Mayflower Saints and their descendants remained convinced that they alone had been specially chosen by God to actWhat might Separatist leader William Bradford have meant by this quote? Jeremy wants to be a scientist when he gets older. What was one effect of this anti-immigration sentiment? Ans: CQ3. What evidence from the story best supports this conclusion? Ans: BQ4. Below you can find answers for Grade 4 topics: Q1. What might happen if a jeweler did not have this knowledge? As used in the passage, what does the word inefficient mean? Ans: AQ7. Based on the text, what are some of the things a teen might consider in determining whether to participate in a medical trial or not? Ans: A teen might consider potential side effects and health risks.Q9. Weathering and erosion wear down rocks over a long time. What is this story mostly about? Ans: The story is mostly about the work Kyles mom does on a wind turbine farm and Kyles new life in northern California.Q6. According to the passage, what are televisions, radios, and night-vision goggles all examples of? Ans: According to the passage, they are all examples of technology that gives us superhuman access to wave frequencies further toward the ends of the spectrum.Q10. How do you know? Ans: The dark blue blanket is the nighttime sky. How does the author describe Matt? Ans: CQ3. Read the following sentences: What does the word negative mean above? Which of these instruments is a percussion instrument? Ans: AQ3. What word or phrase best completes the sentence? What does Jeremy learn about the stars and universe from Professor Helfand? Ans: He learns that there are many galaxies and suns in the universe, but many more still left to discover. Support your answer with evidence from the text. Who did the American colonists fight against in the American Revolutionary War? Ans: In the American Revolutionary War, American colonists fought against the British.Q6. An Unexpected Guest by ReadWorks Nobody moved and neither did the bear. Why does the author ask the question, Have you ever seen waves crash against rocks on the shore? Ans: CQ7. Based on these lines, what can be concluded about the addressee of this poem, thou? Ans: BQ4. Limited knowledge of world geography was a problem for early exploration. Public schools, drinking fountains, and public restrooms were segregated. Tutorials, Practice Tests, and Expert Tips from $59. They dance with her at night, and he fills up her tub while showing the guests out the door.Q10. Use information from the passage to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Ans: DQ4. What is one connection Ricky finds between Stevie Wonders music and hip-hop music? Ans: He finds a connection between Stevie Wonders song Do I Do and a Ja Rule song. Why might the poet have begun lines 5 and 10 with the same phrase, In me thou seest, but ended the two lines differently? Ans: BQ7. Give at least one example from the text to support your answer Ans: Joseph helps Philip by comforting him and reassuring him. When they turned off the main highway, Sarah wasn't very worried. Ans: DQ7. Soon Abraham had a mate and baby elephants of his own. Step-by-step Instructions: 1. What was abolitionism? Ans: Abolitionism was a movement that called for the legal end to slavery in all of the United States.Q9. Students may point to the ease with which he balances his guests and his duties to Elsie. Not only can you infer that the moon comes out at night, but the poet also writes that the moon is waiting for the morning, so it must be nighttime. Ans: DQ7. What is one of its causes? Ans: BQ3. Aboard the ISS, there is a Japanese-built laboratory called Kibo, which means hope. Explain how the ISS and its scientific mission represent or give hope to people around the world. What are the three main types of rock on Earth? Ans: The three main types of rock on Earth are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. There is a cattle farm that hires young men to work over the summer. How did many students and teachers at Elizabeths medical school feel about her being there in the beginning? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. What is the main idea of this passage? Ans: BQ6. As Elizabeths performance in medical school probably showed the people around her, she could handle the rigor. Of education in the passage, what are the three main types of on... 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