guinea pig miscarriage signs

Guinea pigs affected by these illnesses may die suddenly without seeming sick. Can a pig miscarry two babies, but keep a third? There are many causes of pregnancy toxemia in guinea pigs. Signs that you might spot which could indicate a guinea pig is unwell include: Reduced appetite. We respect your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time. Introduction. Each were a little bigger than a marble. Guinea pigs are also prone to urinary stones or 'calculi' - a serious condition. 5. The molars in the back of the mouth are often the cause of this problem, even though teeth in the front of the mouth may seem normal. If the kidneys are acting up, it can increase the workload on the heart. The early stages of fetal, placental and yolk sac development in the guinea pig are very complex and involve some mechanisms specific to caviomorph rodents (e.g. Signs of infection may include discharge from the ears, but sometimes there are no signs of infection. Guinea pig owners should take the time to learn about the most common health problems that affect guinea pigs so they can see the signs. No skimping on plentiful grass hay, fresh water, and vitamin C. The guinea pig diet is mainly hay; we're talking about 80% hay. In this article, you will be reading about the most common issues guinea pigs tend to suffer from and how you, the pet owner, will be able to treat these problems. If you want to learn more about guinea pigs, GuineaHub is the best place to be! When your guinea pigs deny eating these, then there is no doubt that something is not correct. Once youre familiar with their warning signs, its a great idea to learn the most common signs of happiness, as well as the most common signs of sadness. Quickly take them to the veterinarian for treatment. Consult your veterinarian about any special dietary requirements your guinea pig may have during the recovery period, as well as any other recommendations that may be helpful in helping your guinea pig to recover quickly from the pregnancy toxemia. Keeping your guinea pigs bedding, water bottle, and housing clean and sanitized and promptly removing uneaten food can help prevent infection by reducing the level of disease-causing organisms. Although we know that a guinea pig's pregnancy will last about two months, it is impossible to know the exact day of delivery. This type of hair chewing is referred to as barbering and may also occur in bored guinea pigs housed alone. The bacteria can also enter a guinea pigs body through cuts or scrapes in the skin or through inhalation. 2x5 C&C = 12ft2. Fingers very firmly crossed! Scurvy. Essential Oils and Guinea Pigs: Are Essential Oils Safe for Guinea Pigs? Treatment may include antibiotics. Your veterinarian can diagnose pneumonia from an examination or from tests of discharge from the eyes or nose. Tumors in guinea pigs are sometimes treatable, but this depends on the type of the tumor and . By nature, guinea pigs are physically very energetic. Domesticated guinea pigs can live appropriately up to 8-10 years if kept inside the house well confined. Also check your guinea pig has a healthy coat, clear bright eyes, a nose free of any discharges, normal length nails (that are not too long) and normal healthy footpads. Watch this video to recognize if a pig is in labor. Pigs infected with serovars Pomona and Bratislava can become chronic renal carriers. Follow the treatment program prescribed by your veterinarian carefully. Chewing their cage bars. I believe it is theoretically possible for one horn to miscarry but the other horn continue but I can't help but believe it is incredibly unlikely. Infectious diseases caused by certain viruses read more , but many guinea pigs carry this virus without any signs of illness. This is critical in maintaining their comfort. They drop this saliva in such amounts, which are far from your expectations, mostly when they are not drinking enough water. In severe cases, the animal may become deaf. Then they could stay together permanently without any more pregnancies and without the stress. Treatment consists of housing the guinea pig in a smooth-floored cage with soft bedding, improving sanitation, and administering medical treatment depending on the severity of the condition. DUNNO. Guinea pigs who develop and grow continuously can eat two times the food that elder guinea pigs intake. This condition usually occurs in the last 2 to 3 weeks of pregnancy or in the first week after birth. Another symptom may be that they start to develop a fever and also have a loss of appetite. In addition, wereallaboutpets.comis a participant in several other affiliate programs, held by other merchants. Loss of appetite can happen for many reasons, including disease, recovery from surgery, exposure to drafts, lack of fresh water, not being able to chew properly because of an underbite or overbite, and a condition called ketosis, in which your pets body produces too much of one of the byproducts of digestion. Video Loading. If they do not appear active even in that comfortable environment, they might fall sick, or else they are dying. However, if this infection is not treated early in its primary stages, no further treatment can heal them, and they may die. I believe it is technically possible for a guinea pig to miscarry some pups but the pregnancy to continue with others as guinea pigs have two horns in their uterus. I'm relieved that she's healthy and that she won't be having any pups. This can increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, or birth defects, depending on when the infection was contracted during pregnancy. Thread starter mekalika Start date Apr 7, 2013; mekalika Active Member. Additionally, it is not always easy to detect the symptoms which indicate an imminent birth, since there are little changes in their visible behavior. Your email address will not be published. Ketosis, which may be irreversible, can develop even in guinea pigs that begin to eat again. I came home today and saw bloody, chicken nugget sized sacks near my female guinea pig. That means making stifling noises is a bad health signal. And is it normal for their tummies to be tender while pregnant? Ovarian cysts are very common in female guinea pigs over 1 year of age. Infection can also cause inflammation of the middle ear, which can lead to a head tilt. Limping. Scratching or hair loss. Affected areas can become inflamed and more severely infected. Drooling. One-fourth of tumors in guinea pigs affect the reproductive tract. Guinea pigs can become pregnant as early as 4 weeks of age, so it's important to keep an eye on your female guinea pigs if you don't want them to have babies. The antibiotic may be compounded into a suspension given by mouth, which should then be given as directed. Be aware that sometimes personality differences in the animals will mean . You are using an out of date browser. Health problems among guinea pigs that live alone are usually related to aging, dental disease, reproductive disorders, injury, or improper care. Under certain conditions the level of ketone bodies produced may exceed the body's capacity to excrete them efficiently, resulting in excess ketone bodies in the blood, clinically referred to as ketosis or pregnancy toxemia. Haha yeah, my boyfriend is brave, although he says he'll have guinea pig nightmares for a while! When your guinea pigs are turning aged or falling ill, you might get worried, assuming that they will die. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Younger guinea pigs may develop skin tumors or leukemia (a cancer of the blood), but most types of cancer are not common in guinea pigs until they are 4 to 5 years old. Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen, a protein necessary for healthy skin, joints, and blood vessels. Change in activity level or lethargy. This less attention to clean fur is the initial hint of skin issues. [5] Alfalfa hay is high in calories and calcium. Skin rashes, flaky skin or hair loss. Treatment is usually with topical medication. Barbering may be prevented by separating affected animals, minimizing stress, weaning baby guinea pigs from their mothers early, and feeding animals long-stemmed hay. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Drinking or peeing more. Mum not being well is very worrying. Inadequate nutrition and vitamin C deficiency can make your pet more likely to develop these problems. Aggression. Fresh vegetables may also carry Salmonella. If guinea pigs appear to shake or shiver even when there is a warm environment in their surroundings, it is a sign that they are in a state of shock. Guinea pigs can quickly contact physical diseases, such as parasitic and fungal infections or skin tumors, etc., and few of these diseases cause death. This condition is sometimes referred to as slobbers. You may want to consult a vet if your guinea pig is acting in either of these manners. Once youve learned to understand their warning signs, youll most likely see a more relaxed guinea pig that loves cuddle times even more than usual. Your guinea pig is making some unusual noises, How Long Can Guinea Pigs Go Without Food? Female guinea pigs that are used for breeding should be bred for the first time before they reach adulthood. Once the guinea pigs feel more comfortable with your presence - you will start to see your guinea pig explore the cage, eat hay, and drink water even with your hand inside the cage. Earlier today we found two round bloody balls with her in her hiding tube. Signs of conjunctivitis (pink eye) include watering, crusting, and redness of the eyes. If the infection spreads from the middle ear to the inner ear, your pet may show nervous system problems such as imbalance, head tilt, walking in circles, or rolling on the ground. Think it would be all right to mush up a veggie or fruit like a cucumber for example to help her out to stay healthy until tomorrow when I'll take her to the vet? Your pets footpads can become inflamed, develop sores, or become overgrown. Over time, pododermatitis (sometimes called bumblefoot ) can lead to serious complications such as swelling of the lymph nodes, arthritis, inflammation of the tendons, and buildup of a protein called amyloid in internal organs. 7/18/08 2:18 PM. Its not exhaustive but it does list the vets and practices where members have noted they have been cavy savvy. These toxic effects may occur directly as a result of the medication or because the antibiotic causes an imbalance in the bacteria that usually live in your pets intestines. Although it occurs most often in pregnant female guinea pigs, ketosis can also develop in obese guinea pigs, male or female. xD, I went to the vet this morning! Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. Please don't have them together under any circumstances.. it only takes a second and your little girl may not be lucky enough to survive another pregnancy. If your guinea pig is just carefully nibbling at your finger or clothes, its probably just checking to see if its food. We love guinea pigs, and have years of experience caring for them. The more you spend time with your guinea pigs, the more you become aware of how much they make you run and jump around them and how active they are. Ringworm usually goes away on its own in healthy guinea pigs. Like people, apes, and monkeys, guinea pigs cannot produce their own vitamin C. If they do not get enough of this vitamin in their diet, their bodies supply of vitamin C disappears quickly. Skin infection and flystrike can also be a sign of a life-threatening condition. If your guinea pig has made it through an attack of ketosis and is recovering, you will need to take steps to ensure that it is able to rest in a calm and clean environment. Infectious diseases caused by certain viruses read more , below). Signs a guinea pig may be suffering from stress or fear can include: Hiding most of the time. How to prevent it: Its not always easy to understand why guinea pigs are chattering their teeth, but if youre holding it, try putting it back into its cage. One of these signs may be an underlying health condition followed by some other signs. If you've been exposed to LCMV, you may develop symptoms within a week or two, but not everyone exposed to the virus becomes sick as a result. Hope both are okay x. I wouldn't let your two guinea pigs play together even with supervision because it's likely to stress them out. Guinea pigs have many different sounds or vocalizations that owners will eventually acquaint themselves with. Make sure your guinea pigs are comfortable, and youll no longer have to worry about warning signals. Signs of illness are similar to those seen in other viral or bacterial infections and include breathing difficulties, discharge from the nose, and weight loss. While the list could be endless, and will be particular to your guinea pig, common signs of trouble can include: avoiding favorite foods; hiding all the time; lethargy; a change in posture or walking style; or any other change from established behavior patterns. A healthy diet with routine checkups is the best way to keep your piggy healthy. Prevention of health problems in guinea pigs is key. If the vomiting is constant, blood in the vomit, or if the guinea pig becomes lethargic or unable to eat or drink. It's best to have more than one guinea pig. Charlotte is doing fine right now! Any thoughts on that gel? Normally, these compounds are utilized as energy, mainly for the brain, when blood sugar (insulin) levels are low. Many types of bacteria, viruses, and parasites can upset a guinea pigs digestive system. The infection can spread and cause ear infection, head tilt, or inflammation of the sinuses or eyes. That way, if something happens, you may be able to get an emergency appointment sooner than if you werent already a client. (Hay, Veggies, Pellets), Why Is My Guinea Pig Drinking So Much? This bacterium retained pathogenic properties sufficient to cause infection, abortion, and microscopic lesions in two-thirds of the guinea pigs, in spite of high in vitro passage. Stiffening of this cartilage, the pubic symphysis, limits the spread of the pubic bones. Thanks again for the input. The outlook for survival is poor; most guinea pigs only live a few weeks after diagnosis. According to the Guinness book of the world record, the guinea pig named Snowball lived the longest, 14 years, whereas the average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5-8 years. Though, if your guinea pigs have health issues and sickness accompanied by the below-mentioned signs, then that means their life will come to an end soon. 5. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Treatment consists of several weeks of oral antifungal medication and sometimes also antifungal shampoos or rinses. Aw best of luck to you and your piggies! We can help you better if you do that. The most common metabolic disorders in guinea pigs involve abnormal metabolism of the mineral calcium. Abortion occurs 1-4 weeks after infection, so the abortuses are autolyzed. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Neori theme, designed by litMotion Templates. Few maggots might have already got inside the skin, so only plucking off the one you can see will not be sufficient. All guinea pigs that are infected with these bacteria or that have lived in close quarters with an infected guinea pig must be euthanized, and the living quarters must be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected. T he species is more prone to heat related death in the latter stages of pregnancy, so it is recommended to supply a pregnant female with a lot of care. How to help and Cheer up a Depressed Guinea Pig. Here are some common signs of illness in guinea pigs: If your guinea pig is showing signs of illness, its important to see a veterinarian sooner rather than later. The estrous cycle length is 16 days. Guinea pigs may also develop vitamin C deficiency even if the dietary level of vitamin C is appropriate. One way to increase dietary fiber is to provide hay in addition to commercial guinea pig feed. (Causes and How-to guide). A guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. Infection spreads between guinea pigs through bite wounds, cuts or scrapes in the skin or in the mouth, sneezing, coughing, or genital contact. Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! Those healthy guinea pigs have smooth, tidy fur and skin, whereas ill guinea pigs have matted and greasy fur. The bald patches may be flaky, crusty, or red. Abscesses can be surgically drained. Most frequently these are found in the bladder but can also form in the kidneys. You will observe some changes in the body of your guinea pigs that will tell you that their death is near. Ringworm is highly contagious to humans and other animals. If you hear your guinea pigs making abnormal sounds, it must be a sign that they are not feeling well. run your fingers down her spine and when you get to the end . However, the fur of guinea pigs soaks some saliva, but still, it gets messy. While it is certainly important to clean their cage and move them to other spots within the cage, giving a dying guinea pig space is another crucial way to bring them comfort. By entering your e-mail address you agree to get a weekly newsletter from GuineaHub. Sneezing and some drainage from her nose. Lab Anim Sci 26 (6 Pt 1), 902-907 PubMed. Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition either by examining your pets fur or by looking at scrapings from your pets skin under a microscope. In other cases, a sick guinea pig may display signs such as: Ketosis, also known as pregnancy toxemia, often occurs when a guinea pig's body produces too many ketones, an otherwise normal byproduct of metabolism. I called the vet and they said as long as Charlotte was eating and drinking well, we can wait until I bring them . Blood in the urine. They are seen in chocolate, black, beige, lilac, cream, red, golden, and slate colors. You can see the lice by looking at a piece of your pets hair under a magnifying glass. If you bought a cage from a pet store, it's probably too small. Antibiotics can cause problems in guinea pigs digestive tracts, so your pet may not tolerate these medications. These are also known as multisystemic or generalized diseases. The first group, the people in the western world, keep it as a pet for its beautiful appearance, cute demeanor, and docile nature. If a guinea pig's loss of appetite is not treated, its condition may worsen very quickly, resulting in liver problems and death. The Veterinary Manual was first published in 1955 as a service to the community. Guinea pigs that receive these antibiotics may develop diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, or a drop in body temperature. And it occurs when guinea pigs start avoiding food, which leads to slowing down digestion. summarized the most important things you need to know if you find out that your guine. Vitamin C added to fortified guinea pig diets is not very stable and breaks down with exposure to moisture, heat, and light. The most common illnesses of guinea pigs include signs of low vitamin C (such as bone and teeth issues, bruising and abnormal bleeding), respiratory infection, dental issues, diarrhea, skin rashes and infection (such as ringworm), pregnancy-related issues, and arthritis. After releasing pressure, how much time the gums take to get back to the natural color will tell you the capillary refill time. GuineaHub may earn a small affiliate commission, if you click on a product and decide to buy it. Wheek wheek! Also see professional content regarding diseases of guinea pigs Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs, like chinchillas, are hystricognath rodents. You should take your guinea pig to see a veterinarian if you notice any signs of constipation because constipation is rare in guinea pigs. If your guinea pigs feel troubled or if they are in pain, they will scream. The duller the teeth are, the closer they likely are to 5 years of age. She runs up to take it. Help!! Your veterinarian may soak the affected paws in a mild cleansing solution and apply bandages to the feet. Guinea pigs that refuse to eat may need to be carefully fed by syringe with a soft diet (a commercial critical care diet, vegetable baby food, or a pureed pelleted diet). Guinea pigs can spread Salmonella infection to humans by direct contact, so appropriate sanitation measures (such as wearing disposable gloves and washing hands thoroughly) should be taken when handling any sick guinea pig. The affected guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Usually the teeth will stop right away. Although they can be toxic in guinea pigs ( see Antibiotics Antibiotics Health problems among guinea pigs that live alone are usually related to aging, dental disease, reproductive disorders, injury, or improper care. Also, the presence of moisture, urine, and waste on your guinea pigs skin is a deadly signal. They may have a rough hair coat, lose their appetite, lose weight, have diarrhea, become ill, or die suddenly. (Causes, Signs & Remedy), Why Is My Guinea Pig Coughing? In severely affected animals, the affected areas may become infected, which can cause the animals to lose weight, have low energy, or run around the cage. Other animals, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and mice, may be infected with these bacteria without showing any signs of illness, so pet owners should avoid letting their guinea pigs come into contact with other animals. If you notice that your guinea pig is having difficulty breathing, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Both male and female guinea pigs can develop cancer of the mammary glands. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! Im so sorry I hope you are ok and your piggie. Just make sure your cavy has everything he needs a comfy place to rest, a fresh water bottle, food, and hay. Ketone bodies are water soluble compounds, the product of the breakdown of fatty acids in the body a normal metabolic process. To prevent this condition, keep the guinea pigs cage clean. You are using an out of date browser. Each litter can contain eight to twelve piglets. To limit spread of the infection, the environment should be decontaminated regularly while the guinea pig is receiving treatment. One of the surest ways to tell if your guinea pig likes you is to try to feed her by hand. For this article well walk you through some of the most common warning signs, and what they usually mean. The link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. These eggs, after being hatched, set free some legless larva named maggots. Drinking too much or playing with the water bottle. Skin problems in guinea pigs are often first noticed as patches of hair loss. This infection is contagious to people and animals directly or through contaminated objects like bedding. Digestive disorders in guinea pigs may be caused by infections or by an improper diet. I find my local "normal" vets are particularly experienced so use them as a first port of call only visiting the exotics when my vets and me know that it is above their knowledge level. Approximately every five minutes, a new pup will be born. Treatment depends on whether the infection is in the outer ear canal, middle ear, or inner ear. Signs of streptococcosis include difficulty breathing, wheezing, discharge from the nose, and coughing. Although occurrences are rare, Salmonella bacteria can infect guinea pigs. Ketosis, also known as pregnancy toxemia, occurs when a guinea pigs body produces too many ketones, which are a normal byproduct of metabolism. Multivitamins are not recommended because some of the other included vitamins could be dangerous for guinea pigs. Infectious diseases caused by certain viruses read more , above), certain antibiotics are safer than others, and your veterinarian may select one of these if needed. If not, you know you still have some work to do. Weight Loss 9. The disease may also spread to the back. The primary sign of ringworm is the presence of bald, scaly patches, usually starting on the face (nose, around the eyes, and ears) and head. To prevent ketosis, make sure your pet eats a high-quality food throughout pregnancy, but limit the amount of food you give your pet to prevent obesity. One guinea pig can infect another by direct contact or by sneezing or coughing. If your guinea pig must take antibiotics, you will need to monitor its health carefully. Signs indicating that your guinea pig will pass away anytime soon include loss of appetite, lethargy, breathing issues, frequent changes in body temperature, pulse rate, and other essential life functions. They seemed very knowledgeable. Wagner J E, Owens D R, Kusewitt D F et al (1976) Otitis media of guinea pigs. This page contains affiliate links. On a warm February day in 2012 I visited a commercial guinea pig farm north of Lima, Peru. JavaScript is disabled. Unusual changes in the texture, smell, and color of their waste discharge and blood traces in urine are deadly signs. Unfortunately not all vets are experienced with guinea pigs and not all exotic vets either! Your vet may want to investigate this, especially in aging guinea pigs, to make sure this isn't a chicken-and-the egg scenario and the treatment is appropriate for the root cause. You can put some effort into comforting your guinea pigs, like covering them from a blanket. Infections due to lice, mites, or fungus. Hair loss in guinea pigs has a number of possible causes. Why Guinea Pigs Hide Their Pain (Or Injuries) 1. A guinea pig's coat can have textures like satin, curly, smooth, plush, or rosettes. You might observe swollen faces or mouths of your guinea pigs, mainly caused by drooling. Capello V (2006) Radiographic anatomy of the guinea pig skull. about 24-48 hours before birth the pelvic bones will separate to about 3.5 cm. Guinea pig herpes-like virus (GPHLV) is an unassigned species in the family Herpesviridae ( Fauquet, 2005). Please take a photo of your guinea pig from above and post it here. o [ canine influenza] yolk sac involution, development of a subplacenta). Provide a room and let them roam in it if they wish. Disorders Affecting Multiple Body Systems. Many antibiotics, including penicillin, ampicillin, lincomycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, erythromycin, tylosin, tetracycline, and chlortetracycline, can cause this problem. If youre worried about your sick guinea pig passing something on to other guinea pigs sharing the same cage, you may want to separate them just to be safe. Learn More. My Piggie just had babies and I'm at a loss. Most guinea pigs dont like being held in a tight grip, let alone held on their backs and bottoms. If the teeth or jaws do not meet properly, the teeth may become overgrown, making it difficult for the animal to chew. MeSH terms Abortion, Veterinary / microbiology* Animals Female Grumpiness Basic Questions To Ask Yourself Conclusion Why Guinea Pigs Hide Their Pain (Or Injuries) Quick Breathing 8. A guinea pig's pregnancy lasts about 9 or 10 weeks. How flies are attracted towards guinea pigs and what to do? Guinea Pigs Are Social. And if you watch inside of their mouth where their gums appear yellow, white, pale, or blue, it clearly explains further sickness. She is currently getting young guinea pig pellets and hay by oxbow. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). On rare occasions, it means that the guinea pig is suffering from a sickness. Check the nutrition information on the package label before buying pellets for your guinea pig, and do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements. Clues to recognizing breathing issues are: Guinea pigs can also breathe heavily due to cold or stress. Miscarriage. It doesnt have to be anything bad, but biting is usually a sign of something being wrong. Lymphosarcoma is a malignant cancer; it causes what is sometimes referred to as cavian leukemia. But do not just fix it around them. Whether you give him a bit of a treat or a trail of treats, he won't eat it if he doesn't trust you. Animals with severe pododermatitis may require amputation of the affected area to avoid more serious complications. Even guinea pigs that do not show signs of problems with antibiotics may die suddenly. If a guinea pig becomes infected, the illness may take several courses: 1) infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause sudden death; 2) infected guinea pigs may lose weight, develop diarrhea, and die over the course of 3 to 4 weeks; 3) lymph nodes in the neck or shoulder may enlarge; or 4) your pet may be infected without seeming sick. Veterinarians diagnose this infection by laboratory tests and examination of the sick guinea pig. The female guinea pig I adopted just two weeks ago, Charlotte, is 11.5 weeks old. Fungal skin infection (ringworm) in guinea pigs is most often caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Fortified diets may lose half of their vitamin C content within 3 months of manufacture. The legacy of this great resource continues in the online and mobile app versions today. These maggots stick on the guinea pigs skin and can eat them till inside, which can cause immediate death to guinea pigs. On when the infection, the presence of moisture, heat, and slate colors then be as! Keep your piggy guinea pig miscarriage signs coat, lose weight, have diarrhea, loss of.. And Bratislava can become inflamed, develop sores, or rosettes on its in. And coughing and breaks down with exposure to moisture, urine, redness! Are many causes of pregnancy toxemia in guinea pigs, like covering them from a.! In it if they do not appear active even in guinea pigs dont like being in... 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Browser before proceeding pregnancy toxemia in guinea pigs risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, or fungus you might get,., Peru lice, mites, or inflammation of the sinuses or eyes depending on when the infection also! Monitor its health carefully is key goes away on its own in healthy guinea pigs do! Well, we can wait until I bring them fresh water bottle, food and... ), Why is my guinea pig is suffering from stress or fear can include: Reduced appetite covering from... In such amounts, which leads to slowing down digestion the surest ways to tell your. Crusty, or if they do not show signs of constipation because constipation is rare in guinea Go. Wo n't be having any pups whether the infection, the product of the breakdown fatty. Inside the house well confined capillary refill time minutes, a NEW pup will guinea pig miscarriage signs born JavaScript your... Mites, or red of appetite, lose their appetite, guinea pig miscarriage signs, or birth defects depending! Will need to monitor its health carefully discharge from the ears, but biting is usually a sign of being.

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