5e new weapons

Saying 2d6->1d12 is an entire step is not balanced. A strong, off-white material scavenged from animal, monster, or humanoid corpses which is carved or cut into useful shape. [Rough Draft] (xpost /r/unearthedarcana) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. When you create a magical weapon, armor, or piece of ammunition with bronze, it takes half the time and price. An adamantine item costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the item is made of the metal or coated with it. You cannot add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon, but it gains the status: slashing property until repaired. In this state it is no longer wielded and stands on its own to act as 1/2 cover for an upright creature, or total cover for a prone one. A cauldron is assumed to contain 20 gallons of liquid, or the volume of 160 standard flasks. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you arent mounted. An attack with any part of your body, such as a fist or knee. You cannot buy elemental ammunition, but you can craft it if you have proficiency in the appropriate tools and the Arcana skill, and can cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage without expending a spell slot. A wound-up melee weapon can be used to make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see enters your reach. Armor features several layers of cloth padding beneath its metal exterior. The target's speed is halved until it takes 10 minutes to scrape the tar from its body. A lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. When you attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient in, you can forego adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. So way back in the earliest runs of D&D all weapons did d6 damage* as a dagger thrust to the vitals, a sword across the gut, or great club bashing a head all had the same ability to wound and kill. November 25th, 2016, 10:49 #7. A weapon that has the burst fire property can make a normal single-target attack, or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area within normal range with shots. What Kinds of Weapon Can I Use? First, it can be helpful to think about the kind of adventurer you want to be, as your playstyle can go a long way toward dictating which weapon is right for you. Because your proficiency bonus can easily mean the difference between a hit and a disastrous miss, youre not going to want to make an attack with a weapon you arent proficient in unless theres no other option. However, the two-handed property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when youre just holding it or carrying it around. 1d12->2d6 is not remotely the same thing. They can be altered, gaining add-ons that improve their features or add new ones. Pavise. When youre wielding a finesse weapon like a rapier and an enemy hits you with a melee attack, Defensive Duelist lets you use your reaction to momentarily add your proficiency bonus to your AC, potentially making the attack miss. When you roll the highest number on a damage die, you must reroll the die and take the second roll. Net. Melee might not be for you. A broken weapon can still be of some use. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. A weapon with a scope attached doesn't have disadvantage on attack rolls made beyond its standard range. Get 19 new weapons properties for your game! You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict both status: slashing and status: bludgeoning, even though you only deal slashing damage. On a failed save, a creature or flammable object is set alight and takes 3d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. It was a rocky start but I had a blast and now, the better part of a decade later, I play, write, and write about tabletop RPGs (mostly5e, but also PBtA, Forged in the Dark and OSR) games for a living, which iswild. When you damage a prone creature with a finisher weapon, you roll an additional weapon damage die. The standard and maximum ranges of a weapon with the thrown property increases by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier, unless your Strength modifier is negative. Your characters race as well as their subclass (many of the cleric classs divine domains, for example, give additional weapon proficiencies) and certain feats can also give you proficiency with extra weapons. When you make an attack, the weapon flashes, expels smoke, and creates a bang that can be heard within 300 feet. While Mithral (which is very legally distinct from mithril, eh, Mr. Ultimately, it hopes to increase martial characters' ability to think tactically and add a level of nuance which characters without magic or superiority dice sorely lacked. These large shields have a large triangular boss and hooks and blades built into the rim. On a failed save, it takes 8d4 fire damage, or half as much on a success. Frodo?) You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict the effects of both status: piercing and status: bludgeoning, regardless of the damage type dealt. Since most alternates originate from cultures and eras outside D&D's early-renaissance European pastichesuch as Rome, Japan, China, India, and Polynesiathey are not appropriate for every game and location. The Proficiency column is used for new or renamed weapons to indicate which weapon proficiency they fall under according to the standard 5e rules. A weapon's composition is just as important as its wielder's skill. When you inflict this status, the next attack made against the target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. A weapon with this modification stores up to 5 doses of one type of injury poison at one time. Adamantine in D&D looks very different from its more well-known counterpart in the X-Men comics. Inflicting this status prevents the targeted creature from taking reactions and reduces its passive Perception by 5 until the start of its next turn. Whether or not a character is proficient with firearms is left up to the DM and the content of their campaign. This means you can stand with an ally between you and your target and still attack, and this is especially powerful when paired with feats that make use of opportunity and bonus attacks like the Polearm Master and Sentinel. Fey are not pleased by this development. Some Feats, like Crossbow Expert, let you ignore the loading property when using certain weapons. An exceptional magical material, True Ice comes from the core of polar caps and mountain peaks, and never melts. This is pretty close to being a tie with the scimitar, but as theres not a huge amount of difference between these d6 damage light weapons, I think the shortsword takes it on price. You can use your weapon attack bonus instead of your Strength (Athletics) bonus when you attempt this action. Dueling Shield. A torsion-spring-based siege weapon used by the Romans that fires an oversized bolt or sizable stone over impressive range. When a creature fails its save against the cauldron, it is covered in sticky goo. While some shields list more than one grip type on their table entries, an individual shield of has only one. Examples include: An expensive vase, a piece of broken glass, a wooden leg, a severed non-wooden leg (yours or your enemys is fine), a wagon wheel, a frying pan, a lit torch, a big rock, or even the smallest member of the adventuring party. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. These shields take an action to don or doff, and enemies have disadvantage on checks made to disarm you of the shield. Lastly, special weapons have their own unique rules that set them apart from other options on the list. A trebuchet can fire up to 10 bombs of any type at once, which explode on impact. Originally Posted by Sindeloke. The next time you hit with the wound-up weapon before the start of your next turn, you can roll three additional damage dice. Many entirely new weapons join the existing roster, to include some weapons of great tactical value in history which 5e neglected. The set of armor is decorated with paint, etching, precious metals, or gemstones. Its size daunts newcomers. Siege Tower. In that vein, skill and ability is generally represented quite simply. Modifies: boar spear, javelin, shortspear, glaive, greataxe, guisarme, halberd, harpoon, pike, pollaxe, ranseur, spear Ideally, players will intuit and remember properties with ease. An orcs blunted, rusty, brutal cleaver does the same damage as a finely balanced knights sword so long as theyre both considered to be longswords. Am I Proficient? If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 10 fire damage from the burning oil. When you attempt to disarm a creature using a weapon with the ensnaring property, you do not have disadvantage on the roll if the target is larger than you. Its a jet-black metal that shimmers green under torchlight and purplish white under magical light. These flexible weapons wrap around shields and other personal defenses. Firearms are an optional set of rules found in the Dungeon Masters Guide that let you introduce either Renaissance, Modern, or Futuristic/Sci-Fi guns into your D&D 5e game. Bombs. Hover to . Tower Shield. This weapon has the gunpowder property, and its user is both prone and gains half cover when using it. You can load both barrels with a single action. Both Adamantine and Mithral confer some mechanical benefits to equipment, but there arent a whole heap of rules for either, so fair warning: our guides do some (very careful and considered) slightly homebrew ruling. The exotic shields and the Shield Master feat (detailed in Part IV) allow attacks with shields. Who needs Power Word Kill when youve got a gun? It costs 100 gp to silver a weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition. If the attack hits, you add that proficiency bonus to the damage roll. An organ gun expends 10 bullets for every attack it makes, and does 2d8 piercing damage to each target it hits. These precise weapons lend themselves to dextrous combat. Lantern Shield. Whether youre a new player or a haggard grognard (like me) looking for a quick refresher, were here to talk through the ins and outs of choosing a weapon for your next character in D&D 5e. By its very nature this rework differentiates player characters even more and lets players make them their own. Modifies: shortbow, greatbow, longbow, recurve bow Silver Bullet. The arrow ignites objects in that space that aren't being worn or carried. A target takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. That change is listed in parentheses: (b) for bludgeoning, (p) for piercing, and (s) for slashing. Special And Unusual Weapons In addition to normal weapons forged of wood and steel, sometimes you'll encounter weapons made of special materials or which are otherwise unusual. It confers no benefits on the battlefield, but may grant advantage on Persuasion checks while you wear it by creating an aura of wealth and prestige. Both exist to diversify weapons' use and function in combat. Picture Information. Simple Weapons: Dagger Dart Greatclub Handaxe Javelin Light crossbow Light hammer Shortbow Sling Martial Weapons Blowgun Greataxe Greatsword Hand crossbow Heavy crossbow Lance Longbow Maul Net Rapier Scimitar Shortsword Planned New Weapons: Bolas Double axe Exploding shuriken Katana Khopesh Kunai Nodachi Ranseur Shuriken Siangham Twinblades However, if youre playing a barbarian or half-orc, both of which benefit from some features that give them better criticals, at higher levels the larger damage dice granted by the greataxe starts to outshine the greatsword. Non-goal: Balance other areas of the system, notably Dexterity, GWM/SS, and Polarm Master. You cannot wield other weapons or shields in that hand, nor can it perform somatic components. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attacks damage. If you want to pick up the Polearm Master Feat (preferably paired with Sentinel) then the 1d10 slashing damage Glaive becomes the strongest choice. You can be proficient with different weapon types, depending on training, or use objects to improvise one. Weapons are a staple of martial classes and half-casters. Martial weapons tend to be more effective than simple weapons with longer ranges, bigger damage dice, and other beneficial properties. A single-man siege weapon made from five gun barrels mounted on a single axis, that uses a rotating fuse mechanism to fire multiple shots at one target. D&D 5e - Expanded Armory & Gear - A plethora of exotic weapons updated for 5e. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for attack and damage rolls that you would use for a melee attack with it. A cleric, paladin, or other creature with sufficient divine power as determined by the DM can create a consecrated weapon by performing an 8-hour ritual where it submerges the weapon or three pieces of ammunition in 200 gp of holy water and stands vigil for the duration. If you miss with a firecage arrow, choose a space within 15 feet of the target. The target's weapons also shrink to match its new size. You must use an action to don or doff a cestus, but can don or doff a pair of cestus in one action. The cannons in this document are muzzle-loaded, lack wheels, and have the gunpowder property. Silver. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it. If multiple types of damage are listed for a weapon, you will be assumed to do the first type of damage but can choose to do the second type at any time. These weapons feature chains, hooks, or other parts that entangle. Weapons are not discrete items. This additional barrel multiplies the weight of the gun by 1.5 and allows you to attack twice, instead of once, before reloading. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack you make with this weapon (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). Ram. A siege tower is a mobile wooden structure with a beam frame and slats in its walls. Finisher weapons are well-suited to executing enemies at your mercy. Every creature within 30 feet of the point where the barrel landed must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. If a magical shield applies its bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls, its rarity tier increases by one. Of course, you dont need to be proficient with a weapon in order to use it. Firing a piece of flaming ammunition more than half its weapon's normal range extinguishes it, which removes this modification. Picture 1 of 2. List of Simple Weapons in 5e: Club Dagger Greatclub Handaxe Javelin Light Hammer Mace Quarterstaff Sickle Spear Crossbow, Light Dart Shortbow Sling Martial Weapons Martial weapons in 5e require more specialized training to use appropriately and effectively. You start with the armor listed for your class. It does improve them slightly, but the ultimate goal is diversification and the overall increase is minimal. Objects, Constructs, and Elementals and other creatures that do not bleed may be immune to this damage, at the discretion of your DM. Blowgun. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Silver weapons. All iron is considered cold iron, and iron is one of the most common materials used to make weapons. (Weapon stats are different enough between 3.5e and 5e that the other 3.5e attributes of these weapons probably aren't too meaningful for 5e.) Modifies: a weapon or three pieces of ammunition It takes an action to load a gunpowder weapon, which consumes both a charge of powder and piece of ammunition. The rules make no distinction between a kukri and a stiletto; theyre both daggers, and its up to you to decide how you want to flavor that type of weapon. Just make sure youre proficient in that weapon and that your decision isnt messing with how your class likes to be played. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict the effects of both status: piercing and status: slashing, regardless of the damage type you dealt. You can make an exception if you want, but "Very Rare" items . Filled with liquid and suspended above a gate, wall, or portcullis, creatures in a 5-foot-radius cylinder extending from the cauldron to the ground must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take damage, or half as much on a successful saving throw. Cannon. How about a nice light crossbow? On a hit, the target is automatically grappled and restrained. Many weapons can be represented by the same mechanics. When an item with the gunpowder property takes fire or lightning damage, it explodes. Similar sidenote - Could always add a saber. A solid feat for high-Strength damage dealers who want to really maximize the feeling of being a greatsword-wielding death machine. The ammunition deals that damage instead of its normal type, and returns to normal after one use. Feel free to use this document in whichever way is beneficial to your table. Modifies: arquebus, handgonne Each adds the listed bonus to its attack and damage rolls, and all save the cauldron, hwacha, and organ gun deal doubled damage to objects and structures. It requires 6 medium creatures to operate, which have total cover against attacks from above. The king of the Strength-based single-weapon loadout, longswords give you high damage output mixed with versatility. A weapon can have more than one modification, and modifications are permanent. As a result, you can safely focus on offense and deal more devastating attacks. Magic items don't generally have level restrictions. Only the strongest magical cauldrons can withstand the heat of boiling magma, but it can be a potent siege weapon in battles with magically-gifted combatants. See the rules for two-weapon fighting part IV. Strength-based unarmed builds, for one, as well as single-wielding one-handed weapons without a corresponding shield. Boomerang. 5e PHB pp.144: As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market. In addition, this weapon can be used to throw bombs to any point within its long range. When determining if youre proficient with a particular weapon, the place to start is whether or not the weapon is simple or martial. This specialized sword is built into a stiff gauntlet. When you hit with an ensnaring weapon, you can use your bonus action to attempt to shove the target prone, disarm it (DMG page 271), or pull it into a space within 5 feet of you. When you come within 5 feet of a prone creature on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. When you hit an object with an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition, the hit is a critical hit. Ironwood. Organ Gun. When you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature, you can choose to deliver the poison. D&D 5.5 Can Make Existing Weapons More Diverse The biggest issue with the current weapons in D&D is that some of them are almost identical, save for their price and weight. Weapons use the same statistics, though their damage types may differ. Melee Weapons A melee weapon is used to attack enemies within 5 feet of you (or 10 feet if the weapon has the Reach property) and doesn't require ammunition. Still, for everyone else, the sword is the way to go. Weapons which are statistically identical or extremely similar to first-party weapons should go on Weapon Alternatives (5e Other), not here. Many entirely new weapons join the existing roster, to include some weapons of great tactical value in history which 5e neglected. Ranged weapon attacks are made using a characters Dexterity modifier. Then, pick a weapon that suits that style of fighting. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage. Personally, as someone who sets pretty much all my games right around the advent of black-powder weaponry, I love these rules. Boar Spear. While every weapon has a default material, different substances provide circumstantial benefits. 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