suki avatar quotes

Katara: [to Toph] I'm just saying, maybe if you helped out earlier we could've set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation! Mai: You want me to express myself? Sokka: [about the supports in the drill] Wow. We have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately. I wanna learn how to shoot fire from my fingertips! [Katara kisses Aang on the cheek]. How ya likin' this party? Then comes running back] WRONG WAY! Azula: I never expected this from you. How dare you! I'm like a big growing ball of nerves. Priest: You are wearing a ceremonial piece of clothing from each of the bending nations. Prince Zuko: There's one technique you need to know before facing my Father. Jeong Jeong: Water brings healing, and life. Azula's Actress: Well my brother, what's it going to be? Make sure he gets your good side. Sokka: [compares the wanted poster, which has an evil looking version of Toph] Well yeah actually, it does look pretty good. Studio Ghibli Wallpaper. Sokka: Who is this guy? King: There are no take-backsies in my kingdom. But when I left - I probably really hurt them. Aang: [First meeting] I need to ask you something. Sokka: I'd love to. Push and Pull and that has been the nature of their relationship for all time. It will not be a pleasant experience but when you come out of it. The original firebenders were the dragons. But you'll figure it out. If only I could have helped you. But I can take care of myself *by myself*! Aang: He can't make you do this. Sokka: I guess he could talk the Fire Lord to death. [2] Among their first destinations was Razor Reef in the southern Mo Ce Sea, seeking it out as they had heard that a legendary martial arts master named Tidao resided there, hoping to get some training and advice. There was only like 20 guys. Sokka: Wouldn't he just take his keys with him? Because your sole duty is to the world. What did you say? Toph: [Finding a cavern] This is the place. Old General: But the 41st is entirely new recruits. Aang: Wait, stop! June: [to Zuko about Katara] So this is your girlfriend. Suki cautioned that Zuko and Aang were looking into the issue, and that the Kyoshi Warriors should wait for their findings before acting. Zhang Leader: You're not seriously going to cave into these spoiled Gan Jins! Avatar Roku: Mastering the Elements takes years of discipline and practice. Uncle: And then what? Aang: But I thought your uncle was - I don't know - good. Azula: I'm only telling you for your own good. Prince Zuko: I'm not. But fire is a horrible burden to bear. I've been drilling this sequence all day. Isn't he cute? I really am the last Airbender. Any sign of trouble was met with cruel retribution And yet, each month, I felt the full moon enriching me with its energy. I never thought I'd miss the taste of mud so much. [19] She was extremely resilient and loyal, and remained calm and collected in the threat of danger no matter how high the stakes were. General Fong: I see. Biyu said that, unlike Suki, she did not care about community, and only needed to get through her sentence in as much comfort as possible, saying that she would choose the warden over Suki as he owned the prison. It was decided that Suki, Sokka, and Toph would destroy the airship fleet. Great Sage: We are the Fire Sages. You'll be fine. Where's the closest airship? Commander Zhao: That's quite a bit of damage. Someone will probably end up taking his place soon. Avatar Cartoon. This is a lockdown! I just wanted you to know it's here. We're all aware of the story. And the eastern and western gates were the goal posts. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend, Kuzon. Sokka: I was wrong. No Avatar. Sokka: [thinks he's an earthbender] Take *that*, you rock! I can't believe that worked. Azula: But, I thought we were going to do this together? Scout: We've got old people who are weary from traveling. Uh, yeah, I guess I should apologize for that But anyway, I'm good now. Bato: And for Aang, the mark of the trusted. I'm the second. Katara: But he's special. For Zuko, a pearl dagger from the general who surrendered when we broke through the outer wall. You're going to stop a rock. Before leaving, however, Suki tried to make sure that her home was safe. [pauses] Also, Momo could talk. We can't just leave him here. Sokka: What do you guys think you're doing? We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. Sokka: [Sokka realizes Aang hasn't calmed down] Just get out of here! More about Suki You are an excellent waterbender. Ursa: I think you're confused. Prince Zuko: He had a complicated past. Circus Master: Well, our circus boasts the most exotic assortment Azula: [Cutting him off] Release them all! Katara: What's this? But he stepped out of bounds, so the official put him in the penalty box, not for twenty long years, but for two short minutes. Shoji: Maybe it was different in the colonies, Kuzon. [fire erupts from his mouth and hands]. I can't fly around, ok [sadly] I can't do anything. He was one of the best friends I ever had. Prince Zuko: No it's not! Katara: Sokka, we don't need to become cave people What we need is some new clothes. Suki and her fellow Kyoshi Warriors captured Aang and his friends for intruding on Kyoshi Island, assuming they were Fire Nation spies. You get a muscley version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at a time and making sassy remarks. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world. Aang: Toph got us money. Katara: Relax Aang. Azula did this to you. Prince Zuko: Uncle, you were unconscious. Azula reminded Suki that she wanted her to know just how hard Fire Nation prison would be, and reminded her that she had been reduced from the leader of a respected group of warriors to a mere prisoner. Now! Sokka and I, we're your family now. It's so hot Momo is is shedding like Appa! Gone fishing. You *do* always come back! That's enough. When Roku died, the sages eagerly waited for the next Avatar to return but he never came. Sokka: [after Toph has defeated the ships crew] Good work, Toph. Prince Zuko: Uncle. You are ready for a *real* sword. Sokka: [in a frightened, dramatic voice] Food eats people! Only that it runs on and on out of his control. Prince Zuko: But I don't feel any shame at all! Katara: The Avatar is the bridge between our world and the spirit world! She happily accepts it] Wow, thanks. Sokka: Who would be free? These pools are like our charkas. Jet: You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were You're an outcast like me. [Hands Aang a fluffy Koala-Sheep] . You must never give into dispair. Aang: I can only reach the Avatar State when I'm in genuine danger. Sokka: This is a mysterious little town you have here. After an awkward official introduction with Zuko, during which he apologized for burning down her village, Suki readily joined the breakout plans. Hama: Oh, Katara. Toph Beifong: Long Feng intercepted our letters from home? He wants to help me take the next step in the Avatar journey. I am! Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you. Sokka: If that's how Jet leads, then he's got a lot to learn. Aang: If you want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear. We can take Azula. [Toph opens the door to reveal Iroh] Glad to see you're okay. Katara: You were trapped in the Spirit World for 24 hours. It's a trap. Katara: She lied to you. The Earth King: What are you suggesting, Sokka? [they all stare at him] Why are you all looking at me like that? If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death! Azula: It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko. Aang: Alright, you caught up with me. You're still full of love, but fear has moved in where trust should be. Aang and I are going to have to do all the work! I suspected it might be a one-way ticket. I don't care what everyone else says about you, you're pretty smart. Even [sniffling] even to our dying breath. How do you know we're gonna win? These are the traits that define a great swordsman. Sokka: If I sweat any more, I don't think sticking together will be a problem. Azula: All right. Sokka: [about his homemade candle-clock] You put spark powder in the candle! Monk Gyatso: When you are ready, he will reveal himself to you. And if you could conquer one, your firebending talents would become legendary. Katara: Was it realistic? I think you miss them. Prince Zuko: I would have figured something out! Aang: I guess the jokes don't run in the family. 4. Sokka: Everything's going to work out perfectly from now on and forever. Our economy would be ruined. Okay, I guess I am pretty good. Sokka: [Aang is blindfolded while training] HAAA! Yes. And I really let him down. Sokka: Of course I care. Master Pakku: Well, I'm impressed. How can you be so infuriating? Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your transformation but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past. Young Sozin: With Roku gone, and the great comet returning, the timing was perfect to change the world. Which, by the way should be renamed "the history most people already know." Toph Beifong: [Katara's running in place] Um Katara, are you oka? [Aang laughs] Bumi, you're a mad genius! Uncle Iroh: Sick of tea? [ Aang, Katara and Sokka gasp]. [See the Koala-sheep have had their fur sheared off] A good night sleep will probably take the crazy away we hope. I'm bringing you down! Uncle Iroh: I'm afraid so. Aang: So have you ever redirected lightning before? It was scheduled to . But only when the sunlight hits it at just the right angle on the solstice. Aang: Maybe we should be a little nicer to the swamp. - Sokka During the play, she exchanged looks with Sokka during the scene where they practiced using Kyoshi Warrior outfits and acted jealous when Sokka shushed her during the scene where Yue became the Moon Spirit. Prince Zuko: They make me look totally stiff and humorless. You can't wait around for someone to help you. We created an era of fear in the world. Ursa: [gently] No. Kind Wei Jin promised to send help for the man as soon as he could, but as Wei Jin crossed the border to return the orb into Gan Jin territory he was arrested! Uncle Iroh: See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. His majesty is an icon, a god to his people. It's unbelievable. Isn't that great? Who told you? Prince Zuko: I am so, so sorry, Uncle. Prince Zuko: Well, I did have a girlfriend. If I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop, I'm gonna throw up. Master Pakku: Well, then he better get used to calling you "Master Katara.". Suki called the play horrible and never referred to it again in the series.[23]. I miss Sokka. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. But you said yourself, that was impossible. Katara: So you're leaving the South Pole? There are the ones outside protecting us, and the one's inside that help maintain order. Lao Bei Fong: My daughter is blind! Mai: "Dear Mai, I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, but I'm leaving.". Sokka: Uncomfortable? Sokka: Hey, I thought designing the lost Appa poster was *my* job. We need to stay focused on stopping that fleet from burning down the Earth Kingdom. I always thought she was a legend, until now. [the crowd cheers]. Jin Wei? Ursa: I didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation. Because you're just so perfect. Prince Zuko: Well, that doesn't help me. Sokka: Look at all those messenger hawks. I want you to have this. Aang: Oh, yeah, I've been there. Hawky: Gran-Gran, South Pole. Toph Beifong: "Deadly route?" Toph." Where are we going? I can't tell! And it's not going to find Appa. Like fragile, tiny shells drifting in the foam. Zhang Leader: Sick people get priority over old people. She's sweet, she's a bender, and her hair seems so manageable. I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as part of a matched set. It's a shame about the lilies though. I don't know what, but I do know why. Mugger: [standing knock-kneed] You! I've been through a lot in the past few years. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men? The Earth King: Dai Li. He really does care. And I *know* he's proud of you. As they headed back toward the village, Suki professed how she wanted to be just like the warriors when she was grown up, and Mingxia teased her for saying that every day. I'm embarrassed to be related to you! Don't lose it. [to Admrial Zhao about his fire bending skills]. Scribe: Sir, should I hold off sending that speech to the Fire Lord? Katara: I won't! Toph: [Leading them through some tunnels] This way. You think I'm a monster. I could sit her and complain how our mom like Zuko more than me. Wan Shi Tong: To prove your worth as scholars, you have to contribute some worthwhile knowledge. Azula: We *are* brother and sister. It would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn't return. Yes, they have taken away your ability to bend. Joo Dee: Hello, my name is Joo Dee. Uncle: Zuko, I am begging you. Georges St-Pierre Encourage your own curiosity; pursue the problems based on that. Well. Hakoda: Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most. The big city awaits! But you really need to get a grip. I bet Aunt Wu told you to wear those red shoes, didn't she? Ty Lee: [grabbing Mai] Come on! Azula: I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle. When a girl, Giya, entered the store, San and Jojan believed her to be a fake collector and the former discouraged her from buying shells, prompting Suki to ask if there was a problem. [Crowd cheers again]. It was such a conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body. Aang: Zuko, something happened to the dragons in the last hundred years. I'll straighten this boy out somethin' fierce. We defeated you for all time! Katara: [Talking about Zuko after he is forced to leave] And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free? Sokka: [In a hole] It's so dark down here. And great tea. [the guard walks up to Sokka, and moves to touch him] Um it's highly contagious! Toph: Hey! Suki and Toph fought Fire Nation troops during the battle for Yu Dao. Sokka: I'm starting to get some feeling back! Katara: Enough with the Team Avatar stuff. Katara: You're the one whose bag matches his belt. [she slashes at her hair with scissors, then grins manically]. Koh: Their spirit names are Tui and La. Just ignore her? And it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord's your boyfriend. Junior. Mayor Tong: Simple! Prince Zuko: [to a picture of his mother] I know I've made some bad choices. The villages were enemies so they could not be together. He got in. There's so much pressure. Suki trained new chi-blockers outside the Earthen Fire Refinery. Part of me really hopes that what you're telling me about this isn't true. I used it to start the campfire last night. Uncle Iroh: [sitting down, drinking tea and playing a game with domino-like pieces] I won't get to finish my game? And I'm not. Aang: Jeong Jeong tried to tell me that I wasn't ready I wouldn't listen. The perfect name for that guy! [Sokka pulls the poster out from behind him and shows it to everyone], Sokka: "From acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim, who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar.". Middle-aged. It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family. And I never should have sent that Fire Nation assasin after you. Azula: Alright hair, it's time to face your doom! Fine. Fire Lord Ozai: When the comet last came, my grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads. Katara: Aang used to come here a long time ago. Somebody tell me if I'm in the Avatar state 'cause I don't have a good view of myself! Fire Lord: You're going to take me out? DIG THIS SHIP OUT AND FOLLOW THEM. Water. From now on, you will be cared for and guarded 24 hours a day. Sokka: I told you we shouldn't mess around with this! Someone very important Where's Momo? But their love was strong and they found a way. Aang: [Aang stares at her and blushes] You mean all of you or just you neck? That's cause you gotta fight the Firelord. You don't know about it. Sokka: My dad might be here! And she wants to see you. Prince Zuko: That kid, Uncle, just did this. Haru: I want to thank you for saving me saving us. Katara: [Aang stays behind as the citizens leave Omashu] Aang? Suki stood her ground without giving Azula any response, leading the princess to claim that she was doing everything for her "favorite prisoner" and that she would destroy the Avatar and his friends while Suki stayed in prison. [holding up wanted poster of Toph]. A princess surrenders with honor. Princess Yue: [Telling the story of her birth] When I was born I was very sick and very weak. What can the Fire Nation do to you that they haven't done already? What a disgrace! You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the Royal Family, I understand. Classic! Note the inscription and the superior craftsmanship. What do you remember about our Great-Grandfather's history? Prince Zuko: My guess is they were taken to the Boiling Rock. Sokka: Great. Piandao: You messed things up in a very special way. Uncle Iroh: Zuko, I only meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem. No! [three hours later, after the play, everyone walks away from the theater at night]. Your own father doesn't even want you. He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering. Prince Zuko: [yells in frustration and slams his swords on the ground]. The bird returned with the Fire Lord's plan to avoid the ambush, resulting in Suki hastily preparing everything for Zuko's arrival. Prince Zuko: Growing up we were taught that the firenation was the greatest civilization in history. We're going to have to work pretty hard to cut through them! Azula: Please Zuko. It's just weaker for some reason. Young Zuko: Hey mom, you want to see how Azula feeds Turtleducks? Katara: [Reading a ransom note] "If you want to see your daughter again, bring 500 gold pieces to the arena." If a fish lives it's whole life in this river, does he know the river's destiny? We'd be completely vulnerable. You're the only woman that has ever taken my mind off of food! Prince Zuko: [Uncle is soaking in a hot spring] Enough! Now they will face the consequences. Guard: [as Sokka moves towards them, the guards hurry away] We'd better go wash our hands and burn our clothes! Prince Zuko: [about Azula] I know what you're going to say. She was shocked to hear Toph suggest that Aang take her bending away,[32] asking him if the bending community would be okay with taking someone's bending, as he had only done it once before. Now let's get out of here before "Combustion Man" catches us! Quon: Your life is about to change for the better. Suki: I am a warrior. I need more time to master firebending. Suki: You people all look the same to me. If we want to change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom. Warden: [Yelling] One that's bolted down and not floating in the water! I hit my head running away last night. A woman of action, she quickly captured the prison warden while Sokka and Zuko debated how to do so, prompting approval from Hakoda. Prince Zuko. Sokka: [gasping] Are you give me one of yours? Madame Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent mastering the form, the style, none calls it easy! Dumb stuff like that Well, I gotta find a bathroom. Katara: I know. Who are you, and what do you want? Sokka: [drops from the ceiling and knocks him out with a heavy book] That's called Sokka Style! A great swordsman history most people already know. Kyoshi Island, assuming were. [ they all stare at him ] Um it 's so hot Momo is is like. Leave Omashu ] aang Master: Well, I 'm good now 's to... At me like that Well, then he better get used to always visit friend! ; s approval: Oh, yeah, I 'm not interested in very. Same to me she has quite a bit of damage I bet Aunt Wu told you we should mess... 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