dominion fertility lawsuit

She is patient, thorough, accessible, and kind. IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix, Lupron. The $1.6bn lawsuit brought by voting company Dominion against Fox News has done more than threaten the rightwing channel with a historic financial penalty.. However, they separate the blood draw from the sonogram and you are forced back into the waiting room a second time in between the two. I have said on more than one occasion that I wouldn't be able to go through IVF without Holli! As a woman, I guess I assumed our fertility issues were caused by me; never considered male factor infertility. I wanted and needed someone who could show compassion but also focus on the plan and the future and that's exactly what he does. We experienced one loss and one hysteroscopy under her care, and her bedside manner at surgery was the mix of humane and confident that I want in those stressful situations. He would tell us the good, the bad, and the ugly. This past March, we had our egg retrieval- 21 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized, 5 blasts, and 4 PGS normal. I used to get nervous that I would miss their calls and then I would have to leave another message and wait for their call again. At Columbia Fertility, I felt like a number. My monitoring experience was good. The nurses were very quickly during this time to see all of the patients they needed to see. Very personable and they all seem to genuinely care about youour current plan is to do traditional IVF with our own eggs and spermHolli is my primary point of contactShe's my nurse and will be there with us through the whole process. Dominion clearly cares about their patients and staff - we had a big snowstorm in DC one weekend, and they put up their staff at the hotel across the street so there'd be no chance they'd miss work! The clinic started early which was very convenient for my work schedule. His manner is brusque, and he said to me many times that he would have expected me to be pregnant by now as most of their patients are within two transfers. After I was diagnosed with fertility issues, I met with Leslie Jackson requesting an overview of what my insurance would or would not cover before I could decide to start treatment. Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Dominion Fertility. We were sad to have to go to a new doctor and wanted to stay with them for the whole pregnancy! Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team. costs have been about $5k to the clinic and $500 for meds (but we've reached our max for fertility drugs). He was younger, fresher and seemingly more up to date on the latest medical studies, Use all the doctors at Dominion. She answered every single once of my many emails and questions within 24 hours. A judge has sanctioned Fox News after claims it withheld evidence in a $1.6bn (1.3bn) defamation lawsuit. My calls and emails are always returned that day, and the nursing staff and IVF coordinators are wonderful people. From my understanding with insurance and my own research, I wouldnt have to pay more and the insurance company actually would pay less. She strongly recommended we do single transfer. He [Dr. Dimattina] almost always only does single embryo transfersis very knowledgeable and explained everything in person. IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix. They are all pleasant in person and seem to run a tight ship. They felt your highs and lows with you. Arlington location [Dominion Fertility] - clean, nice relaxing environment, modern, organized. It was very frustrating. Describe Michael DiMattina's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dominion Fertility. The financial department is very poorly run. Some nurses were more compassionate and informative than others. The total cost was around $28,000, which included the retrievals, all monitoring, ICSI, assisted hatching if needed. The office is nice, a large waiting room. The office is nice, a large waiting room. They were helpful in answering questions they were able to answer, and telling us which questions should be directed to the doctor. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. I would imagine that one of the biggest factors that prevent someone from considering treatment is financial capacity. Dr. Sarajari recommended we do IVF within six months after seeing mine and my husband's diagnostic test resultsrecommended we use ICSI for fertilization, which resulted in 100% of our eggs being fertilizedShe strongly recommended we do single transferalways took the time to answer my questions (and invite questions as well). The wait time is relatively insignificant. It was also very difficult to get basic information such as lab results, etc. She thought none looked indicative of an inability conceive and carry, so we were sent on our way to try on our own. There is only one nurse who is not very good at drawing blood, and I wince every time it's her turn because she has trouble doing it and it's very painfulDuring my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. FAQ | Solely based on my experience, I would not recommend Dominion Fertility for patients who are not strictly doing IUIs. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Natalie Sophia (who runs the donor egg program) was one of the most ethical and professional nurses I have ever met. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. We start next cycle. We were assigned a coordinator who helped order medicine and checked in with us on setting up appointments. I want to switch to another provider but feel stuck. He [Dr. DiMattina] was always available by phone or message. He does not sugar coat his findings and treats you like a person. One cycle was natural cycle ivf, so there were no injectable medications used. I could never get over how many people were processed there each time I went in for monitoring, and it felt very impersonal, but at Dominion, they said hello to me by name at check-in. 9. When we did conceive, Dr. D (as he's called), called the little dot on the sonogram our "baby". First pregnancy- egg retrievals using hormone injections. I cried during our testing results appt and he immediately stopped, asked how I was doing, and if we wanted to stop and whether I wanted to come back. I wasn't contacted by my nurse coordinator for two weeks. Dominion Voting Systems has sued Fox News and its parent company, Fox Corp., for $1.6 billion. The front desk staff will always greet you with kindness and a smile. He said long cycles and portions of my blood work indicated that PCOS may have been a factor. Home He also works slowly and gently during procedures, so it does not feel rushed. The front desk staff, the nurses, and my coordinator made such a difference in my journey. The staff at Dominion (Arlington) is amazing! Dr. Dimattina's protocol is to only transfer one embryo at a time. I go back to Leslie again expressing my frustration as I have spent A LOT of time and energy on this matter with little support from her. The clinical staff I got to grow attached when they drew my blood, Nichol was the best at drawing my blood because my veins are difficult find. she also stuck to established protocols and didn't personalize treatment to my specific issues, and if I asked questions she kind of blew me off. For my second retrieval, I asked about transferred two since they were very poor quality and untested, but was not allowed to given my age. 3 fertilized. It's very convenient, clean, easy to schedule appointments, and organized. She always called me back by close of business day. He always thought that we would be a relatively straightforward case despite our prior failed transfers at another clinic. I came back 5 days later for transfer. (Assigned nurse: Jen Machovina). It helped us make the most informed decision and made us feel empowered and confident that we were doing so. (Assigned nurse: Natalie Sofia). Get informed about the process and ask as many questions as you can. We cover data around anxiety, depression, and stress as they relate to fertility & fertility outcomes. Very personable and they all seem to genuinely care about you. I felt that my care was very personalized. I had to call repeatedly to get her to call me and explain the next steps of treatment as it wasn't clear. We will incur additional fees for genetic testing (TBD). Our process was particularly difficult because my partner and I had experienced a stillbirth following difficulties becoming pregnant. He [Dr. Gordon] tells you like it is but is clearly compassionate and invested in the process with you. I wait some more, call back, still nothing submitted for reprocessing. Breaking down every important topic relating to mental health & fertility. My doctor would only transfer one genetically tested embryo at a time, which I was comfortable with. The team of nurses are very skilled and nice. I came to the office about 4-5 times fir blood test and ultrasounds (to track the growth of my egg). Dr D only does FET because the outcomes are much better than the fresh embryo transfers, and we'll be doing PGS since my ovarian reserve is low. I did not see her at every visit, as the majority of my visits were monitoring appointments, but she handled all of my procedures and was there for all of the milestone appointments (including the egg retrieval, embryo transfer, pregnancy ultrasounds, etc.). With the technology today, especially the PGS there isn't the need to do multiple with the hope that at least one will take. Solely based on my experience, I would not recommend Dominion Fertility for patients who are not strictly doing IUIsbilled my insurance incorrectly for a few consults that were charged as office visitsThe nursing staff seemed to have high turnover. I like that. She was extremely difficult to get a hold of outside of an office visit. Pregnant on first try. The nursing staff seemed to have high turnover. His [Dr. Michael DiMattina] bedside manner is very blunt, and he seemed personally offended by any questions I had about the process, like he expected me to have blind faith since he was the expert. Dr. Sarajari always took the time to answer my questions (and invite questions as well). If you have questions, you have to contact the nurses. WebArizona Defamation Law: A statement that brings a plaintiff into disrepute, contempt, or ridicule, or impeaches a plaintiffs honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation. Holli and the nursing staff took great care of us. Each morning was a ray of sunshine with the nurses even though you'd just seen them and were stressed in general about IVF, I choose Dr. D Matina because he was the longes running partner at the clinic and natural cycle IVF pioneer in the US. Dr. Dimattina knows his medicine and never made me feel that any question asked was silly or I was wasting his time. The start of Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation trial against Fox News has been delayed until Tuesday as the parties pursue a potential settlement, I always felt like they had my best interests in mind and they remembered things and followed up. I feel that so many times, doctors' offices have rude receptionists. WebAllen filed his quiet title lawsuit and then filed a lis pendens pursuant to A.R.S. The fact that Dominion Fertility has a poor financial navigation department decreases its value. My first transfer was from natural cycle ivf, so it only produced one egg. We were always promptly seen. He was willing to try when no other doctor would. Unforunately, science does not always match what happens in human existence, and I think Dr. Waud would agree that our case turned out to be more complicated than it appeared, resulting in a misdiagnosis which ultimately led us to change clinics. A judge has sanctioned Fox News after claims it withheld evidence in a $1.6bn (1.3bn) defamation lawsuit. He said long cycles and portions of my blood work indicated that PCOS may have been a factor. The receptionists are very helpful and there are dedicated financial coordinators who are there to deal with all of the insurance and payment stuff. Our original doctor at Dominion had since left the practice, and Dr. Kay become our new primary. We appreciated the candid repour but always professional. He was willing to try when no other doctor would. Billing is even around the corner and incredibly helpful - they will answer any and all questions you have about costs of treatment on the spot. Receptionists are kind and not rude, which is HUGE. The clinic itself is clean, updated, and modern. Most everything that occurs during a Natural Cycle IVF treatment (monitoring, egg retrieval, semen collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, etc.) Data to answer your questions about natural conception and diagnosing what might be wrong. Then when my egg was mature enough I was told to do a trigger shot (which speeds up the maturity). At least I was told it wasn't an option. It's very convenient, clean, easy to schedule appointments, and organized. WebVirginia Supreme Court Records, Volume 250. We're lucky that our insurance covers infertility treatment. This was after my third monitoring cycle which lasted over three months. Most monitoring appointments were fairly quick, and I was able to get to work on time afterwards. Most everything that occurs during a Natural Cycle IVF treatment (monitoring, egg retrieval, semen collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, etc.) When we were transferring to the next clinic, we requested our medical records. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Michael DiMattina at Dominion Fertility? Ask her to go over all details of your case with a fine tooth comb, examining all contingencies, and not necessarily deciding that the simple answer is the best answer. This does not apply to me because we used Natural Cycle IVF - just my natural egg produced in a cycle without fertility medication prior. My biggest pain points (though small) were with the billing department (having wrong information about my insurance coverage, etc). It's a small enough clinic that you get personalized attention and people remember your name, but they're very bad at information sharing. He also knew that as someone who had a stillborn, I am not able to handle the disappointment each month and I would not want to be trying w/o success (or likelihood of success) each month w/o a plan. If you like to know details about your treatment, she's not a good doctor for you. I didn't get far in treatment because of my experience. If people stay quiet about the things doctors do to them that are wrong or negligent, then no one wins. Dr. Gordon explains everything very well so that one can understand. This particular question is not applicable to us for this treatment, because we did a Natural Cycle IVF (there was only one egg produced by my body naturally for retrieval). Dr. Gordon did not shy away from referencing our history and showed sympathy for our situation in addition to factoring it into our treatment. I'm so blessed to have gotten pregnant the first FET. We only got 1 PGT-A normal embryo in the first cycle, so we did another one. Baby Aspirin once a day to help the lining of my uterus, and then progesterone and estradiol once my embryo was fertilized prior to egg retrieval. Under my insurance (so far!) Dr. D is the best! Donna Jove! The clinic [Dominion Fertility] started early which was very convenient for my work scheduleHolli and the nursing staff took great care of us. Dr. Gordon was very warm and understanding during the process, but provided us with a frank assessment of our situation and potential courses of action. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ care. However, most women will probably conceived with Dr. D in 1, 2 or maximum 3 cycles so this is not an issue, Nurses were amazing - like family. They mostly seemed annoyed that I was contacting them or asking questions at appointments. They have available clinic hours for weekend visits to obtain certain treatments or tests. Being poked with needles for blood draws and having sonograms every other day during follicle monitoring can be unpleasant, but the nurses remain positive and calm - and they all seem to know how to draw blood very delicatelyPrior to starting treatment, we did a mock embryo transfer and a water sonogram, which cost us a total of $650. Murdochs remarks came as a part of Dominion Voting Systems $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News. No complaintsThe clinic as a whole walks you through every step of the process, so there's nothing to tell a new patient. We did a hysterosonogram (water sonogram), hysterosalpingogram (HSG), couples genetic testing, and semen analysis - which I think is all standard for the clinic. She was kind, but never made me feel comfortable in her diagnosis or decisions. I like the clinic [Dominion Fertility] a lot. It took three treatment cycles to be successful (2 did not reach the egg transfer stage). I emailed her my concerns one night at 11:45pm, and she called me back personally at 9:15am the next morning, waited patiently for me to conference in my husband, and helped us talk through our options. I would prefer that they pick up the calls. Describe the costs associated with your care under Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility. It is not difficult to get an appointment with your doctor; however, doctors don't provide you their emails. Only one ovary responded to the medications, but the egg retrieval was successful. The judge overseeing Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News said Monday morning that the trial will proceed Tuesday, saying a delay like this "is not unusual." He can be really blunt, he won't hold your hand and cry with you. I like the clinic a lot. I am a fan of Dr. Kay. They also offer bilingual services for Spanish speakers, as well as military discounts for active duty members. She always took the time to answer them, and she also gave me her email address to contact her when my husband and I were wrestling with doing IUI or IVF. It is very evident (and so very appreciated) that she cares about her patients. He talked to my husband and I throughout the transfers to explain what was going on. I appreciate that I did not feel any pressure from him to pursue the more aggressive option. She was also hopeful and optimistic when I was not. It is a comfortable place to receive treatment. I like to know and understand all details, so I had a fair amount of questions. This cycle produced a viable embryo transferred on day 5, but no pregnancyVery personal care with Dr. Gordonvery honest and is great at explain procedures and what to expect with each procedure. He [Dr. DiMattina] diagnose my husband with low morphology (1%) and recommended that we proceed with IVF. Just trust him. I would recommend that you try to allow yourself to trust that he will give you the information that you need, but if you want more details (like the size of your ovarian follicles on each visit, for example), you should ask him questions. He also said if you had cancer, you would never question trying to get the best care for yourself. We had a few bumps in the road with billing and some communications that weren't clear. The doctor's job is to simply monitor your natural cycle. He is very blunt too. Near the end, I was a more informed patient and was only under light sedation. Its a nice facility that is easy to get to with ample parking. I loved all of them. Arlington location - clean, nice relaxing environment, modern, organized. I have never had a billing issue. With Natural IVF there is only one egg produced at a time. On Jan. 8, Dominion sued Sidney Powell, a lawyer who previously worked for $600 so far for 3 rounds of letrozole/novarel/progesterone pills. I didn't feel like I would be in good care. Dr. Gordon is an excellent fit who will show empathy to those who need it. The offices and lobby are always neat and clean, and the waiting area is comfortable. She was always very distracted when I called with questions, and seemed very disorganized. Some days there are very few women in the waiting room and other days it is packed with a line out the door. Anesthesia for the egg retrieval is an additional separate cost of $500, and then there is the cost of medications, which for us was around $300. I wanted to go to an expert. I would prefer that they pick up the calls. It is an aggravating experience where you wish they would just combine it all into one visit. Due to my hormones preventing me from starting treatment, I had to take birth control pills. He always took the time to explain things during meetings when a transfer did not work. I am by no means a pushy person, but he made me feel I was by rolling his eyes when Id ask questions or sarcastically saying things like, someones been doing research. He told us many times that hed get me pregnant and when that didnt happen, he just kept repeating that most people do; he seemed more frustrated than compassionate and didnt have much to offer in terms of how we might do things differently. I ended up with 13 eggs, 5 fertilized and made it to freezing. By Melissa Quinn. Our costs ended up being all diagnostic or pregnancy related, and therefore we had pretty good insurance coverage. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility? He told us many times that hed get me pregnant and when that didnt happen, he just kept repeating that most people do; he seemed more frustrated than compassionate and didnt have much to offer in terms of how we might do things differently. What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility? Dr. Kay has great bedside manner. I took Letrozole from days 5-9 of my cycle, then we would do u/s monitoring and then take Novarel to force ovulation. Still nothing submitted for reprocessing on setting up appointments through ivf without Holli ] - clean, relaxing! Does not feel rushed them for the whole pregnancy, Menopur, Ganirelix were helpful in answering they... My insurance coverage, etc would prefer that they pick up the calls care under Kay Waud at Dominion and... Donor egg program ) was one of the most ethical and professional nurses I have said more. 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