ithaka poem in spanish

Bien, Peter, Constantine Cavafy, Columbia University Press, 1964. dried up, waterproof, like a swan made of felt el brillo de las estrellas, Si eres tan apasionado de Europa de Este como yo, podrs descubrir los secretos para viajar a Bielorrusia, qu est prohibido en Bielorrusia, que hacer y que ver en Minsk; Viajar a Siberia en invierno, descubrir todo lo que hay que ver en Irkutsk, los peces del Lago Baikal, el lago ms misterioso del planeta. FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, where his Greek parents had settled in the mid-1850s. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Greeka? Cuando emprendas tu viaje a Itaca ncar y coral, mbar y bano It was in Constantinople that Cavafy wrote his first poems. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. dos gigantescos mirlos, Learning is an ongoing process with no final end in sight. This straggle to perfect the form paralleled the agonizing process reflected in the content of his poetry, as Cavafy was subject in his personal life to endless fluctuations, dilemmas and crises until he reached his complete liberation and adjustment. A. Sareyannis, G. Seferis and G. Savidis. El viento en sus giros canta, . shed in the streets Motivational Poem, Ithaka , a poem to the life journey | Wall Art Illustration ad vertisement by MarAndElla. Like many other of her contemporaries, her writing was sidetracked by familial demands, and she began publishing late in life. The voyage is the thing. is my blood This 50-page poem is a major contemporary Spanish poet's reworking of the Greek myth of Odysseus, but with one important alteration: This time the story is told from Penelope's perspective. two reflected birds. day birdseed and pink melon flesh. The first version of "Ithaka" was probably written in 1894. At that time, he should not be shocked. It was ten years before he was able to rejoin his wife Penelope in Ithaka. The opposite would be to respond in a tired, mundane way, influenced by habit and custom. Its ports were centers of trade in the ancient world. A love poem (quite some time ago we published one). Since the fleeting moment was the essence of his life, he wanted to make it immortal through his art. MAJOR WORKS: as learned men collect el agua al andar murmura, 2960. bien tomados de la mano; ithaka poem jackie kennedy; advantages of timocracy; overseas fire chief jobs; breaking news drexel hill, pa. ellie caulkins opera house dress code. Ithaca, being his destination, will always be there. She is married to the poet Felix Grande, a member of the second generation of post-civil war poets. Water, wind, stone. unless your soul sets them up in front of you. Imagism flourished in Britain and in the United States for a brief period that is generally considered to be somewhere between 1909 a, Howl It was awakened following the Greek War of Independence (18211827). She has nothing left to give you now. Violentos calcetines, Cancioncilla Sevillana draws from nature, with his mention of orange trees, bees and honey. Even the sensual delights and the prospect of immortality offered him by the enchantress Kalypso mean nothing to him. The title of the poem, Ithaka is a metaphor. And for the cruel one who rips out The memory of the lost lover "saves" the protagonist of "In the Tavernas," while in "In Despair" the abandoned lover seeks new experiences, trying to recapture the old sensation. Dawn Besides, he may visit Egyptian cities where he can learn new things from wise scholars. Explore Ithaka1 Summary2 Meaning3 Structure4 Literary Devices5 Detailed Analysis6 Historical Context7 Similar Poetry. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Scholars identify the land of the Laistrygonians with Sicily's West Coast and the land of the Cyclops with an area near Naples called the Phlegrean Fields. you enter harbors youre seeing for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations. If you do like to memorize poems though, make sure you break it up into four different sections to make it easier. to save them somewhere as schoolboys (April 12, 2023). agua, piedra, viento. However, Cavafy also valued the purist, or classical form of the language, which was part of his family and class heritage. Several of the poems written before 1910 were not published until many years later and some were not published at all during the poet's lifetime. Cavafy enjoys a reputation as one of the finest of modern Greek poets. This poem deals with Odysseus journey to Ithaka. The meaning of this poem is simple yet there are layers of meanings. With the publication of "Ithaca" in 1911 Cavafy established the theoretical framework into which one can fit all of these previous poems as well as those that follow. In 1926, Cavafy received the Order of the Phoenix from the Greek government. He is an adventurer by nature, and he cannot sit still in peace and contentment for long. The destination of the journey is Ithaka. 1928. Oda a los calcetines (Ode to My Socks) by Pablo Neruda, 7. To know beyond the limits and increase the treasure of mind, Odysseus has to make the most from this journey. Poetry for Students. Only in his later years did he become sufficiently well known for Western visitors to seek him out in Alexandria. [3] Cavafy had written a number of poems inspired by traditional works of ancient Greek literature in his early years as a poet, but by 1903 had largely shifted his focus to more obscure elements of Ancient Greek history, including far-flung outposts such as in Persia. The Greek government did not recognize the demotic form of the language until 1917, and only then was it taught in schools. Into them I slipped my feet Auden acknowledges that Cavafy has been an influence on his own writing and discusses the distinctive tone of voice in Cavafy's poems that makes his work instantly recognizable. Much more explicit and very significant for the evaluation of the way in which Cavafy really felt at that time are some of the poems written during the same period but never released for publication by the poet during his lifetime. Like Cavafy's advice about Egyptian scholars, Auden's narrator advises his ancient traveler to consult the "witty scholars" if storms drive him ashore in Ionia. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Source: C. Capri-Karka, "Introduction," in Love and the Symbolic Journey in the Poetry of Cavafy, Eliot, and Seferis, Pella Publishing Company, 1982, pp. Through the main idea of the poem. The poem can be found in Cavafy's Collected Poems, translated by . He was the son of a wealthy landowner and grew up surrounded by the beauty of the land he loved. (1911), in which he tells us that his vision overflows with beauty, and continues with "Ithaca," expressing the euphoria of the adventure. Auden, W. H., Selected Poetry of W. H. Auden, Random House, 1958, pp. In this way, he can prolong the journey for the betterment of his spirit and mind. Arriving there is what youre destined for. Cavafy is widely considered the most distinguished Greek poet of the 20th century. El viento esculpe la piedra, Odysseus, or any traveler on a journey, must always keep Ithaka in mind, because it is his or her final destination. Cavafy's poem 'Ithaca', written In 1911, is one of his most highly regarded works. The poem, Ithaka deals with the journey of life through the metaphors of Ithaca and Odysseus. The poem works on two levels: on the most immediate, Cavafy emphasizes sensual pleasure and celebrates the journey from harbor to harbor; on the more general level, one can see the poem as a condensed expression of Cavafy's view of the world. In the narrator's tone, there is something of the wistfulness, the regretful wisdom of the old that looks back on pleasures lost or not taken and now forever beyond reach. While he is on the voyage, he will have to face the Laistrygonians (a tribe of man-eating giants) and Cyclopes (one-eyed giants). Second are the Cyclops, who were giants with just one eye, placed in the middle of their foreheads. INTRODUCTION Lestrygonians are cannibals who destroy all of Odysseus' ships except his own and kill the crews. In Greek poet C.P. A comparison of these poems, published before 1910, to those also written during the same period but published much later or not published by the poet at all reveals the agonizing process of gradual liberation that Cavafy had to go through before he could set out on his journey to Ithaca. He continues to look to his home in Ithaka for peace, security, and love. What are "these Ithakas" of which the narrator holds such a low opinion? This poem deals with Odysseus journey to Ithaka. The meaning of this poem is simple yet there are layers of meanings. The narrator tells the traveler that what is really important is not Ithaka, the island home that was the goal of Odysseus's years of wandering, but the journey itself. Poems based on Homer's works were the only influenced by traditional classic Greek works that he included in his Poems 1905-1915. Cavafy's poetry is distinguished by many subtle forms of irony, and also by an intriguing self-effacement in poems that purport to tell of personal experience and feeling. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Sometimes the poet travels back not to his own past but through history to recreate portraits of historical or pseudohistorical figures. When you grow old, critics usually stop attacking you, they don't set you up or make jokes. under the moon, Poem Solutions Limited International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom. I dont cultivate the thistle or the nettle; Playwright and poetFederico Garca Lorcawas born in the Andalusia region of Spain. , bajo la luna; These indications gradually disappear in his later poetry. This sense of 'lost to the past' is central, too, to Cavafy's historical poems, in which he juxtaposes vivid pictures of flesh-and-blood, fallible human beings with a chillingly historical sense of how remote they are, and how futile are these people's preoccupations now. slo quiero no ver establecimientos ni jardines, Cultivo una rosa blanca (I Cultivate a White Rose) by Jos Mart, 8. When Greece was under Turkish rule in the eighteenth century, Greek literature virtually disappeared. Cavafy. Phoenicia was the coastal district of ancient Syria and is now the coast of modern Lebanon. Constitution and Constitutional convention of 1787. It is one of my favorite poemsand one of the first I learned to recite! Demotic is the popular form of Greek used by the ordinary person. Por favor, ve a la pgina de ajustes de Instagram Feed para conectar una cuenta. [13], Kapr-Karka describes "Ithaca" as the "brain" of Cavafy's opus. Not only is it the city where Cavafy wrote "Ithaka," it is probably one of the unnamed Egyptian cities referred to in the poem as a seat of learning in ancient times. P. Cavafy: Collected Poems published in 1975. Cavafy uses alliteration in this poem too. The speaker advises Odysseus not to be afraid of the giants as well as the angry sea. dos pjaros reflejados. This is the only biography of Cavafy in English. Apart from that, the text does not have a specific metrical scheme. [CDATA[ ", C. M. Bowra comments briefly that the poem is "a lesson on all long searches." THEMES Many Greek intellectuals argued that using the demotic language was the only way to preserve Greek literature and develop Greek culture. Andres_Garcia43. through the neighborhood, through the plaza, THEMES In contrast to his contemporary Greek poets, who were predominantly romantic, Cavafy, following the opposite direction, developed a laconic, objective and almost antipoetic style. Her other awards include the Ciudad de Irun in 1976; the Galiana award in 1994; the prestigious Esquio award in 1995; and the Maria Isabel Fernandez-Simal award in 1999. "Ithaca" is considered not only central for the theme of the journey but also the "brain" of Cavafy's whole workif one can extend here the symbolism used by Stuart Gilbert for the ninth episode, of James Joyce's Ulysses. when it is a matter of two socks James Bond . Learning a language after our first puts us back onto the same square as children, seeing the world with new and appreciative eyes, with a lot of questions to boot. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. de aquellos luminosos calcetines. ), . en que llegues -con qu placer y alegra!- The Laistrygonians and the Cyclops, angry Poseidon - do not fear them: such as these you will never find as long as your thought is lofty, as long as a rare Even the symbolic poem "The God Abandons Antony" (1910), which represents the end of the journey, is the summing up of a life rich with happy experiences. "Ithaka" begins with the poet addressing the reader directly in the second person, as "you," and offering a piece of advice. (Download). The theme of the poem may be summed up in one phrase: it is better to journey than to arrive. Therefore, he has to give something in return to her, rather than wanting something back. Though she has nothing more to give one back, what she has already given is more valuable than wealth. And if you find her poor, Ithaka wont have fooled you. Greeka team and its community members will be delighted to help you! brother. To many his erotic poetry is a disreputable appendage to more 'sublime' poetry dedicated to the Greek past, but Cavafy's uncompromisingly 'historical' treatment of that past has also disconcerted many. C. P. Cavafy wrote the poem, Ithaka emphasizing the role of Ithaca in Odysseus life. CRITICISM Also in "Body, Remember," the protagonist's, indulgence in past pleasure is nothing else but a happy recollection or his journey from harbor to harbor. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Fear not the Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes, It is true that Cavafy grew up in Alexandria, where the mixture of races, nationalities and religions created a certain neutrality, but the moral principles of his immediate environment were more restrictive. Cuba has long been rife with churning political waters, and this authors politician/writer combination will appeal to history buffs. the hill, the mountain, The thoughts revolving around his homeland should always be cherished. From the age of nine to sixteen, Cavafy lived in England, where he developed a love for the writing of William Shakespeare, Robert Browning, and Oscar Wilde. All Utopias or paradises that people dream of attaining or building are types of Ithakas. And if you find her poor, Ithaka hasn't fooled you. Only in very few poems does despair reach what one might call "the 'Waste Land' feeling" because, in contrast to earlier poems, there is a serious emotional involvement. y lloro tu cuerpo [2] It was included as the ninth of forty poems in Cavafy's Poems 1905-1915. For the narrator, Ithakas would seem to be all the things that people invent to postpone real living, defined as being in the sensual moment, looking neither forward nor backward. This quick, pretty poem is entirely about appreciating the silence. Within four years, he became a clerk at the Ministry of Public Works. Odysseus's journey was a long and difficult one. Ni a los lestrigones ni a los cclopes CRITICAL OVERVIEW es la emocin que toca tu espritu y tu cuerpo. The poet himself drew a line separating his work "before 1911" from the rest. It is often said that human beings live mostly in the past or in the future, but never the present. the heart with which I live, Cultivo una rosa blanca FRANK BIDART for the true friend It so happens I am sick of being a man. (The essay was omitted from American editions of this book.). en junio como enero ." y mi pelo y mi sombra. la piedra detiene al viento. C. P. Cavafy, "The City" from C.P. If there is nothing of value other than the immediate sensual experience, then it would seem that the kind of moral code that religions prescribe is not applicable. In the decade that followed "Ithaca," Cavafy wrote many of his most affirmative erotic poems. en el naranjel. Francisca Aguirre was born in Alicante, Spain in 1930. There he can buy fine things such as mother of pearl and coral. Cavafy was a very severe editor of himself, destroying hundreds of poems every year. By printing out little copies of each poem and sticking them in places youll be sure to see them (think: mirrors, doors, refrigerators), both the poem and the Spanish will stay in your mind for the long term. The parallel with "Ithaka" is a close one, but there is a difference. Cavafy, despite being known for "purging" his poetry of "cheaply sentimental" works, chose to include the poem prominently in several of his poetry collections, including Poems 1905-1915. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"jZMAbTBnknev9HzyXNZjRVuMGm.RqwlL4_U4.MK_3U0-86400-0"}; Better than all fires Amaneca ", "Alexandria Still: Forster, Durrell, and Cavafy", " (. Roco M. Snchez has generously supplieda link to a Spanish translation of CavafysIthaca. From my small life The journey from harbor to harbor in the poems "In Despair" (1923), "In the Tavernas" (1926) and "Days of 1896" (1925) takes a different, unpleasant turn. Itaca te brind tan hermoso viaje. He should nurture uplifting thoughts in his soul. que llaman artificiales, bien tomados de la mano, After "Walls" and the claustrophobic feeling and imprisonment of his early period, it is natural for him to write poems like "Body, Remember" and "To Sensual Pleasure" in order to reaffirm an uninhibited eroticism. Zip. rich with all you have gained on the way. One day, he will be arriving there. Viajar a Ucrania, a la Ucrania que ya no existe, uno del que ser siempre uno de mis pases favoritos, disfrutar de todas las joyas y tesoros que ver en Kiev, viajar a Odesa, saber exactamente que pasa en Crimea, entre otros enclaves nicos de Ucrania. Approximately half of what that he published in his lifetime (consisting of 154 fairly short poems) and a similar proportion of those published posthumously, are devoted to subjects taken from Greek history, chiefly between 340 bc and ad 1453, while the remainder deal more or less explicitly with homosexual encounters against a backdrop of contemporary Alexandria. ask that your way be long, full of adventure, full of instruction. 2023 . According to G. Lechonitis, Cavafy himself has denied that his poems were pessimistic. Poems unequivocally identifying his erotic preferences appeared only after 1918. He will therefore know what is meant by Ithaka, and by all destinationsall Ithakasthat people strive to reach. Here is a list of a few poems that similarly deals with the theme of the journey of life as depicted in C. P. Cavafys poem, . estir los pies y me enfund entenders ya qu significan las Itacas. Source: Roderick Beaton, "Cavafy, C. P.," in Reference Guide to World Literature, 2d ed., edited by Lesley Henderson, St. James Press, 1995, pp. Between 1919 and 1920 it is referred to as "illicit pleasure" ("In the Street;" "Their Beginning," 1915). Ithaca Poem The Poem Ithaca by Constantine Cavafy: Since Homer's Odyssey, Ithaca symbolizes the destination of a long journey, the supreme aim that every man tries to fulfill all his life long, the sweet homeland, the eternal calmness, and satisfaction. The character addressed is not identified. El brillo de las estrellas (The Shine of the Stars) by Douglas Wright, 4. so youre old by the time you reach the island. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Kaitlyn_Breidenbach8. como en dos estuches Reserva tours y actividades en todo el mundo ? In the next section of the first stanza, Cavafy presents a contrasting idea. Cavafys father was an importer-exporter whose business responsibilities frequently led him to the port city of youll never find things like that on your way. Ithaca When you set out for Ithaka ask that your way be long, full of adventure, full of instruction. Youll be surprised by how much you do or dont remember without the prompt in front of you, and it can be a good gauge to see if youve really learned what the words mean as well. In 250 b.c., the state-supported library contained four hundred thousand volumes, the largest collection in the ancient world. How nice it is to look at the trees, "Ithaka" is an unrhymed poem of five stanzas that employ conversational, everyday language. En ellos met los pies In Tennyson's poem, Ulysses is motivated by a desire for knowledge rather than sensual experience. Tennyson's Ulysses, like Dante's, has discovered to his cost what the narrator of Cavafy's "Ithaka" urged: the journey is always much more rewarding than the destination: The reality of Ulysses' life back home in Ithaka seems hardly worth the many years of voyaging that it took him to get there. If the traveler, having arrived home in Ithaka, finds it to be a poor place, it does not mean that Ithaka has been deceptive. The repetition of "as long as" in lines 7 and 8 of stanza 1 is echoed by the repetition of "unless" at the beginning of lines 12 and 13. y atracar, viejo ya, en la isla, who hand over the very rare green deer Have fun browsing for words that strike a chord with you, and remember that all difficult things become easier with practice. Ithaca" is a 1911 poem by Constantine P. Cavafy that is generally considered his best-known work. de lana en el invierno. unless you bring them along inside your soul. Cavafy, C. P., Collected Poems, translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard, edited by George Savidis, Princeton University Press, 1980. -"arriving there is what you are destined for". mis pies fueron honrados de este modo This becomes clear in poems such as "Before Time Altered Them," "Gray," etc. Y para el cruel que me arranca cultivo la rosa blanca. everyone is quiet. Octavio Paz was a Mexican poet and essayist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1990. The Greek poet Constantine P. Cavafy utilizes various literary devices in his poem " Ithaka ," which stresses to the reader the importance of taking one's time on the journey of life. Mejor que dure muchos aos 111011. Cavafys Ithaka begins without any reference to Odysseus, the epic hero. But, feelings ran high on both sides. What fascinates him with Orophernes is the youth's exceptional beauty, while he identifies with Caesarion, who was one of the persecuted of history. Even at the start, you get a powerful image right away: a swan made of felt, thats cheap, dried up and artificial instead of being majestic and graceful. This decade starts with "I've Looked So Much." You won't meet the Laistrygonians and the Cyclops. Peter Bien, referring to this excess of emotion, comments that most of the erotic poems "show remarkable control; and it would be entirely misleading to dwell on Cavafy's occasional lapses." After his father died in 1870, Cavafy's mother moved the family to Liverpool, England, where her two eldest sons managed the family business. Order, decorum, morality were not really comforts for him but rather the source of his oppression and isolation, and denying them must have been accompanied by a kind of relief. The first English translation was published in 1924, and there have been a number of different translations since then. hermano nor the angry Poseidon. Qu lindo es mirar los rboles, crepsculo y pellejo de ovejas. For C. Capri-Karka, in Love and the Symbolic Journey in the Poetry of Cavafy, Eliot, and Seferis, the poem "presents sensual pleasure as the center of man's existence." In the poem, "Ithaca", the author refers to Lestrygonians, Cyclopes, and the Poseidon. Much like in English, childrens poems in Spanish utilize simple repetition and literal imagery, meaning that childrens poetry is a good vocabulary builder. Qu lindo que es caminar, They are usually lessons that either the poet himself has experienced or moments in our lives that the poet does not want us to regret and miss out on. To begin with, through this piece, the poet signifies the importance of the journey of life. The symbolic departure from a harbor in "In the Street" (1913) is also represented as a strong intoxication with pleasure. ni al colrico Poseidn, Eran tan hermosos que por primera vez AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY youll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean. The key is keeping the practice fresh and fun! the wind dispersed the water, The first lines of the poem without a doubt display the ironic way Cavafy treats 'the Odyssey': "As you set out for Ithaka, hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery.". Historical timeline of Ithaca & Ithacan migration, Film screening 'The Hidden Eye': Lucy Kostos & Arnold Zable Sunday 7 May 6.00pm, Theatre afternoon: Mary Coustas' Up Close and Personal Sunday 2 July 2.00 pm, Ithaki fundraiser and Year 12 Awards - Sunday 2 April, IHS Lecture: In the footsteps of Odysseus on Ithaca, Monday 20 March, 7.30 pm online, IHS Book Launch: Passage to Ithaca 2nd Edition by George Paxinos, Sunday 5 March 2.00pm, A conversation with the Mayor of Ithaca, Sunday 26 February 7.00pm online. It is important to note here that the summer morning is a symbol for life as well as hope. It is true that Cavafy belonged to a generation which grew up with these values, and in my view the process of his liberation was for this reason a gradual and painful struggle. (LogOut/ Destinations disappoint. The character addressed is not identified. 'Ithaka' is a Greek language poem, written by the Egyptian poet Constantine Peter Cavafy. lleno de aventuras, lleno de experiencias. No temas a los lestrigones ni a los cclopes ni al colrico Poseidn, seres tales jams hallars en tu camino, si tu pensar es elevado, si selecta es la emocin que toca tu espritu y tu cuerpo. 22 terms. A stutter is oftentimes rooted in uncertainty or lack of confidence in speakingsomething every Spanish learner can identify with. He can efficiently tackle a situation if he has a clarity of thoughts. Me trajo Maru Mori Famous poets have been inspired by Ithaca and have used its name metaphorically on their works. and your scream stays how nice, to walk through life was a Roman lyric poet. Whatsoever, his motherland does not have anything more to offer. brother atravesados por una trenza de oro, the honey? a puertos nunca vistos antes. sin aguantar a que Itaca te enriquezca. MarAndElla From shop MarAndElla. He based several poems on Homer's Iliad, but "Ithaca" is the only one he drew from the Odyssey. One example is the reference to a brothel as the "ill-famed house" in the unpublished "On the Stairs" but as the "house of pleasure" in the 1915 poem "And I Lounged and Lay on their Beds." The date for Cavafy's personal or private liberation is set, as already mentioned, at 1902, on the basis of a note written in 1902 by the poet saying "I have been liberated." the shine of the stars, The Laistrygonians and the Cyclops, Cavafy: Collected Poems. She lives in Spain with poet Felix Grande, a member of the second generation of post-civil war poets. It seems as if he knows Odysseus well. ni mercaderas, ni anteojos, ni ascensores. So, he must focus on the means and divert his attention from the end as he is on the voyage to Ithaca. published in this book were translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. The predominant mood in these poems is one of fulfilment and glorification of the senses. Edmund Keeley, in his book Cavafy's Alexandria: Study of a Myth in Progress defines this form, which Cavafy used several times in his poems of this period, as "didactic monologue.". It was known for its architecture and as a center for natural sciences, mathematics, and literary scholarship. He infuses life into Ithaca and presents the island as a mother who nourished men like Odysseus. Cavafy wrote Ithaka (also pronounced as Ithaca) in 1911, inspired by the return journey of Odysseus to his home island, as described in Homers Odyssey. unless your soul puts them in front of you. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. C.P. Ithaka is a poem which makes heavy reference to The Odyssey. the immovable stone is quiet. This epic describes his travails lasting for 10 years, as he tries to return home after the Trojan War. These are only the first three stanzas of the poemsince its pretty long we havent included the whole thing, but you can read it here. ." However, Ithaka in this poem can also be understood as the destination of any journey, and it can be further understood metaphorically as a journey through life. It so happens that I am sick of my feet and my nails It is a free verse poem that does not resemble conventional diction. While he is about to return, he can be wealthy with all the resources he gained on the way. He does not enjoy his long journey, which is full of perils. Many artists and literary people have been inspired by this interpretation of Homer's poem and have given to this small island of the Ionian Sea a special sense. 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